Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Post Information and Inquiries about Interviews and Status of Searches Here


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Anonymous said...

Anyone know anything about UTEP?

Anonymous said...

Western Carolina University anyone?

Anonymous said...

Also fed up with people posting about jobs whose deadlines are a month away, or were last week. Yes, I've heard about Western Carolina--their deadline is Jan 5. Yeah, I've heard from Tufts, too--their deadline was a week ago. Please post realistic comments and queries.

Anonymous said...

Not everyone qualifies for state insurance. My spouse and I looked into it and we'd have to get a divorce to qualify.

Anonymous said...

The poster episode above about a verbal offer being suddenly withdrawn suggests the following advice for all applicants who get close to an offer. First, speed up the process as much as you an to get a written offer by not haggling over startup details, by rushing to sign the contract, and by eliminating all waiting time between communications. Every day that passes could bring a budgetary mandate or hiring freeze across the dean's desk.

Second, don't tell your other prospective departments anything until you have the signed contract.

Third, be aware that the official employer of record is probably the dean or a vice-president/provost of academic affairs -- not the department committee or chair, who only do the applicant filtering.

Finally, once you get close to receiving an offer, you should be completely booked up with information about that school so you can make a quick and well-informed decision to accept or not. Study like it's your biggest final exam ever, so you know all about their tenure process, salary, teaching load, faculty association, benefits, prospective retirements in your departments, and more. The more you work on this application process, the less likely that you'll have much to "vent" about.

-- SC member

Anonymous said...

The wiki shows that Northeastern has made an offer. Anyone know if this is for the urban or the gender position?

Anonymous said...

i think it's insulting to suggest candidates take their time with decisions because they are uninformed (about a place they went to interview!). Instead, people use offers to have discussions with other schools that may have an interest in them.
As a member of a search committee, this shouldn't be shocking (the search committee that made me an offer encouraged me to talk to other schools).

Anonymous said...

Uh, actually 4:11, Western Carolina had a Oct 31 deadline.

Anonymous said...

There is a posting at the ASA Job Bank showing that Western Carolina has a Jan. 5 deadline. Perhaps they extended it to get more applicants?

Anonymous said...

I know Northeastern made an offer for the urban position. Not sure about gender.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what is going on with Bard? Does the person who said Bard had made an offer find out through a credible source?

Anonymous said...

Hey folks. This is the person with the rescinded job offer. Thanks so much for all of the well wishes and advice. I appreciate it. I heard back from the dean who told me that the job is currently "on hold" but it really doesn't look like the job is going to make it through the budget cuts.

7:26 Dec 13 -- Thanks for offering some great advice. The only thing I would add is that it's important for folks to try to get the best offer they can through negotiations, but to do so very quickly.

In my case, I was offered the job as soon as I came back from the on-campus interview. I wanted to meet with my advisor before officially accepting the offer. This is my first time on the job market and my first time receiving an offer. I wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing. I asked for some reasonable additions, like moving expenses that would cover a do-it-yourself uhaul move, and a slight increase in base salary. As a sociologist, I know that part of the gender pay gap has to do with women accepting the first offer instead of negotiating. I didn't want to make that mistake.

At the same time, I wanted to move quickly and get that contract signed. I made my counter offer a week after receiving the initial offer (over Thanksgiving break). They got back to me later the same day and the dept chair sent me a letter listing all of the negotiations we'd agreed on. I think the contract sat on the provost's desk for a good while. Two weeks later, the dean calls and gives me the bad news.

So while the previous SC poster offers some great advice, just be aware that this can happen even in the best case scenario, with both candidate and search committee moving forward as quickly as possible.

If I could have done this over again, I would have kept applying for jobs despite having an offer. So that's the lesson learned. If you teach, get yourself on the teaching schedule for summer and fall as a back up plan. My department made their teaching schedule during these 2-3 weeks that I thought I had a job.

