Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Post Information and Inquiries about Interviews and Status of Searches Here


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Anonymous said...

Has Delaware invited candidates out or not? The X from the wiki is now gone...

Anonymous said...

re: FSU open position. Thanks for the information!

Anonymous said...

Florida State has a shortlist of three candidates each for the aging and open positions. Don't know if all 6 candidates have been contacted yet, but they will be soon if they already haven't.

Anonymous said...

I accidentally did that strike through on a big chunk of the list, am so sorry! Not sure how to repair & don't want to make things worse, perhaps someone could help remove it?

Anonymous said...

Has Iowa contacted anyone? I saw it was slow to show up on the wiki as an potential job and there's nothing here about it.

Anonymous said...

I saw that Charleston is interviewing. Anyone have any information on that. For example, how many people or if there is an inside candidate? I saw there is only one x so there might be only two interviewees. Is that right?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know, on average, how many people a school will request extra materials from? I assume this is the long list? Then do they make a short list from that? Then a shorter list for interviews? Just curious as I have been on the "extra materials" list for several places but have not made the next cut.

Anonymous said...

who have been contacted for interviews and phone interviews- have you generally been contacted by phone or email? Just curious as to which one I should be checking 5 million times a day :)

Anonymous said...

I have been contacted for one in-person interview and two phone interview. One was via email, two were by phone.

Anonymous said...

I have three in-person interviews scheduled. Two contacted me by telephone, the third sent me an email asking me to call them at my convenience.

Anonymous said...

has anyone heard from Penn State on their Demography position search?


Anonymous said...

3:07: Please, for the rest of us, do not take all three of those jobs!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, there's only one of me. Should I be so lucky, I have no intention of holding up the market.

Anonymous said...

I kind of wonder how many of the current in-person interviews are with a handful of candidates.

Anonymous said...

Could someone please verify that the Marymount listed on the phone interviews list is Loyola Marymount in LA with a due date that has not passed (Dec 1 I think)?


Anonymous said...

It's probably Marymount Manhattan, which had an application deadline in September.

Anonymous said...

I have been contacted by email for both of my phone interviews.

Anonymous said...

UVA's online departmental calendar has job talks scheduled for the next few Thursdays, beginning this week.

Anonymous said...


But who are the candidates? Anyone being contacted by Virginia?

Anonymous said...

After having a phone interview with a place, do the schools generally contact those who have NOT been selected for a fly-out? I know one school that has not yet contacted the non-fly-out ones (Southwestern), and I'm waiting on another school (Willamette) with baited breath, wondering if they'll contact those they phone interviewed last week who do NOT make the cut. How does this generally work?

Anonymous said...

Maryland cancelled their search due to funding constraints.

Anonymous said...

If you had a phone interview, and haven't heard anything else for a while, you probably didn't make the fly-out cut. If that is the case, we likely wont contact you until the search is over (in case we have to dip back into the pool).

Anonymous said...

About UVA's calendar:

If you look at the 'meta data' saying when the PDF calendar was created, you can see it was set back in August and September.

So the calendar doesn't necessarily mean they've actually invited anyone yet. Perhaps they just had hopes of an early start to the process.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, 1:05; I'm going to cling to that possibility like a Titanic passenger to her life preserver.

I have a naive question: how does a school get in the "Short List" section on the wiki page? Do schools let applicants know they're on a short list prior to another round of cuts that brings them down to the even shorter list of people they're interviewing? What is the use in that? Basically my question is, how does the short list info get communicated?

Thanks, all

Anonymous said...

In my experience (someone who has been on 2 short lists), the school contacted me by e-mail to say I have made their short list and that they will be meeting soon to narrow the list to their final candidates they will ask to visit for an on-campus interview.

An unrelated question, does anyone know the status of University of Missouri? They have asked for additional materials, but does anyone know if they've decided on who to ask for interviews?

Anonymous said...

I have a strange question. Was the Haverford call (for the fly out interview) from a toll free number?

Anonymous said...

question regarding University of Oregon shortlist: has the school scheduled in-person interviews?

