Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Post Information and Inquiries about Interviews and Status of Searches Here


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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if the University of Oklahoma has moved on from the short list and scheduled interviews?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I contacted RWJ SHP and they said that the remaining candidates will be notified via snail mail...

Anonymous said...

Re 10:17

"remaining candidates..." This means those who were not selected, right?

Anonymous said...

10:17 ~
snail mail? that really sucks for people like me who are out of town for the holidays. Did you ask them for your status when you had them on the phone?

Anonymous said...

Re: 4:44

I didn't - out of hopefulness/denial, just asked generally when notifications would go out.

Anonymous said...

sorry guys - RWJ SHP only reject via snail mail. speaking from experience here.

Anonymous said...

Hey, if only the last few rejectees are notified by snail mail, that's a little status symbol in its own right. I'm putting "Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholars in Health Policy, Snail Mail Rejection, 2008" on my CV under "Awards and Honors" immediately.

Anonymous said...

rejection from RWJF SHP today (letter sent in mail)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

So I take it nobody has any actual news about the job market recently, huh?

*(Please correct me if I'm wrong.)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

No news!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

dean has lots of power over UPITT's soc dept and that is why they lost their searches but dept seems not to want to admit it to candidates (heard from administration)

Anonymous said...

a borderline schizophrenic PhD candidate (clinically diagnosed) keeps posting different conflicting and outright made-up information about several different schools here as we confirmed when he left a workstation with a half-written yet-to-be posted comment open on the screen

i guess this is how he relieves his stress and perhaps this blog is not as reliable as i originally thought

Anonymous said...

Pittsburgh has made an offer for one Asst Prof (it's not listed on the wiki, but since it's not me I'm not sure I should be adding it) and they are also hiring one or two people with tenure, I don't know which.

And of course the Dean has lots of power over whether searches get stopped. It's what Deans do.

Anonymous said...

Re: 6:50

I think if you know FOR SURE that an offer has been made, it is okay for you to add it to the "offer" list (for example if your best friend has received the offer). If you have just "heard" that an offer has been made but have not confirmed it with the person directly, I wouldn't add it.

Anonymous said...

Wow 6:02: I hope none of my job info is coming from the imaginations of a schizophrenic PhD candidate.

Anonymous said...

Any news on the Holy Cross methods position?

Anonymous said...

I went out of town and came back to two official rejection letters from CUNY Hunter and Siena. Happy festivus!

Anonymous said...

I see that Cal State Fullerton is now on the list of schools that have made an offer. They were hoping to hire for two positions (likely one in social work and one in crim, with at least one hire being a theory instructor). I'm looking for any sort of info here: Did they make two offers? For what position(s)? Etc. etc. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Sociology: MIT hadn't sunk that low

Anonymous said...

F&M is still in the process of deciding who to interview. They requested materials in late November but got slowed down by the holidays and expect to make some decisions within the next two weeks.

Anonymous said...

Got an email about a job opening at SUNY Buffalo for a criminal justice person. I couldn't find the ad anywhere on ASA or ASC, so here is the link:

Due Jan. 26th

Anonymous said...

The UC Davis macro position was offered a couple weeks ago and apparently has been accepted.

Anonymous said...

Has the University of Washington made an offer yet? It's not on the wiki.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that U of Washington still has not voted yet because of the holidays. But this is just my guess and I would also appreciate for any update on their search. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

U Washington's search has been put on hold for budgetary reasons.

Anonymous said...

has anyone heard from cuny-hunter (theory search)?

Anonymous said...

re: cuny hunter

I got a letter a week or so ago letting me know that I was NOT on the short list.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Holy Cross has made an offer for their methods position.

Anonymous said...

3:37, this is terrible news for all the five of us who interviewed there, but thanks for the info! Let's hope there is still a chance after the new year...

Anonymous said...

I'm fairly certain that the latest U Washington info is inaccurate.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 9:24 am. Best of luck to all and happy new year's.

Anonymous said...

12/30 3:37 here:

9:24 & 10:17 - Can you say more about the status of the U Washington search?

Anonymous said...

I'm another Washington interviewee. The last I heard was the email from the chair saying that the vote was delayed because people were out of town. I haven't heard any official word about budget related delays, but right before I interviewed the main headline in the Seattle paper was the huge university budget cut for the next year. The chair was explicit during the interview that they wanted to make a deciaion quickly, because they were afraid a cut might happen. Maybe they voted and got an offer out before the holidays, but if they didn't I would say the odds are better than not that the budget shortfall is going to effect this position. It seemed like a great department and a wonderful place to live, so I'm bummed since neither reason why I haven't heard anything bodes well.