So here's my advice to those who get job offers:

-Keep applying for jobs until you get that contract signed. Read all of the fine print too. Look for the words "pending budgetary approval." That's a red flag.
-Get yourself on the teaching schedule, if you can.
-Negotiate, but do so as quickly as possible.

And now it's back to writing cover letters, and assembling application packets for me. I'm still holding out hope that the job will come through. It's pretty much a dream job for me.

Thanks yall.

Anonymous said...

9:55: I'm sorry you had to go through that bullshit. Thanks for the advice in your post and will put it into a note folder on the job market.

I have kids and if that happened to me I'd sue b/c i'm losing my health insurance and need something with a child who must visit a special doctor

Anonymous said...

Did tufts schedule interviews yet?

Anonymous said...

the mass layoff statistics from the BLS are higher than ever

Anonymous said...

UTEP has interviewed 3 candidates. They voted on Friday to decide who to extend an offer to. An official offer from the dean to that candidate will arrive by snail mail in early January. So wait and see.

Anonymous said...

UCLA web page: there is a job talk scheduled for Jan. 8. any other info on that department?

Anonymous said...

Anyone heard anything about Guilford College or Franklin and Marshall? Have they called in candidates for campus interviews?

Anonymous said...

I don't think the Jan. 8 talk on the UCLA calendar is a job talk. That person is already on the faculty there. But I would love to know who got the interviews, as the ad was pretty vague.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the UTEP info. Don't know how I missed that.

Anonymous said...

UCLA: not the Colloquia Calendar, but the room schedule (Haines 279). And yes, I admitt, this application process did make me neurotic.

Anonymous said...

Oglethorpe University just cancelled their search as a result of economic concerns.

Anonymous said...

How do you know the info about Oglethorpe?

Anonymous said...

does anyone have any information on the "suspension" of u. of florida? their deadline is today, and i just noticed they are on the wiki under canceled searches as "suspended." just wondering if this is true and what is going on there.

Anonymous said...

Any definite info (with how you know it) about either of the RWJFs?

Anonymous said...

Any word on Northern Illinois qualitative?

Anonymous said...

re: northern illinois qualitative.. i interviewed there for the crim position. i believe theyre looking to hire 2 criminologists, at least one that does qualitative crim. so, i think 2 of us who interviewed for the crim position are also being considered for the qualitative position. so they might only bring in one or, at the most, two other people.

Anonymous said...

Have received my RWJHP interview.

Anonymous said...

re: Oglethorpe

I did not make the original post, but I received an e-mail from the Search Committee Chair this morning and the search has indeed been canceled.

Anonymous said...

weird...i applied at Oglethorpe and have not received an email about the search being canceled. I wonder if they ever got my application?

Anonymous said...

can you get the wiki as a RSS feed in outlook?

Anonymous said...

I got the email from Oglethorpe this morning too.

Anonymous said...

So we have 1 person claiming (over the phone?) interview for RWJF Scholars in Health Policy program? Guess I'm toast.

Anonymous said...

Hey SC members: Even though it is a buyer's market, you will have to do another search in 3 years because a lot of the "high caliber" people you are getting are going to jump ship and go to better schools when the economy improves (I'm targeting the first signs of GDP growth to be mid-2010 and not known until early 2011).

Give us people who will stick with you through the years a chance.

Anonymous said...

Is the Ogelthorpe email a personal email? I didn't get it either and I know they got my application...

Anonymous said...

RWJ HSS interview, email notification

And fwiw, my school has "State" in its name

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when the U.C. President's Post Doc winners will be notified? I know they are just starting to review apps now, but I was wondering when we might know...

Anonymous said...

so, is that the end for RWJ, at least for good news?

Anonymous said...

The RWJF has two different post-docs , Health & Society Scholars and Scholars in Health Policy, right?

I applied to the SHP, have not heard anything, but expect big-fat rejection since state school FWIW.

Anonymous said...

both RWJ programs notified today.

Anonymous said...

Great. Another fucking waste of time.

Anonymous said...

RWJ Health Policy sent emails.

Anonymous said...