Anonymous said...

5.44: Oregon will meet on Monday to determine fly outs.

4.38: check out the site

Anonymous said...

6:14 thanks for responding the oregon question!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any info on the U of South Carolina joint search with Af-Am?

Anonymous said...

Any word for Michigan? The deadline has passed for over a month...

Anonymous said...

Re: SC
Received a letter acknowledging application, and then an email which also acknowledged application. Neither mentioned a time frame.

Anonymous said...

Could someone please indicate whether the Pitt interview is for the senior or one of the junior hires?

Anonymous said...

UC-San Diego has one job talk scheduled (on department calendar). Anyone know if it is for the inequality position or if it's for some other?

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know anything about UC-Santa Cruz social inequality search? Has anyone been contacted yet?

Anonymous said...

Last week, admin staff sent an email with request for missing info. But nothing else.

Anonymous said...

So what's the deal with UVA? They're behind schedule? Anyone know? Ahh, why can't this whole thing have standardized dates?!
Thanks in advance for any info.

Anonymous said...

anyone out there applying for african american studies and/or ethnic studies jobs too?

Anonymous said...

From the wiki, Harvard has scheduled in-person interview. Any details?

Anonymous said...

Props to the people who got an interview at Harvard!

Anonymous said...

I just heard from a friend that UVa has canceled its searches due to budget cuts. But it might be best to call the dept to verify.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard anything from U of Minnesota?

Anonymous said...

re: 2:16, i know a couple people applying for ethnic studies and af-am positions.

Anonymous said...


I'm applying for ethnic studies and American studies positions. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

re: 8:05. I believe Minnesota has scheduled a faculty meeting near the end of the month to make decisions about who to invite for interviews.

Anonymous said...

A colleague just got an interview at Yale.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have info on the Purdue joint search with Af-Am?

Anonymous said...

Most of the posts here are about top-20 prestige departments and a few elite SLACs. I'm chairing the search at a large state teaching-oriented M.A. - level university. We are receiving applications from top-20 (indeed, top-5) doctoral programs for our tenure-track search.

I'm curious: does this wiki not attract applicants who are really interested in positions below the elite doctoral departments? And how would you who fret about Yale, Maryland, Wisconsin, Smith College etc. positions, feel about taking a position below that lofty stratum? Would you be biding your time until you could apply elsewhere, or would you be able to carve out a rewarding career with a heavier teaching load, lower productivity expectations, and no doctoral students?

Anonymous said...

10:14-- I have been wondering about this for myself. While I would like a "prestigious" position, I also realize I may not be qualified for such a place (I am only "soft" on the job market this year, so I am not imminently facing this choice). It would largely depend on the atmosphere within the department and the location of the university. I think I would be happy at a prestigious university in a not-so-ideal place, or a teaching-oriented university in an ideal location. But I don't think I would be happy giving up on both prestige and location.

Anonymous said...

re 10:14

I am at a top 20 program and you describe exactly what I desire. Prestige is not important to me and I have known this throughout graduate school. In addition to a collegial faculty, I want reasonable research requirements with reasonable research support in conjunction with a doable teaching load and the ability to have a life outside of work. How you, as a SC member can discern applications from people such as myself from those that would move on, I do not know. Our vitas may not be quite as good on average as we are under less pressure from ourselves to land one of these top jobs. Good luck though. I hope you find a candidate that is as happy to be on your faculty as you are to have them.

Anonymous said...

10:14 - another response for you. I am more interested in larger, research-oriented programs. As such, I only applied to two smaller schools - both for geographic reasons. So search committees at smaller schools will generally not be evaluating me. That said, if I were to be approached by either school, I would be interested - provided that I still could get research done at those schools (something I don't really know about when applying).

Anonymous said...

also in response to 10:14 -

I think that many of us on this list are in fact very interested in the wide array of jobs out there. I, for example, don't really want the pressure of a "top" department. I want some time and support for my research and I really want to teach classes that are smaller than 40 students. I like leading seminars.

