Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Post Information and Inquiries about Interviews and Status of Searches Here


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Anonymous said...

Quick plea: If you have any info at all on canceled searches can you post it on the wiki? Based on looking at the hiring freeze thread on the Chronicle it looks like there are many more than we have listed (though they may not all apply to sociology).

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Tulane has inside candidates for their positions?

Anonymous said...

Any word/news on eitehr of the RWJ post-docs?

Anonymous said...

8:51, which of the positions?

If I am not mistaken, the Latin American one was also open last year, so I doubt there is an inside candidate.

In any case, given the length of their search (applications were due December 1st) I doubt there is an inside candidate. When there are strong inside candidates they often dont recruit for that long.

I bet there is an inside candidate for Ithaca College, for example, given that there was less than a month between them announcing the position and the deadline.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Ouch! Anyone want to elaborate on the Bard College interviews? When were people contacted?

Anonymous said...

man...all my last chance'm still a little shocked that no one at all has called me.

i don't think ithica has an inside person because they sent announcements out to a lot of listserves posting the job and emphasizing that they needed to move fast.

i know that both guilford and UNC-CH are interviewing someone who is already affiliated with their departments.

Anonymous said...

Any word on Illinois State or Northern Illinois- urban and qualitative?

Anonymous said...

what ever happened w/ northeastern (gender)? did they make an offer?

Anonymous said...

12/5 4:50-Georgetown College and Georgetown University are two separate schools. In separate parts of the country.

Anonymous said...

JMU / James Madison has contacted six people. They'll get interviews as soon as administrative approval comes through. Also, those candidates are all getting LOTS of silence and a stony tone in what limited correspondence there is, but worry not, that's just a side-effect of the "consistency and fairness' game. I've heard that they LOVE LOVE LOVE their candidates (plus some other folks who didn't make the cut).

Anonymous said...

I'm still wondering about some schools that never even made the Wiki:

Greensboro College
St. Cloud University
Georgia Gwinnett College

Has anyone else (on this list) even applied to them?

Anonymous said...

i applied to st. cloud - have not heard anything.

i'm happy for the JMU interview folks but very sad for myself. i can't tell you how badly i wanted a chance to interview there.

Anonymous said...

JMU is bringing out 6 people for one position? Or two?

Anonymous said...

the JMU job ad was for 2 positions, so I would guess the 6 candidates are for both.

Anonymous said...

So I'm very interested in any additional information about either Holy Cross, Bard, CT College, or U. Mass Boston... anyone have any information on any of these schools? I'm guessing not, since they all seem to be hot topics and there doesn't seem to be any new chatter about them...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Any info on Memorial University of Newfoundland? Anyone else apply?

Anonymous said...

The faculty at Ole Miss are all super nice. If I were remotely qualified for that position I would apply in a heartbeat just to work with them.

Anonymous said...

These all had relatively recent due dates, but any news on:
Indiana University South Bend
Salem State College
Greensboro College
Westminster College
Coastal Carolina University

Anonymous said...

Also re: Ole Miss. Why do you assume that the students there would be from underrepresented populations? Most flagship schools, even in poor states or states with high minority populations, still have disproportionately high levels of affluent white students.

I'm shutting up now so as to not encourage anyone to start venting here, but just wanted to point out that location does not equate to underrepresented populations in universities.

Anonymous said...

Bard and CT College have all been mentioned as having a short list.

I'd move to Mississippi - applied at Mississippi State to no avail...

Someone in my department supposedly interviewed or has an interview scheduled at Holy Cross. I can't verify this as it is third-hand rumor.

Anonymous said...

69% of Ole Miss students are from Mississippi, so perhaps there is an assumption that they are probably less affluent than elsewhere given the relative poverty of the state?

Their student body is 19% minority which does give them a higher percentage of minority students than many other colleges.

Anonymous said...

to the person with 3rd hand news of the Holy Cross interview... any clue if it was the crim position or the methods position?

Anonymous said...

If it is true about Holy Cross, it would have to be the methods position.