Northeastern has also made an offer for its gender position. It went to an Associate.
Re: Bard, they have made an offer for sure

Anonymous said...

Re: UF's search. All of the CLAS faculty searches for UF were canceled as a result of (continued) uncertainty about the state's budget. The position may reopen next year possibly though.

Anonymous said...

I hear the Rutger-New Brunswick offer was made for Fall 2010 because the school can't afford to hire someone for 2009! Who would take a job that requires you to sign a contract 2 years in advance, and doesn't give you anything for next year? (answer: someone who is as desperate as I am and doesn't have a job for next year anyway?)

Anonymous said...

Holy Cross- anyone here gotten the offer for the crime, law, and deviance job yet?

Anonymous said...

as long as you sign the contract, take the Rutgers position! Next year is going to be terrible if current forecasts are close to correct.

Those who earn Ph.D. in 2009 may not get their first TT until 2011 or 2012.

Anonymous said...

The information on Clark is incorrect. They have made an offer. I know the person who got the offer. They didn't want to post on here b/c of the climate of the board. People have been really mean and nasty. But FYI.

Anonymous said...

12:50 here: i didn't get the Rutgers position, I just heard about it. :)

Anonymous said...

No email from Oglethorpe for me either.

Anonymous said...

Was the Rutgers-Newark search also affected?

Anonymous said...

i just heard that southwestern university has confirmed their hire. congrats to whomever it is! that's a great department at a great SLAC!

Anonymous said...

I'm curious if people know anyone with multiple offers. I've been told that I'm a second choice at one place and a third at another and am wondering if, in this climate, there's any possibility of people turning down offers. So, does your department have anyone with multiple offers?

Anonymous said...

I know someone here with 3 offers. I do think there will be some clearing of the market, maybe even before the holidays (but prob. afterwards). But honestly, in this climate I doubt depts. are really going to be dipping back into the interview pool - but if you've interviewed somewhere already but didn't get the offer, I definitely wouldn't give up hope.

Anonymous said...

We are likely to make an offer to our third candidate

Anonymous said...

I'm likely to get an offer from my pistol in my temple. Not sure if I'll take it.

Anonymous said...

i declined an offer and know for a fact that the department decided to dip back in the pool to do another round of interviews. not sure if the other candidate they previously interviewed also declined or if they decided not to make that person an offer.

Anonymous said...

I received two offers, declined one of them and know that it was offered to another person.

Franklin & Marshall and Gettysburg are just now finalizing their short list.

Anonymous said...

Any word on St. Joseph's U. in PA?

Anonymous said...

2:40- I interviewed at Rutgers-Newark, was told I would hear back from them 2 weeks ago or last week, but I haven't heard anything. When I was there the dean reassured me that there was no way he was cutting the position, but who knows.

Anonymous said...

Re: 7:34

Thanks for the information on F & M.

Anonymous said...

Any news on William and Mary's environmental soc position?

Anonymous said...

did umass boston canceL?

Anonymous said...

There are going to be many SC's dipping back in and not just canceling searches right? Why go through all that work and give up when first candidate doesn't accept ?

Anonymous said...

9:15 - I think what previous posters mean is that, given the tight job environment, it is unlikely that offers will be turned down by 2 or more applicants. Thus, SCs will not need to dip back into the broader pool. Personally, I hope this is not true - it's pretty much my only hope at this point.

Anonymous said...

Raise your hand if you are leaving academia if you don't find something this year.

Anonymous said...

So, what about U of Washington? Have they made an offer?

Anonymous said...

I also have not heard from the University of Washington. But there are five of us, so who knows.

Anonymous said...

I've heard 2nd hand that the U Washington position has been canceled.

Anonymous said...

5:46 -
I also interviewed at Rutgers-Newark and have not received an offer (didn't think to ask the dean about hiring freezes). If you and I are the two Xs on the "Schools that Have Scheduled in-person Interviews" I suppose we may not find out from this blog if there is an outstanding offer.....

Anonymous said...