But I think there is less discussion of these 'other' jobs b/c there is less information out there about them... maybe because less people apply, or maybe because they are not yet moving forward on the interview process... or maybe there is some third reason out there...

Anonymous said...

I am at an R1, top 10 crim department, and I am applying to many small schools and state schools because of location. Ties to the area might be a clue, if they are noted in the letter of application, or perhaps this is just something the search committee has to attempt to discern through phone interviews or contact with references.

Anonymous said...

I decided not to go on the market yet (I am limited geographically, and everything listed in my area would have been a stretch, especially since I won't even be ABD until next month). But starting next spring, I would look at anything within commuting distance of my home. On the other hand, I would probably go for a job at a non-profit over academia if I couldn't do a significant amount of research. Around here, the schools that are like what 10:14 describes have teaching loads of 7 large classes a year with no TAs. I'm not sure how I could keep up with that kind of load even without doing research unless my only form of assessment was some sort of fill-in-the-blank exam. I'm a graduate of a SLAC, and I was so grateful for all the writing I did at school, but many of my classes were limited to 15 students. I don't want to compromise everything I enjoy and respect about my work for a job, even if the department is collegial.

Anonymous said...

I think it is important to note that this goes both ways - many PhDs on the market are trying to get the most prestigious job possible, but many schools are likewise trying to hire the most prestigious candidate possible. So to turn the question would those of you on SCs feel about a candidate who didn't come from a top department or who didn't have a top-3 publication? Would you see them as a potential colleague who would be an asset to your department, or would they be filling a spot where you'd rather see someone more prestigious?

On a personal note, I am from a top-5 department and do have both publications and grants to my name. I did not apply at any of the "prestigious" schools, choosing instead to focus on smaller private schools and regional state schools. Not because I couldn't land a "better" position, but because my definition of "better" does not include how prestigious the department is. I'm looking for interesting classes to teach with an opportunity to eventually develop my own courses, collaborative and supportive colleagues, and tenure expectations that allow me to spend my weekends with my family and never feel like I am risking my career by doing so.

So little midwestern college search committee...please call me!!!

Anonymous said...

re: 10:14

I am presently in a Top 5 department, and after spending as many years as I have there, realize that it is definitely *not* the kind of place I want to spend my professional life!

Many of us coming out of highly ranked departments chose to endure the high pressure, low collegiality, and poor geography as a graduate student in the hopes that coming out of a higher ranked department would result in being more competitive on the job market.

It would be a pretty cruel irony if that decision resulted in being considered less attractive for many jobs!

Anonymous said...

i hate to be a party pooper, but this is not the thread for this current dialogue

Anonymous said...

This is not 'Nam. There are rules.

Anonymous said...

You can see who the Cornell candidates are.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have details/more information on UVA canceling their search? I had high hopes for that one. . .

Anonymous said...

job talks at Cornell, publicly available info and so these must be it: (harvard, stanford, berkeley) in accordance with the article by the distinguished guy at Oregon

Anonymous said...

I'm probably just being jealous, but after looking at the Cornell candidates' CVs I'm not so impressed. They all have good publications but I also know a number of people on the market who have similar or even better credentials. It makes me rethink how much publication record matters for the job search process - an old question here. As this is an open search, I suppose their distinguished advisors worked really hard for them!

Anonymous said...

Its that time of year where we are all becoming stressed about the market. But I strongly suggest that we keep individuals' CVs and our assessments of them off this blog. Last year this type of conversation turned very ugly. Further, there is no point to speculating why someone did or did not get a job interview without reliable information.

Anonymous said...

Let's not assume that any candidate got the interviews they did just because of their advisor. Looking at a CV can only tell us so much. Unless we go read everything they've published, we have no idea of quality, especially for unpublished papers or the dissertation. And we have no way of knowing how they stack up against others in the pool. And as we know, many 'open' searches aren't really open--departments may be looking for some specific type of sociology.

Yes, there is a lot of randomness in the market, but I suggest that it is stratified randomness: for any given group with similar qualifications search committees may make seemingly odd decisions. But qualifications still matter.