Anonymous said...

8:43 here again. I also realize that unless 9:24 knows something that they're not saying, at least three (and maybe four) of us Washington interviewees haven't heard from the committee. Maybe the fifth person was given the offer and isn't on SRM, but it also suggests the extent to which things are delayed.

Anonymous said...

8:43, I'm another Washington interviewee and I have not heard anything either. I was also aware of the huge university budget cut when I was interviewing, but so far there is no explicit sign that the search has been suspended.

As a side information, a polisci professor there told me two weeks ago that their department made an offer to a junior candidate, so at least we know offers were still coming out of UW. I suggest that we all contact the search committee chair on Monday to find out what is the actual status of the search. They can't let us wait like this forever!

P.S. I agree with you that it is a great department and a wonderful place to live. :-)

Anonymous said...

One more Washington interviewee chiming in, in the same boat and with the same sense of things as 8:43 and 9:19.

Anonymous said...

8:43 here. This is the second position for which I interviewed that subsequently went into budget limbo. At least I have a more interviews this month, but this is exhausting!

Anonymous said...

Washington interviewees, don't lose hope just yet. Even when there are major budget cuts, some departments are able to keep their TT lines, or even sometimes get a search that was cut reinstated.

Anonymous said...

9:19 here. I also have one more interview this month but, as 8:43 said, it is indeed exhausting and irritating. I thought I could go home with an offer for the holidays but now it looks like it won't be over until February...

In the meantime, I also realize that we are already lucky enough to get multiple interviews in a year like this. So perhaps we should not complain, even though I really want to!

Anonymous said...

8:43 here. It really is a bitter mix of emotions. I'm really honored to have had as many interviews as I have, but that's what burns the most about not having any offer in hand yet. Stupid cancelled searches! And looking over the list of people who interviewed at Washington this year, we all do really interesting research! I'd enjoy being junior faculty with all of you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, 8:43. (9:19 here again) I had exactly the same feeling and experience as you did. The distance between a few good interviews and one single offer is incredibly long!!!

Yes, I'd also be thrilled to have colleagues like all of you who interviewed at Washington this year. No matter what will happen, I know I'm already honored to have peers like you. Good luck to all!

Anonymous said...

any news at all on St. Cloud?

Anonymous said...

What about University of Northern Colorado in Greeley?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Anyone know anything about Portland State (yes, I know the deadline just passed, but does anyone have any info)?

Anonymous said...

I applied at Portland - have not heard anything

Anonymous said...

Any confirmed information about Providence College or University or Richmond?

Anonymous said...

Hunter has made an offer which will likely be accepted. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

Providence College has sent out an offer for at least one of its two positions.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know about the U of Memphis position? Haven't seen much on the blog or wiki, but my understanding is their search is still on...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Re: 7:13am/U Memphis
The dept voted in Dec. You should contact the dept chair or the SC chair for info on the current status of search.

Anonymous said...

Any news on the Michigan State position in sociology and Chicano/Latino studies?

Anonymous said...

The University of Washington search is indeed up in the air and waiting for the dean's office to make the decision. Just confirmed it with the search committee chair. Sad news...

Anonymous said...

Anyone heard anything on the Mississippi State position for Race and Ethnicity? They did flyouts before Xmas.

Anonymous said...

Any news on University of Portland or CSU-Pueblo crim serches?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing the Washington legwork, 12:30. It's what we all suspected, but it feels better to have confirmation. The uncertainty is what drives me crazy!

Anonymous said...

Re: Michigan State Soc & Latino/Chicano Studies, I know they did flyouts the beginning of Dec and I've heard they made an offer already.

Anonymous said...

Was the Providence College offer accepted?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard if either of the Rutgers campuses had their offers accepted?

Anonymous said...

i hope all tenured faculty at Rutgers get fired immediately adn then have to hack it in the REAL WORLD, let's see how long before they cry

Anonymous said...

what's the matter sociologists? can't hack it in the real world? no regression coefficients or petty abstractions to debate???

Abandoning Eden said...
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Anonymous said...