5:46 here..I was the other x indeed. I guess they must have offered it to the third person they interviewed, or are having budgetary issues of some kind (I suspect the latter due to what is happening with Rutgers-NB). I will post any info I get as soon as I hear anything! (and it's nice to know I'm not the only one waiting on them!)

Anonymous said...

According to the search committee chair, the University of Washington has not voted yet - they were supposed to vote last week but the absence of some faculty made it impossible. They will vote later this week.

Anonymous said...

Grand Valley has made an offer for one position (Gender), but not the other (Methods)? Or, is the wiki incorrect and they have indeed offered both?

Anonymous said...

Dear Whoever Had Their Offer Yanked:

Get yourself a lawyer and all your exchanges about the negotiation. A verbal contract is a binding legal agreement in many states especially if you have a paper trail.

Anonymous said...

I've heard through my grapevine Rutgers has made an offer.

Anonymous said...

6:14: Rutgers Newark or Rutgers New Brunswick?

Anonymous said...

Do candidate searches typically "take a break" during the winter holidays, or should we be expecting contact with SCs over the next few weeks?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard from University of Alberta? Their deadline was October 6. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Re: Alberta.
They already flew in their three candidates and were making a decision this week (or so they said to the interviewees)

Anonymous said...

UMASS- Boston said they are probably not going to speak to any other candidates and are pretty far along in their process. jesus, i'm dying

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on Alberta. I just hadn't heard anything here or on the wiki, and was wondering...Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have any further information about CT College? Are they waiting to see if their funding is going to get cut?

Anonymous said...

i haven't heard from CONN COLLEGE though I applied,...sent an email to dept. head about search, never heard back (about 1 week ago)

Anonymous said...

Stanford is cancelling their search.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information. Please post any information if you hear back from the search chair!

Anonymous said...

How long should it take for an offer to be made after the last candidate has interviewed...the process is taking a lot longer than the school stated it would. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Cal State Fullerton has made an offer for either position?

Anonymous said...

Received a letter today from Western Carolina confirming that they will begin reviewing Jan. 5.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard anything from Fordham? They requested some materials from me a couple of weeks ago and said that they were planning to fill the position before the holidays, otherwise the dean was going to pull the line if it wasn't filled by the new year. I'm curious to know whether they've moved on with the search.

Anonymous said...

Fordham's endowment went down 40% since August, so last week the dean sent out a faculty wide email announcing that nearly all faculty searches were to be suspected, irregardless of where they were in the process. So it doesn't look good that the soc/crim hire will move forward

Anonymous said...

Anyone have info on Oklahoma? I see them on the wiki as having a short list, but their deadline was just 2 days ago!

Anonymous said...

WoW! So Connecticut College just confirmed a hire. Congrats to the person who got that position!

Anonymous said...

I guess Oklahoma already had their people picked? That was fast...

Did anyone else who applied at Oglethorpe NOT get the email about the search being canceled?

Anonymous said...

I didn't get an email from Oglethorpe... strange... but the search is definitely cancelled? or is it on hold?

Anonymous said...

Fordham is definitely canceled.

Anonymous said...

I received an email from Oklahoma two days ago saying that I had made their short list (I posted on the wiki). I already accepted an offer at another school however, so I'm sure others will be notified if they haven't been already.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the person hired at Conn College was not active on this list. I heard lots of rumors about an inside hire with that position.

Anonymous said...

UNC Chapel Hill - pop. studies.

The university is under a hiring freeze and unable to proceed with the search. The are working hard to get around the freeze and make an offer but it is unclear what will happen.

I assume the same is true for all the UNC openings at all the campuses - the hiring freeze is system-wide.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know anything about Roosevelt?

Anonymous said...

Bucknell made an offer for the sociology of law position

Anonymous said...

university of colorado of denver made an offer for their criminology position. and not to me.

Anonymous said...

Don't lose hope yet, RWJ applicants. I just received my finalist notification today (12/18), and yes, my school also has "State" in its name.

Anonymous said...