Anonymous said...

Re: 1:50

I agree; PLEASE keep CVs and personal comments off. Don't make it any harder for anyone. Further, PLEASE keep posts on topic. If you want to, start another thread and entitle it "Blowing Off Steam."

Anonymous said...

Any word on the Stanford search?

Anonymous said...

I contacted the Stanford department administrator today and she said the files were being reviewed by the faculty.

Anonymous said...

Any word on the Missouri search?

Anonymous said...

For the person who marked that they were short-listed for the university of illinois-chicago crim position...when and how were you notified that you were on the short list?

Anonymous said...

I take it the Michigan search has been canceled. Anyone know anything?

Anonymous said...

Someone from Michigan told me they were just being slow, but I'm not sure.

Anonymous said...

Cornell sucks anyway...who would want to be with a bunch of snot-nosed over-privileged assholes and the dipshit upper-crust professors in that dept? People read their work because they are at Cornell, not because the research tells us anything new about anyting.

When those people die, no one outside of sociology will ever know who they are. NO ONE! Uninspiring, careerist, and laughed at by economists. Arrogant sociologists, hah!

Anonymous said...

Re: 4:46

Nice baiting. I hope the standard this year will be to not take the hook...

Anonymous said...

I heard one of the CUNY colleges canceled their search. Not sure which one.

Anonymous said...

I agree that people's names should be kept off this blog. If people want to identify themselves, that's fine, but let's not discuss other people specifically. That said, it's important to keep in mind that the academic job market is far from meritocratic, and depends a lot on social networks between professors. Not to disqualify those who have gotten top academic positions, but having a famous advisor that networks for you goes a long way to help. I think it's important to say those things so people who didn't do well don't feel so bad about themselves, and can think that their work may be important and good despite the fact that they didn't do well in the job market. That is, don't take the outcome of this game as a measure of your worthiness as a human being or a professional. And for those who do eventually get top jobs, please try to work to make it more meritocratic.

Anonymous said...

whoever contacts uva to ask whether their search is still on and then lets the rest of us know wins...i, too, was really excited about that one...

Anonymous said...

Clark popped up on the wiki last week but there are no Xs. Can anyone confirm that they have personally been contacted?

Anonymous said...

Has anybody heard from Pitt? The Job Wiki has an X by it, but only one, and it doesn't specify if it's for the senior or junior position.

Anonymous said...

I'm not the person who added the info on Pitt to the Wiki, but I heard through the grapevine that Pitt has starting scheduling in-person interviews for the junior position.

Anonymous said...

Re 7:34
Ok, what's my prize?

The good news: I called UVA and was informed that the search has not been canceled.
The bad news: The search isn't exactly "on" either.

It is apparently up in the air whether or not the position will be open; they've been told both no and yes lately and are waiting to find out for sure. Which of course means we will continue to wait as well.

10:30am and I am ready to sprint to the nearest bar. Fun times . . .

Anonymous said...

So you wanna be a SOCIOOLOGY big shot?

Cornell, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Berkeley, Wisconsin, Indiana, Chicago?

Let me tell you this. These people are fuckin nuts. They are the establishment pigs of sociology. Their research is purely for career purposes and reproduces the systems of oppression already in place.

Some are stinky white liberals who drive Volvos and listen to NPR and talk, talk, talk. They chatter and they scribble and little kiss-ass grad students follow them around at the ASA hoping to be the next big careerist jerk at one of their IVY League institutions.

"Getting published" in ASR or AJS is ALL that matters to these weasels. No matter if the research is right or wrong. Tenure, career, tenure, career. ESTABLISHMENT PIGS.

Anonymous said...

re: 7:26
Is that the case for both UVA searches (open and race/globalization)?

Anonymous said...

I want to be an establishment pig.

Anonymous said...

Re 7:50
7:26 here; I didn't ask, but the person I spoke with didn't say that one was going forward and the other wasn't. My impression is that the status of both positions is uncertain right now

Anonymous said...