I see that St. Ambrose made an offer. Was this for the soc position or the soc and criminal justice position? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

The St. Ambrose University offer was for the straight sociology position (not the combined Soc./CJ). No offers from the school were made over winter break. There is a chance the offer may not be accepted due the candidate receiving multiple offers.

I hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

Memphis has made an offer.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 3:37. That helps a lot.

Anonymous said...

cuny city college anyone?

Anonymous said...

Has CUNY City College even invited people to interview on campus? I had a phone interview the week before Thanksgiving, but never heard another peep.

Anonymous said...

i was just wondeirng if anyone heard a "peep"

Anonymous said...

8:44 here. Haha, let's make fun of the southerner and her cute words. Actually, I'm happy to be made light of; it takes some of tension off the waiting.

Anonymous said...

Trying to find out about CSU Fullerton. They were supposedly hiring for two positions (crim and social work). The wiki says an offer has been made. Is that one offer or two? Which position(s)? Has it been accepted? Any info will be much appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone ever hear anything from Tufts?

Anonymous said...

when us yankees hear the word "peep" we think of those little yellow marshmallow things that come in easter baskets

Anonymous said...

'Peep' isn't Southern - you've just been co-opted by the candy industry to think it's trademarked.

Apparently 'peep' dates from the 15th century:

Anonymous said...

I'm in the exact same boat re City College.
Ever microwave a marshmallow peep? Entertainment gold.

Anonymous said...

Actually microwaved a christmas peep last week.

Anonymous said...

CUNY City College did flyouts in Dec. They should be making a decision in the next week or so.

Anyone know anything about the other CUNY positions? Baruch? Queens?

Anonymous said...

Washington State lifted their hiring freeze:, so that may be good newsto those of you waiting. Also, while I'm guessing most of you will receive the exact same e-mail, Harvard's search is concluded.

Anonymous said...

I'm confused about City College fly-outs. Was this the open specialization/quant posting - reviewing apps starting Dec 26th?

Anonymous said...

yeah, my CUNY app went in on 12/26/ that must be a different position, unless they have a time machine

Anonymous said...

Tufts? Ithaca college? anyone?

Anonymous said...

re City College CUNY: Not sure what the deal is. The position I'm referring to was open but preference given to quant research, the ad I read had no deadline, but they definitely did fly-outs in Dec. Maybe they have two positions?

Anonymous said...

Tufts has invited candidates out for interviews.

Anonymous said...

Earlier, one person reported a phone interview with Baruch. Any updates on that position?

Anonymous said...

the ad i saw said (from ASA Jobbank): "Open until filled with review of applications to begin December 26, 2008."

How could they have done fly-outs in December for this position (Open w/quant pref) if they said they would not review until the day after xmas?

Anonymous said...

that is the CUNY CITY COLLEGE position , reviewing 12/26/08 until pos. fill.

Anonymous said...

thanks for info on tufts. does anyone know if they are interviewing at the assistant and/or associate levels?

Anonymous said...

CUNY-Queens is interviewing three candidates this week for the demography position, and I think that Baruch *might* be flying out candidates next week, but I'm not certain.

Anonymous said...

Re: Tufts

They are interviewing for assistant level. Unsure about associate...

Anonymous said...

high levels of economic stress in this job market, people in my dept. with only a book review getting tt jobs, what a goddamn nightmare!

Anonymous said...

Any word on Pitzer?

They're on the wiki as having done interviews, but no X's. And I haven't even gotten a confirmation of application receipt even though I contacted their admin.

Anonymous said...

Pitzer made an offer the week before Christmas. I think that it was accepted, but I'm not positive.

Anonymous said...

Anyone heard anything about Guilford?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard from Gettysburg or Westminster College? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Another time machine question...Does anyone think the Westfield State College info is accurate? Their deadline is Jan 15...I need to send my application but don't feel like wasting the money if, indeed, it is a waste.

Anonymous said...

In early December Gettysburg requested additional information from a group of folks. Not sure how many.

Anonymous said...

Gettysburg has a short list and Westminster has scheduled interviews.

Anonymous said...

Any update on Wisconsin? What happened after they interviewed two candidates in December (from wiki)?

Anonymous said...

Wisconsin made an offer, but I'm not sure whether or not it has been accepted.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine has a phone interview with Davidson next week, so it looks like there is at least the possibility of some schools going back to their applicant pool.

Anonymous said...

has anyone heard anything on Southern Illinois University?

Anonymous said...