10:47 - congrats on RWJ! Would you mind sharing if it is for health policy or health and society?

Anonymous said...

So rutgers-newark was just added to the offer list...was that you, other X? If so, congrats! :)

Anonymous said...

10:50 -- it was Health and Society. Thank you for the good wishes!

Anonymous said...

Today was the day RWJ applicants who were chosen as finalists for both programs had to choose between them -- so there could be more good news coming!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the OU info 7:46. I sent my app in by the deadline but now I wonder if it was already too late. Was your notification about the crime job or the strat job?

And congrats on your new job!

Anonymous said...

The OU position to which I applied was the crime position.

Anonymous said...

I received the following offer from a Tier 1 school in a low cost of living area:

65K salary
25K start up
6500 for moving
Up to 13K summer salary each summer
Annual travel fund of around 2K
1 course reduction for first 2 years

Anonymous said...

Oops - put that in the incorrect thread. I have copied it into the hires thread.

Anonymous said...

hello other "x":
I did NOT get that offer from Rutgers-Newark. I really wanted it though =(

Anonymous said...

Oh, well then it must have been that third person. :(

Anonymous said...

Any word on whether Oklahoma has a short list for strat?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone had an interview with Long Island University or does anyone know someone who has?

Anonymous said...

Which position is the confirmed hire at Holy Cross for (crim or methods)?

Anonymous said...

Hello SC chairs,

Five of us so far have organized a database grab-bag of well-placed articles by people on the SCs of the various places we applied (out of the three of us and 125 applications no interviews). We are all well-published and have reviewed articles for the "big three."

We have already found two glaring programming errors by ORG scholar(s) in a study published in ASR. We are currently reviewing a study in Social Forces for specification error (author seems not to have reported models that went against his/her hypothesis). Someone has also hacked into a well-known Work/Occupations scholar's hard drive since they would not share their data.

This has been very therapeutic for those of us "labor market losers." We may submit the critiques to the journals under a pen name or if the journal does not want to publish, we will post the paper on a website and promote it on the heavily-trafficked sociology blogs. Think of it as kind of an "after-market" peer review. Some of the people in power in this discipline have gotten by with faulty research and it needs to be exposed. Plus, it offers us some extra methodological training.

We are quant-scholars and we encourage any qual-scholars to do the same to senior colleagues who have done the same.

If the UC-Berkeley 2004 "election fraud" expose seemed alarming, you will find many more examples as we continue to develop our studies.

Anonymous said...

Take your sophomoric posts to the "vent" board and put up or shut up. Either provide access to your "brilliant" uncovering of errors or take your bluster and go away.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but those weird "exposing sc members" posts aren't funny or clever, they are just weird and creepy. I didn't get a job this year, but I know that's not SC member's fault, they don't control school budgets or how much your (or my) application sucks, so maybe you should just chill the fuck out and stop making anonymous threatening posts on the internets.

Anonymous said...

Agree! And what about the reviewers! These half-baked or down-right crappy articles that have errors are reviewed by actual sociologists. It is really they who should be shamed. It's a peer-reviewed process, afterall.

Anonymous said...

And enough with these comments.

Uni of Mary Washington made a short-list a looong time ago. Has anyone at all been called for a campus interview??

Anonymous said...

oh what kind of savage bastard is behind this?

Anonymous said...

hmm...that idea of a "after market" review sounds kind of interesting, let's see where you take it

Anonymous said...

2:27 - Holy Cross - Crime, Law and Deviance

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the Holy Cross position!!!

Anonymous said...

I keep hearing rumors that the University of Illinois is going to cancel its search. Does anyone have any information?

Anonymous said...

I've also applied at Roosevelt and have heard interested in any developments!

Anonymous said...

Roosevelt contacted me on December 8th. They were planning to hold phone interviews on Dec. 15th and then invite people on campus in early January.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Roosevelt info... congrats and good luck!

Anonymous said...

4:19: I was contacted to interview at U of Mary Wash last week.

Anonymous said...