I am an establishment pig and part of the liter searching for other piglets to join our club. Sadly, you have been misinformed about the credentials necessary for joining our club. I urge you to disregard the advice given to you by 7:47. There is, in fact, more to an application file than publications in AJS and ASR.

Anonymous said...

networks and cultural capital play a role too, if you are from the working class, do not expect to go to one of the IVY League schools, they will act like you are crazy when you can't hold the proverbial fork right or if you allow any of the little stuff to be revealed...remember, they don't want you there

Anonymous said...

What does any of this bitterness have to do with interviews or search statuses? Take it to the "I Need to Vent" page.

Anonymous said...

thanks but no thanks, Mr. "SC chair" oh and one more thing, FUCK YOU!

Anonymous said...

Again trying to return us to the focus of this thread and recreate a more supportive atmosphere... Does anyone have any information about the Washington State search? Their deadline was Oct 1st, I think. Thanks and good luck to all!

Anonymous said...

Boy, someone is in a crabby mood this morning.

Anonymous said...

anyone suicidal?

Anonymous said...

Wow, finally something on this board worth reading.

I say, let the backbiting begin!!!!

Anonymous said...

yale is full of assholes too

Anonymous said...

Faculty of the Yale Sociology Department publish and teach in the areas of Comparative and Historical Sociology, Cultural Sociology and Social Theory, Social Stratification and Life Course Research, Gender and Sexuality, Political Sociology, Sociology of Religion, Economic Sociology, Urban Sociology and Ethnography, and Chinese Society.

Anonymous said...

I'm very disappointed that nobody has insulted my department yet. It's like I don't even matter. :(

Anonymous said...

Clark made an offer

Anonymous said...

Wisconsin has more assholes than any of them. And no one has ever heard of any of them. Berkeley, all the top departments: ASSHOLES!

Anonymous said...

Yikes! I get the anger, but I would rather read these comments in the "venting" post then here where I'm looking for status updates.

Anonymous said...

Its OK my friend, I am angry too...why not put these comments in an ANGER and HOSTILITY section? Just freaking out myself waiting for an update...maybe you'll hear something positive, ya never know

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on Clark. Sounds like maybe they had an inside candidate? My hat is off to whomever got the job - I really wanted that one :(

Pretty please move the rants to the ranting thread.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Villanova has a short list for gender position but someone else told me the search is going to be suspended. Anyone know anything more?

Anonymous said...

I already got a rejection letter from Villanova.

Anonymous said...

1:04- when did you hear from villanova? i've been wondering what's going on with them.

Anonymous said...

I understand the frustration aimed at 'top' schools. Places like Cornell are intellectually stale, not a-holes. But we can go beyond the personal. The Val Burris article should be paired with research on networks that indicate that the excessive maintaining of status (thus Harvard, Stanford, Berkeley), keeps the centers of networks homogeneous despite awareness that innovation and new ideas are created at the margins of social fields (see Burt, etc.). The knives don't have to come out... It is disappointing to witness the 'status grab' that is on display every year... There are exceptions, of course. I suppose that there are (at least) two things to take from this: 1.) One has to think about whether or not s/he would want to be in the environment anyway, and 2.) It is a marketplace, but the candidates are not the actors, the candidates are the coinage being exchanged between these depts. Just a thought...

Anonymous said...

1:10, the letter arrived yesterday. The wording made it sound like they are proceeding with the search. But who knows, seems like the situation is very fluid right now for many schools. Possibly that's why so many SCs seem to be moving very slowly.

Anonymous said...

I also got a rejection letter from Villanova day before yesterday. Props to them for not keeping me waiting for an answer! It's somehow better to get the thumbs down right away than to have to wait...

Anonymous said...

I don't really care about the assholes at Yale, Harvard, Berkeley, Cornell, etc. I just want them to know that someone in their profession at a lower ranked school thinks that they are ASSHOLES and is smarter AND A BETTER RESEARCHER. I have found holes in a prominent individual's research at one of the top department's, but I will wait until I get better positioned to submit it to a journal b/c it could cost me a job. Yes, I've already seen it happen.