I received the following in an email from Bradley:

The Department of Sociology has successfully filled the vacant position in Theory. This year we have received quite a large number of very outstanding applications. The search committee brought 3 candidates to campus in December selected from a short list of 10.

On behalf of the search committee I thank you for considering a position at Bradley University. Your credentials are impressive and it was not easy to reach a final decision. We wish you the best in your search for a teaching position. We will keep your application in our file and will not hesitate to contact you if a vacancy develops in the department.


Anonymous said...

NYU made an offer.

Anonymous said...

That surprising news re: Davidson, but I guess potentially good news for someone who thought they were out of the running. I heard from an indsider that they had an inside hire that they (students and faculty alike)REALLY liked (I think that 411 was posted on this list as well). I also heard that they are looking for a "diversity hire," however that may be defined. I hope that the inside hire got a better offer.

Anonymous said...

I just noticed that Siena is listed as having made an offer. I received my rejection letter from them and it indicated that that offer had been accepted. I don't know it this is official enough to alter the wiki, but take it for what it's worth.

Anonymous said...

Are there any updates on UNC-Charlotte? Strat (deadline 10/24) or Open Position (deadline 12/15). Previously there was talk on this blog about an inside hire for the Strat position, then talk about a hiring freeze?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yep. Got the same email from Bradley. Really a nice form letter, but too bad it wasn't as personal as it sounded. :)

Anonymous said...

UNC greeley has been calling people to schedule phone interviews for next week.

Anonymous said...

CUNY College of Staten Island has just posted a position today, but the deadline is about 2 weeks away.
Anyone know anything about this one?
I dont know enough about the place to have a definite opinion, but such a short notice, coupled with it not being announced in any lists make me think its an inside candidate issue, but you never know.

Anonymous said...

Mississippi State made an offer for the race position in December. It hasn't been accepted (yet?).

Anonymous said...

The University of Pittsburgh assistant professor job has been accepted. They ended up with one politics & culture line this year.

Anonymous said...

I see that Hofstra has been moved to the "confirmed" list. To the person who received this news - how did you find out and do you know what position this was for? They were hiring for two, an open and a stat/methods. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Was the NYU offer accepted?

Anonymous said...

cincinnati (race) offer?

Anonymous said...

Received a rejection letter today from Cal State Fullerton, where I interviewed. Said they will not be hiring for this position (social work) because of the budget.

That's two for two for me. One more to go--should I even be bothering? I just wish they would tell me that there was no money BEFORE I prepare for and go on the interview.

Have to wonder if I've thrown away the last decade of my life...

Anonymous said...

Re NYU: The person who I know that received the offer received two other offers. Last I heard, hu was leaning towards accepting the NYU position, but I don't know if that has been made final.

Anonymous said...

5:17 Cincinnati made offers for race and for gender positions.

Anonymous said...

it is already known about Cincinnati, and the WIKI reports that the Gender offer was accepted...the query was about the Race position

i emailed a faculty member there, but have not heard back for weeks

Anonymous said...

Then it's probably time to update your email address to:

Anonymous said...

Anyone heard anything about Bowling Green's family studies position? They requested info in early December, but I was wondering if they'd moved on from there.

Anonymous said...

Wow, three offers including 1 from NYU! Congratulations to your friend! Do you care to share whether the other two are from schools that are already on the wiki's "offer" list? And if so, have they been on long? Just curious....

Anonymous said...

Any news on North Texas? I see that they scheduled interviews at some point.

Anonymous said...

re: Hofstra. I got a letter from them dated December 16th that said "we can now announce that we have made offers to these candidates and they have been accepted." The letter referred to positions in the plural. I had emailed them in early December checking on the status of the search, so my letter may have arrived earlier than others.

Anonymous said...

I read that Tulane is interviewing for one of their two advertised positions. Any word on the other (not Latin studies)?

Anonymous said...

its probably time to update your email address to

Anonymous said...

Re: North Texas
They did in-person interviews in early December. The first offer was declined; no word on whether the #2 person has accepted.

Anonymous said...

I personally know one person who accepted a Hofstra position.

Anonymous said...

I received a rejection letter from City University of New York today.

Anonymous said...

which cuny? city college?

Anonymous said...

Yep. City College.

Anonymous said...

re: Providence College

At least one of the two offers has been accepted

Anonymous said...

Re: 6:52

Providence College decided to make TWO hires? Wasn't there only one position originally?

Anonymous said...