Anonymous said...

I was told that Holy Cross has made/is scheduling interviews for both. But the methods job definitely.

Anonymous said...

Only the crim position is on the wiki... what makes people think that it has to be for the methods position? Just the people you know who got the interviews or is there other info?

Anonymous said...

re CT
I posted the other day that CT said they were still in the search process and didn't indicate anything about having a short list. Has anybody actually been contacted about being on their short list?

Anonymous said...

HC: Both jobs are listed on the wiki, at least further down. My info's based on the person I know who got an interview.

Anonymous said...

i applied to CT, but not contacted, they've probably never had such a high quality pool and they don't know what to do

Anonymous said...

This may be a dumb question... why is our pool any more qualified than others at this point? I can see this being true in the Spring (the people still applying are going to be more qualified than normal because so many schools have pulled positions in the fall), but not for Oct deadlines... at least I wouldn't think...

Anonymous said...

Some people see it as a more qualified pools because several cohorts of applicants ae collapsed into one: more people than usual who have two year postdocs are applying for jobs during their first year, and more people are rushing to finish their dissertations this spring/summer instead of next fall, because people are apprehensive about next year's market.

Anonymous said...

The person I know who got an interview at Holy Cross had to be interviewing for the methods position. My department doesn't even have a single person who does crim. and I know the candidate's research. She does nothing whatsoever to do with crim.

As for the applicant pool, I have heard from a couple people involved with searches that they are seeing more applicants who already have years of experience as post-docs or assistant professors. I think in years past, there were fewer such candidates so the ABD people were more competitive.

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact Bard has contacted people and is bringing them to campus. A colleague of mine is interviewing there in the coming days.

Anonymous said...

Anyone heard anything about the status of the RWJF Health and society fellowship?

Anonymous said...

i think they schedule RWJF interviews in January, although over-qualified i won't get it...they have IVY-League track record

Anonymous said...

Interviews are in January for RWJ HSS, but they notify in early to mid-Dec. (usually on a Friday, FWIW).

Anonymous said...

I just got my Wisconsin rejection, a "dear colleague" letter. I have to go to Madison next week for business, so maybe I'll egg the department.

Anonymous said...

here's a dedication to all the SCs who've rejected me:

Anonymous said...

I am looking for any information at all on:

Appalachian State
Gettysburg College
University of Northern Colorado

Anonymous said...

smear some dogshit in the Wisconsin SC Head's mailbox (ivan i think)

Anonymous said...

i think you could get charged with "assault" for doing that, but not sure

Anonymous said...

Here's a dedication to sociology despite the rejections:

Anonymous said...

any information on:

Bowling Green State University
Either of the CUNY schools hiring demographers (Baruch or Queens)
Rutgers-Newark (has an offer been made?)

Anonymous said...

rick astley!

Anonymous said...

well, with a lower income next year, too late to give up eating at mickey d's (can't beat that dollar menu)

is it "trashy" in academia to eat mcdonald's food on the job?

Anonymous said...

I've got a question re: contacting departments about the status of their searches. People who have called/emailed, did you have a specific reason for contacting them (like other interviews that were set)? Do you think that contacting the department could be seen as negative... as harassment, impatience, annoying, etc.?

Anonymous said...

i don't think (if they like you) that they would drop you for shooting an email about the status of search, etc. (Just don't do it more than once)

Anonymous said...

Was the "Georgetown" rumor offer for the University in D.C.?

Anonymous said...

I emailed about the status of a position because I received another offer. I told them that in the email.

If you do find out something, please share!

Anonymous said...

As an SC member, let me gently urge rejected applicants to mute your anger against us. You have no idea how much we would have liked to hire MANY of those who applied.

Anonymous said...

To the SC member on the rumor mill, what do you think about contacting departments about the status of searches? I have two schools whose deadlines were about 2 months ago and there is no word from them (either personally, or apparently to anyone else on the wiki or rumor mill). I would like to contact them, but it is basically because of curiousity...