Best to be nice next time someone strikes up a conversation with you at the ASA and you arrogantly dismiss them. In print, I will hit back and it will be embarrassing for the royal highness whose syntax errors I've discovered. Suck on that you fat water-snake!

Anonymous said...

I wish more schools would go ahead and get the painful news over with quick. It would make my life a heck of a lot easier.

Anonymous said...

Any word on Oregon? They were supposed to decide on candidates yesterday.

Anonymous said...

oregon made an offer

Anonymous said...

Anything on the University of San Diego?

Anonymous said...

by the way, don't believe the oregon or clark posts would be my guess.

Anonymous said...

What about BU? They were very up on keeping us posted before.

Anonymous said...

Any news on the Michigan open search?

Anonymous said...

I have a question, especially for those on (or have been on) search committees. I have been invited for a campus interview, and couldn't be more excited. But, is it a good idea to inform other schools that I've applied to, and one's that I really like, that I've been invited for a campus interview? Does such 'desirability' have an impact on the search committee's decision? (More details: the dept that has invited me is from a R1 uni, but due to family and location I desire a teaching-oriented school in another part of the country).

Anonymous said...

Any news on the University of Richmond search?

Anonymous said...

Which BU are you referring to?

Anonymous said...

BU- Boston University

Anonymous said...

Thank you, 7:26, for the UVA info. I sure hope they figure it out - the waiting is killing me. Best luck to everyone to get an interview SOMEWHERE - i have one at this point and i'm reminded that having even one in academia, let alone in this economy, is something to be psyched about. and as much as i agree that the pricks at "top" institutions need to get off of their high horses because only about 4 people really, really care that they're "bigshots" (ha ha) in their little niche (i'm looking at you, wisconsin and chicago), let's do please put that on a separate rant page so the rest of us can enjoy the info here and not get riled up about addition to already being riled up about the job market. :) shanks.

Anonymous said...

Oregon has said it will be a few more days before they decide on who to fly out for interviews

Anonymous said...

3:00, the info is appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Any info about University of Cincinnati gender position? How many in-person interviews were scheduled?

Anonymous said...

From the wiki it looks like two...

Anonymous said...

Re: 2:12

I believe there is another thread for these types of questions.

Anonymous said...

For lack of a better place to post... anyone know where to find a blog/wiki with info on Latin American Studies jobs?

Anonymous said...

Oregon may have a backdoor candidate

Anonymous said...

Latin American Studies jobs:

For people calling names, talking about "pigs" etc. You're just contributing to legitimizing the system by behaving this way. If you really want to change things you need to behave rationally.

Anonymous said...

Re: 5:22

What leads you to say that about Oregon. I'm curious as I was on the shortlist.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the LASA link. I was not clear. I meant a place to find rumors or updates on job search status.

There was an "ethnic studies" wiki last year but none for this year that I have found.

Anonymous said...

Willamette has called three people for in-person interviews. Good luck to the candidates!

Anonymous said...

7:17: ethnic studies
there is a wiki - but no one has updated it for this year

however, my hunch is that if people see a bit of activity on the wiki, they will start using it. (that's what just happened in the past week with the women/gender studies wiki). i'll be happy to make updates also.

Anonymous said...

The grapevine is reporting that Oregon scheduled 3 interviews. I believe (but am unsure) that they called the candidates yesterday. They had over 250 applicants. So that's what we're up against.

Anonymous said...

I have no indication of a "backdoor candidate", so not sure what that other poster above was saying about Oregon.

Anonymous said...

$47 billion budget crisis in the state of New York

Anonymous said...

Actually, the current budget deficit in New York is 1.5 billion, which isn't that far off from what it has been. They are projecting a possible $47 billion budget deficit over the next four years.

Anonymous said...

Any more word on the Villanova search? The timeline? How many are still in the running? If the position may be pulled?

Anonymous said...