So Pittsburgh is canceling their search? Does anyone have any info on this? Is this for all three positions?

Anonymous said...

Pittsburgh is not canceling their search. I believe they are currently making offers.

Anonymous said...

Got my RWJ HSS rejection email today

Anonymous said...

Thanks, re Pitt. Guess someone posted in the wrong section of the wiki.

Anonymous said...

Any word on the Urbana-Champaign searches?

Anonymous said...

Anyone know about the Miss. State positions? The gender job jumped straight to confirmed hire in the wiki, and I was wondering how accurate this was...

Anonymous said...

The Miss St. gender job is definitely accurate... they have a confirmed hire.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Davidson College ever make an offer?

Anonymous said...

I am waiting on Davidson as clue whats going on there.

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else still waiting to hear from RWJ SHP?

Anonymous said...

Anyone know what the story is with Wisconsin (Madison)? Have they interviewed? are they going to be pulling more people in?

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting on RWJ SHP, too, but I think I'm just waiting for a rejection.

Anonymous said...

I have not yet heard from RWJF SHPR... wonder what it means.

Anonymous said...

madison interviewed (at least) two for the open position;
any info on the comparative political economy position there?

Anonymous said...

I just received a rejection letter in the mail for a job I interviewed for. How rude is that? Snail mail???
I think this confirms that it was an inside hire. Ug.

Anonymous said...

University of San Diego, anyone? (not U.C. San Diego)

Anonymous said...

Pittsburgh canceled one of their searches but the one for assistant prof is still on. They met last week to decide.

Anonymous said...

I had a phone interview with U of San Diego mid November and heard nothing back so I assume they have moved on. I think someone posted that they did interviews and I had assumed that they were talking about the in person interviews. If you were one they interviewed in person good luck to you. They seemed like a nice group of people.

Anonymous said...

While a phone rejection is nicer, a rejection via snail mail (or even email) isn't uncommon. I know several people who've been notified that way--and they all took offense to a greater or lesser degree at having gotten the news via letter.. did I mention a phone call's nicer?.

Doesn't mean it was an inside hire.

Anonymous said...

Did the U of Washington vote this week? Does anyone know? The holiday season is coming and I don't want to see they drag us into January...

Anonymous said...

Davidson College made first offer last Friday and it was refused.

Anonymous said...

I also want to say that I had a very favorable impression of the faculty at University of San Diego(no vested interest - not in the running there, just wanting to point out positives where I see them...)

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Providence College has made an offer and if there was an offer if it was accepted?

Anonymous said...

For Urbana-Champaign, the search committee chair sent me an email a week or two ago that said that the couldn't make the hire until the Illinois state budget was finalized. Did you hear the same thing? That is the last info that I know (although lots of people keep telling me that they think the search is going to be cancelled....)

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know anything *confirmed* about Univ of Richmond or Kalamazoo?

Anonymous said...

anybody know if Case made an offer yet?

Anonymous said...

I thought Pittsburgh was doing THREE hires this year--two assistant profs and an advanced position. Were both the advanced search AND one of the assistant searches cancelled? Or are they still hiring 2 assistants?

God, I really hope that the economy recovers and some of these positions come back next year, because it looks like I'll be on the f%@#$*ing market again.

Anonymous said...

Someone posted that Westfield State College had a short list... but the deadline for applications isn't until January 15th. How do they have a short list already?

Anonymous said...


That's a very good question.

Anonymous said...

anything on University of Northern Colorado?

Anonymous said...

texas southern?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know anything about the faculty fellow hire at Colby College?

Anonymous said...

What's up with the U. Akron position posted under confirmed hires? What area was the position in?

Anonymous said...

I received my Oxford University Social Inequality Postdoc rejection today.

Anonymous said...

U of Akron is a Sociology position w/ emphasis on crim and social psych.

Anonymous said...

Anything else on Tulane? What about Louisville?