"I am not going to sit on my ass as the events that affect me unfold to determine the course of my life. I'm going to take a stand. I'm going to defend it. Right or wrong, I'm going to defend it."

-Cameron Frye (1986)

Anonymous said...

wasn't CITY COLLEGE's deadline to start reviewing apps 12/26?...they made a decision that quick?

Anonymous said...

wkrp in...

Anonymous said...

Re: 8:05

Providence was conducting two searches. The original ad sought for specialists in sociological ethnography and specialists in demography or migration. I believe they invited 3 candidates out for each TT line. (total of 6 candidates)

Anonymous said...

So which of the Providence College offers was accepted ethnography or demography?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would think this person accepted the Providence College position in demography.

Anonymous said...

I just got my City College rejection letter as well, dated November 30, 2008. Weird.

There still seems to be confusion about their jobs. They advertised two: one with a Dec 26 deadline and one with a much earlier one. I applied for the earlier one, had a phone interview right before T-giving, and heard nothing until yesterday (even though they had apparently made up their minds shortly after my phone call)

Anonymous said...

is the Southern Illinois Carbondale offer indicated on the wiki for the theory/social movements position?

Anonymous said...

I just received an email that Virginia's McIntire School of Commerce has cancelled the search for a strategy position. You know it's bad out there when b-schools start cancelling searches!

Anonymous said...

Any word on Case?

Anonymous said...

RE: 10:11

I've heard that Case is in a "holding pattern" until late January/early February due to budget considerations. They hope to be able to make an offer at that time, though ...

Anonymous said...

Any word on UNC-Charlotte?

Anonymous said...

re: confusion over City College-CUNY

I applied for the Dec. 26 deadline posting. Here is a link from the college's website. Anyone who applied to the earlier deadline care to comment on whether this is the same job description?

Anonymous said...

I believe it is the same job ad. I submitted my application in October and got my rejection last week.

Anonymous said...

My timeline is roughly the same as 3:34's, but I could've sworn the job ad I responded to mentioned demography as a specialty area. I no longer have a copy of the ad, and there have been oh-so-many fruitless applications that they are all running together into one giant, undifferentiated river of failure, so I can't be sure I'm correct on this.

Anonymous said...

I checked, the job ads are EXACTLY the same. Nothing about demography.

Anonymous said...

Exactly the same excluding the Dec. 26th deadline, right? Perhaps they opened up the position a second time? The one with the Dec. deadline is posted on ASA from 12/17-1/16. Does the person who posted about Dec. flyouts know if an offer was made?

Anonymous said...

Within the CUNY system, Baruch College and Queens College were hiring demographers. Both had deadlines in late November and have already scheduled campus interviews.

Anonymous said...

Just heard back from U of Minnesota and Mass at Amherst that open positions in both schools were canceled.

Anonymous said...

Ithaca College anyone? Anyone? Hellloooooo?

Anonymous said...

Ditto 3:01, I am also wondering about UNC-Charlotte. They were listed on the wiki before winter break as having scheduled interviews. Anyone know what's going on there?

Anonymous said...

re CUNY interviews: I don't think they've made an offer yet. I heard they are having budget issues.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any info on Tulane--whether they made an offer after interviewing for Latin Am. Studies or whether they've started interviewing for the Soc position they advertised?

Anonymous said...

Re: Ithaca

They don't start classes for the spring until Jan. 20, so it's possible there won't be movement before that.

Anonymous said...

Any more news on the St. Ambrose offer for the soc position? Any news on the soc/crim position? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

what if you have lots of publications but not job and all the stuff that otherwise would have helped your tenure case, will have your PhD-degree granting institutional affiliation?

Anonymous said...

I heard that at least one person officially took an offer from St. Ambrose, but I don't know how many were made.

Anonymous said...

The orginal offer for the sociology position at St. Ambrose was declined due to the candidate accepting an offer somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

12:10 - can you clarify? if you don't have a job, who is offering you tenure?

Anonymous said...

Will my not getting the job I wanted hurt my chances of being offered tenure at said job in 7 years? Can anyone tell me?

Also, can I negotiate for a lighter teaching load and summer research funding at any of the Universities that didn't hire me?

Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

re: UNC-Charlotte

I had originally applied for the Strat position. In early Dec. I got an e-mail (which I assumed was a mass e-mail to the original pool of applicants) asking if I wanted to also be considered for a second Open position. This made me think some decisions/short-lists/etc. were already made about that first Strat position (plus there was something on this blog about a possible inside hire?). I applied for the second position but haven't heard a thing about either.