I think the grapevine is wrong about Oregon. According to the search committee chair, the department will not know until a day or 2 about inviting candidates. I think it's fair to say that everyone on the short list is still in the running until they hear otherwise. Please correct me if you know something I don't.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what's going on with the Global Urban Studies search at Michigan State?

Anonymous said...

Anyone knows how many candidates Texas-Austin invited for interview for the crime/law position? The wiki shows they scheduled interviews but there is no X. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I received the same info as 11:39 re: Oregon, so unless someone claims to have actually received a call for an interview, I think we should assume they are still working it out.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know anything about Syracuse?

Anonymous said...

Hey the can the person who said Clark made an offer tell us how they know that. I am not sure that is true.

Anonymous said...

i noticed the wiki mentioned a position at stonehill college- i haven't been able to find an ad for this. does anyone have more details?

Anonymous said...

Syracuse called people on their short list on Monday. I'm not sure if they've decided on who to fly out yet.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the comment about Clark making an offer was a lie. Not sure the truth of the comments that they have a short list or that they are looking to "diversity".

Anonymous said...

Re: October 28, 2008 2:12 PM-
I was on the market last year, and I think it can't hurt to indicate to SCs at schools where you really want to work that you have an in campus interview elsewhere. I found that buzz around my interviews helped to add to my appeal as a candidate (I had many offers).

Anonymous said...

just heard that florida state has suspended their searches this year. don't know if these positions are completely cancelled, but it certainly doesn't look good.

Anonymous said...

re: Stonehill

The job announcement was in the employment service section this summer. Stonehill has already begun interviewing candidates.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard from Bucknell, Providence College or Univ. of Richmond?

Anonymous said...

clark admin wants to increase the diversity of the sociology dept. (heard from a reputable source)

Anonymous said...

For whoever posted the info about U Illinois Chicago having a short list for their crim position: is there any other info? do they have a date to make a decision about interviews? and were they directly contacting members of their short list or did you hear through the grapevine? Thanks much! Sincerely, still desperately hanging on to a glimmer of hope...

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know about the status of Middlebury College's search?

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard anything from Middlebury, other than an acknowledgement letter.

Anonymous said...

No information on Chicago, but does anyone know of a Criminology/ Criminal Justice wiki similar to this?

Anonymous said...

Re:11:43 AM

Providence College made a short list and contacted the candidates. They should be contacting people in the next week for in-person interviews.

Anonymous said...

Are Search Committees waiting for the election before they make their decisions? If the wiki is at all accurate, a lot of schools who had September and early October deadlines are moving very slowly.

Anonymous said...

a birdie told me that UC Davis has arrived at a long short list for the Macro position. i was told that the faculty will vote on it tomorrow & then the dean will have to approve it next week before candidates are notified.

Anonymous said...

Someone (ip address says they are from Madison) has put Washington State University on the canceled search list on the wiki. Is this vandalism or does someone know something?

Anonymous said...

4:23, so that means the faculty will vote to choose 3 or 4 people from that list to invite? Do deans usually approve the list of candidates at that stage?

Anonymous said...

Apparently the anonymity of the blog is compromised by IP addresses? Anyway, it doesn't matter, the Washington State search is definitely cancelled. I was contacted earlier in the week for a fly-out interview--I would have put it on the wiki earlier but out of superstition I wanted them to book my ticket to confirm it first. Then I was contacted by the chair of the search committee today to say their dean has cancelled all searches and the interview is off. He said the search was definitely cancelled not suspended. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news--I obviously am quite disappointed.

Anonymous said...

@4:38: The ip addresses are all available on the wiki, not the blog. Sorry for putting it up here though - it probably is not good to do so. My motive was to discourage vandalism like the fake Oregon/Clark posts we had earlier, but I didn't think about it much. Thank you for the news, though it is disappointing.

Anonymous said...

Middlebury's deadline isn't for another week, so I'm guessing they won't make any big moves before then.

Anonymous said...

The 10.29 at 10:28am Oregon post was not fake. They called candidates Tuesday, and the rest of the info in that post is true.