Anonymous said...

i dont see the university of akron listed under confirmed hires. what am i missing here?

i was asked for additional materials for that job, never heard from them after i sent an article. guess my work wasnt what they had in mind.

Anonymous said...

Someone appears to have deleted the Akron confirmed hire post (based on a browse of the history). I don't know what's going on with the wiki, but there appears to be a great deal of editing on the offer/hire lists by a small number of persons (Can one person know that much about the market at the offer/hire stage???). Why are people deleting offers/hires instead of putting "!" next to them?

Anonymous said...

i see that unc-chapel hill has been hit with budget cuts, any word on unc-charlotte? are they likely to lose their lines as well?

Anonymous said...

Re 8:45 - Someone (not me) decided to remove confirmed hires from the offer section. So that's why one person is doing so much editing. No clue why they would remove a confirmed hire, though. Why not put it back?

Anonymous said...

Also, someone reverted to an old version of the page yesterday. Seems to have resulted in throwing away a lot of good information. Any explanation why?

Anonymous said...

Re Pitt:

My understanding is that Pitt wanted to hire two assistants in politics and culture, one assistant in race, advance one visiting associate to a tenured associate and perhaps have a senior hire.

This has been reduced to one asst. in politics and culture (the top candidate has probably been offered the position by now) and they kept the deal with the visiting prof.

Bright side: compared to other depts this is probably not a horrible outcome.

Anonymous said...

We should decide how we want to deal with rescinded and "on hold" offers. Folks are accepting offers, listing them under "confirmed," and then hearing from deans that the position has been pulled. How should we mark these cases, if at all? Outing a school that rescinded an offer on a public forum might eliminate whatever chance there might be to get the job.

Anonymous said...

All the UNC system schools are under a hiring freeze: Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Pembrook, and Greensboro positions are on hold. There is a way to move ahead with a hire even with the freeze but it is not a guarentee and takes a few weeks. The various UNC departments will probably have a good idea of whether they can make offers by the end of Jan.


I think the wiki was being edited (not by me) so that schools were not listed in multiple columns. There was some discussion about deleting schools from the "made an offer" list once the offer was accepted.

Anonymous said...

Any news about UCLA? It says on the wiki that there is a short list. Does anyone know if the department has contacted people for the campus interviews? It would also be interesting to know if they have restricted their search to conversation analysts (they had a preference for that)....

Anonymous said...

Any more news from the people who applied to both the RWJ HSS and SHP programs about the status of the SHP interviews? I know that the HSS results were sent out Friday...

Anonymous said...

Re: 10:01 (second part)

If the editing was only regarding having things in two columns, then Akron would not have been deleted. It was only ever listed in "confirmed hires."

Anonymous said...

i am an applicant to the RWJF SHP and have not heard anything. I hate this crap b/c I secretly in the back of my head get my hopes up only to get the rejection.

Anonymous said...

$53 - the amount I spent on copies to schools later reported to have an inside hire (or about $1 less than a day at daycare for my toddler)

Anonymous said...

Just got an email the Saint Joseph's U. made a hire.

Anonymous said...

Got an email stating that for the U. Illinois Chicago/IGPA joint position, "it has been decided that we are not going to fill this position at this time."

Anonymous said...

Dear Candidate,

Thank you for your interest in the joint position between the University of Illinois at Chicago Sociology Department and the University of Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs.

The search committee thoroughly reviewed your candidacy and credentials. Unfortunately, it has been decided that we are not going to fill this position at this time.

Thank you again for your interest in the University of Illinois. And please accept our best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season.


(names deleted)

Professor of Sociology Professor of Economics and

Anonymous said...

Tufts must be squared away already? They started reviewing on November 30th according to ad. Must be over then.

Anonymous said...

Just curious, how did you hear that about Tufts? I had heard a rumor that they are hoping to hire an advanced assistant, but didn't know anything moved yet.

Also, does anyone know anything about Ithaca? Timeline?

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard anything about Tufts- I do know the deadline was 11/30, but haven't seen any postings on it.

Also, got an email from St Joe's that the job is filled.