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of pubs and no interviews. The forthcoming stuff will carry my institutional affiliation where I earned my degree. Does this mean I have to publish more and more to get tenure or does stuff that was published before you get a job count for tenure?

Anonymous said...

8:01- that depends on where you end up getting a job. I've heard some places will count stuff that comes out after they hire you but before you start (say you sign your contract in December, start in August, but have a pub come out in May.) I also interviewed at a place that said they counted ALL grad school pubs toward tenure, but not as a "full" article (i.e. stuff you published before you were hired counted as 1/3 of an article or something like that.)

Anonymous said...

At my R1 school, and at the school were I got a job, the things that count for tenure are those things that you did during your tenure clock, i.e. after you started working there. Anything you publish or do before then is going towards getting a job in the first place. Hope this helps. Perhaps it varies by institution, but I doubt it.

Abandoning Eden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Re: More CUNY confusion

The CUNY Institute for Demographic Research now posts just 2 positions (Baruch, Public Affairs and Queens, Sociology), both with November deadlines. But Chronicle of Higher Ed just posted (1/5/2009) the Baruch position again! Their link lists the job, but that link is broken. Arg! Why do they torture us so?

Anonymous said...

What does it mean if you have a lot of good publications and high teaching experience but have not gotten any interviews after 45 applications?

My published work has even been cited numerous times. I'm scratching my head trying to figure out what I am doing wrong.

Anonymous said...

Maybe your written materials are sub-par or boring (i.e. cover letters, research statement, teaching philosophy). I would have more faculty members look over your application materials

Or, maybe you're just unlucky . . .

It's hard to tell in this economy.

Anonymous said...

I've had better fortune getting interviews than I originally expected. When I asked each of my referees to write letters, I sat down with them individually and asked them to specifically address certain parts of my record that they had had the most exposure to (my teaching, my presentation style, my productivity, etc.), and provided each letter writer with hard copies of my CV and teaching evaluations. I didn't tell them what to write, but made sure that my letters collectively covered everything that was important.

I also focused my cover letter and research statements on my long term research agenda and described how my dissertation was one small piece of this agenda. In my interviews, many people remarked on how coherent my research plans were and no one doubted that I had a clear research plan for at least the next five years.

For all I know, everyone does these things, in which case I mean no disrespect. However, several people in my program were surprised when I told them how much planning I put into having a coherent application package (but were less surprised when I later had more interviews)

Anonymous said...

I agree on the importance of a cohesive research plan. I have publications and teaching experience also, and got my PhD from a prestigious department, and got nothing. Looking over everything, I think my cover letter was very dull and my research plan came across as "I did this and next I want to do that." Super-boring.

I'm going to spend the next 6 months working on my application materials.

Anonymous said...

Any news on Nuffield (Oxford)? It's a postdoc but isn't listed on the postdoc wiki that someone posted here earlier.

Thanks for that link, by the way, it's super helpful. They did it differently than we on this wiki: there you can follow the steps of decision-making for each individual position (e.g. for Columbia Society of Fellows: got acknowledgment email of application, email for more material, call for interview, interviewing, etc). Ours lets you see more how "the market" is moving as a whole, since we list all the positions that have reached a given phase (e.g. scheduled interviews).

Anonymous said...

Did UCLA contact the people on its short list?

Anonymous said...

Can someone re-post the link to that postdoc page? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I just received an electronic Affirmative Action survey for the QUAMMS (multi-department quant methods) search at U Michigan. Does anyone know if this search is still active/open?

Anonymous said...

Re: QUAMMS-Michigan

I heard that the committee is reviewing applicants' files right now.

Anonymous said...

UCLA is interviewing 4 candidates (talks already scheduled; all do CA).

Anonymous said...

I have an interview with Long Island University and I am trying to figure out how many other people are interviewing with them. Has anyone else been contacted by them (or know someone who has)?

Anonymous said...

Western Carolina is doing phone interviews.

Anonymous said...

As I suspected, the hire at UCLA is going to be at the full prof. (or, possibly associate) level. I say that having just seen the names of tenured profs. who are being interviewed.

Anonymous said...

Any news on Portland State? What is their timeline and what are they looking for in this search?

Anonymous said...

F&M has started scheduling in-person interviews.

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