Anonymous said...

To whomever listed Georgia State as having a short list--how/when did they contact you? I was told by an insider that they weren't even meeting about their long list until early November.

Anonymous said...

Any word on Boston College, Santa Cruz or U British Columbia? Like where they are in their process?

Anonymous said...

I received e-mail confirmation of my application to British Columbia, saying that they'd determine a shortlist by mid-December.

dante said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I believe that Boston College has invited candidates (or at least one).

Anonymous said...

I received a rejection letter from Villanova today.

Anonymous said...

Re. Georgia State

They have a long short lists - 10 names for each position.

Anonymous said...

Re: Georgia State

Have they informed those on the long short list yet?

Anonymous said...

Rutgers-new Brunswick has started scheduling its interviews (4 in total) for the social demography position.

Anonymous said...

Can someone clarify which position is the Michigan (Ann Arbor) interview for (as shown on the wiki)? Open, China, or others? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of replying to my rejections from schools with a Palinesque: Thanks, but NO THANKS.

Anonymous said...

Georgia State - dept. discusses short short list - 5 names out of 10 and then will notify those selected. it is going to happen soon.

Anonymous said...

Any update on UC-Davis macro?

Anonymous said...

Re: Georgia State. Is the department planning on telling those 5 who don't make the cut that they were on the long short list?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard from CUNY-Hunter, UCLA or UC-Davis?

Anonymous said...

Hunter is reviewing applications now, but I'm not sure what their timeline is.

Anonymous said...

a few questions about the posts to wiki:

1) did someone hear from BU? if so, when?

2) wiki says u. south carolina joint w/ af am cancelled- did someone get a letter or something?


Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard anything from Vanderbilt (Medical), UNC-Chapel Hill, or Georgia State?

Anonymous said...

re 10:56 question about USC. I heard from a reputable source that the school has a hiring freeze

Anonymous said...

What's going on with UC Santa Cruz and U San Diego?

Anonymous said...

Okay, I was patient, but it's November now. Lets get on with this already!

I want updates!!

Anonymous said...

University of Portland will be meeting to make a short list on Wed.

Anonymous said...

(Sorry if I post this twice, the last one didn't seem to work.)

The person who posted on the wiki about Hofstra... when were you contacted? was is by phone or email?

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know anything about University of Iowa? They are on the wiki as having a short list, but nothing further...

Anonymous said...

According to the wiki, U Minnesota has started scheduling interviews for the open position? Has anyone been contacted? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

It is very frustrating that so many schools with early deadlines do not seem to be making any progress.

I just got a letter from my undergraduate alma matter today announcing a hiring freeze. I wonder if a lot of the schools that have not contacted anyone yet have actually been frozen and most candidates are just unaware:(

Anonymous said...

I also heard of a hiring freeze at a R1 from a reliable source last Friday and it sounds like a fast-spreading virus that plagues a large number of public universities. Not sure what will happen for those of us who have not heard from anyone.

Any word on Stanford? That's the last major private school on my list...

Anonymous said...

Delaware invited 4 candidates

Anonymous said...

I was very disappointed to hear (today) that Villanova did cancel their search. I am really bummed. This is looking like a really grim year...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Villanova news... its a sad day.

Anonymous said...

How did you find out about Villanova? I heard they were sending out rejection letters pretty recently.


Anonymous said...

FYI: Earlier today the WIKI indicated that the Univ. of Virginia had a short list. Someone eliminated the update this afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Any news about the positions at Cal State L.A. or Sonoma State? "California Dreamin'..."

Anonymous said...

the open search at University of Virginia has been called off, but the globalization/ race/ethnicity search is ongoing.

Anonymous said...

Is there any more information on Albright? Are they conducting phone interviews for both positions? When were people contacted?

Anonymous said...

The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, has invited 4 candidates for the junior open position. The department will invite another group of candidates for the China position later.

Anonymous said...

Villanova is NOT canceled. They are reviewing all searches, but it looks good that the soc search will go ahead.

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