Anonymous said...

I'm really sick and tired of this "inside hire" nonsense. If you are serious about doing a search, don't leave an ad up on ASA for three months if you have an inside hire. It is a big waste of time and money (and I don't care about your university regulations).

Anonymous said...

Any news on Guilford College or Salem State?

Anonymous said...

I was told the Ithaca search would go well into the spring semester.

Anonymous said...

RE: 12:49 ...

I've heard from a staff member at Guilford, not associated with the Soc/Anth department, that hiring decisions in many departments are up in the air because of budget issues. This may not affect the position in the Soc/Anth department, though. I emailed the director of HR weeks ago to ask about timing, and heard back from the chair that they were hoping to have a short list before the holidays, but that they would not be bringing anyone to campus until January or February. There was no word about when notification of a short list would happen (i.e., before the holidays or not until Jan/Feb). But, someone else (not me) posted on here that there was a rumor of an inside hire at Guilford ... so, who knows? That's a dream job of mine, so I'd love to hear something more definite about where things are, too!

Anonymous said...

When the Ithica posting went out on listservs they asked people to repost widely because they were on a very short deadline. Sounds like that was not the case?

I don't have any news of Guilford other than to confirm that it is a great place to work. I know several people who went there or who have kids currently attending.

Anonymous said...

UNC Chapel Hill made an offer for the pop studies position. The Asian studies position has not been moved on yet.

Anonymous said...

did anyone out there interview at middlebury?

Anonymous said...

Providence College anyone??

Anonymous said...

Have any other ABD's been screwed out there. I had a great interview only to be told that my dissertation hadn't progressed enough. Then why bring me out for an interview in the first place!!!! Any words of advice on this situation?

Anonymous said...

11:44, what advice are you looking for? In this frustrating process, there really isn't any. It may have been the SC's way of letting you down gently - in which case, it might have been nicer to hear that another candidate was a better fit - but SC's often do want to ensure that you will be finished with the dissertation. It's possible that they had the sense during the interview that more work needed to be done on it than your application materials suggested. Who knows?

Anonymous said...

Thanks 12:22 that actually does help! :-)

Anonymous said...

I did the job market last year as an ABD and this year as a post-doc. Same publications, same teaching experience, even the same people writing my letters. I got significantly more interest this year. So based on my N=1, I think having the PhD in hand makes a big difference. If you are ABD, it helps to have a scheduled defense date and send out dissertation chapters as your writing samples while noting in your cover letter than you have completed X of Y chapters. Also, be sure your letter writers include something in their letters about how they expect you will complete the dissertation by the spring. When I was on the market ABD, the issue of whether I would finish in time came up with the few places where I did make a short list.

Which brings up a point of advice to everyone who will be doing the job market again next year. Spend as much time as you can between now and August finishing the dissertation. If you can schedule a lower teaching load or fewer non-dissertation responsibilities, do it. I know not all of us have that luxury, but it really will make a difference if you can open your cover letter with "I received my PhD from..."

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much 2:10! That is *extremely* helpful. My situation is that I was an "inside" candidate and I spent all my time taking on extra classes (since the dept asked me to) and mentoring students instead of working on my dissertation (thinking that since this is a school that values teaching and student happiness, as well as doing an independent study with 4 students over the summer so they would be academically eligible to come back. SO I figured the institution wouldn't fault be for falling a bit behind. Yep, guess I got burned on that one. But I think a teaching post-doc is the way for me to go anyway. I really appreciate your input 2:10 that helps immensely and confirms what I figured I needed to do (get a post-doc!)

Anonymous said...

still waiting on rwj shp. has anyone called to find out what the story is? if not, i'd be happy to

Anonymous said...

UC Irvine has scheduled a job talk for January for the immigration position

Anonymous said...

i haven't heard anyting from RWJF SHP, but I am not getting my hopes up. I've been getting screwed all semester (and not in the good sense). I'm just a loser with no future at this point. Happy holidays :-) you search committee excuse-making-losers.

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