Anonymous said...

I posted the same question this morning on another thread. I was wondering b/c my advisors have given me mixed advice -- one said not to contact the school b/c I might appear desperate and another said that it would be OK to do so.

Anonymous said...

sorry about last post, I was referring to contacting schools after a campus interview (a question I had also posted on the Advice about Interviewing thread this morning).

Anonymous said...

Next year's job market will be abysmal! More candidates from two years ago, first year Assistants, leftovers from this year and fewer schools hiring.

Maybe we should all write to the Obama administration to target some of the New Deal II money toward the social sciences.

Anonymous said...

I was the one who commented about egging the department. It was a joke.

Anonymous said...

the dogshit smear was just a joke, don't hold me responsible if you find any in your mailbox SC members...i'm just a patsy

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have more details about University of Washington? Are they making an offer?

Anonymous said...

that bayesian guy would know, shit, i should email him

Anonymous said...

anyone know anything new on Conn. College? rumored to have short list, one poster said they emailed them and found this out, anyone get invited to CT College?

Anonymous said...

even highly polished Wisconsin people with impressive CV's are not getting interest (source: grad student at Wisconsin)

Anonymous said...

anyone hear from Tufts yet?

Anonymous said...

University of Washington is supposed to vote this week. At my interview, they said they are trying to move quickly to avoid the search being cancelled, given how bad the state's economic forecast is. There are five of us, so your guess is as good as mine.

Anonymous said...

I would find it highly irritating to be contacted about the status of a search via email (or phone) -- unless you have an offer from elsewhere (or we've already interviewed you).

Sometime SC Member

Anonymous said...

hey Wesleyan: GO FUCK YOURSELF

Anonymous said...

If it's been months since the deadline passed, you're probably out of the running. It could also be that the search has been put on hold for budget reasons,or that the administration wants to intervene in the search (maybe to redirect the choice toward a different finalist).

Inquiring about the search won't harm your chances, but you'll probably not get a complete answer. We don't advise the rejected applicants until the search is complete, and even then there's a clerical delay in sending out all those letters.

I suggest to be patient with the process, but to know that as time passes, it's probable that other applicants are being invited and courted.

Anonymous said...

Why the cussing and negativity? Just because a school doesn't pick you? Come on. If Wesleyan did something particularly egregious, fine-- let's hear it. But if the gripe is simply that they didn't hire you, that sort of statement is inappropriate.

Shouldn't we be using this site to build community and help one another through a gut-wrenching process? We're all going through the same thing; it's not as though any one person has it tougher than anyone else. Some have more pubs, others a better dept. ranking, others have hot specialty areas, but none of that should be cause for resentment and anger. Let's try to be civil to one another while acknowledging that it's not fun for anyone.

Anonymous said...

Alternatively (I'm a different person), that's what the Venting thread is for. PLEASE take it over there. One hope is that the venting thread will allow people to blow off steam with each other without taking over threads dedicated to other purposes (which I at least thought kind of happened last year).

I also wouldn't mind it if the moderator more forcefully made sure vents were kept to their thread.

Anonymous said...

sorry about my wesleyan vent, i will do it over there, though i don't take it back wesleyan: YOU SUCK !

Anonymous said...

The Georgetown offer was indeed for the Georgetown in DC.

Anonymous said...

Any word on University of Portland? Supposedly they were meeting and beginning to make decisions over a month ago (due date for apps was over 40 days ago). Have they invited folks yet?

Anonymous said...

In the wiki someone posted that Tulane has scheduled in person interviews. Does anyone know for which of the 2 positions?

Anonymous said...

Tulane is interviewing for Latin American Studies

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

to 11:50 AM - thanks for the info, and good luck!

Anonymous said...

Loyola Marymount is inviting people out for campus visits

Anonymous said...

Anyone know about Northern Illinois's qualitative position?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

re: Gettysburg. On the department website is a newsletter, which includes discusses the search and states: "Much of this search activity will occur in the spring semester."

Anonymous said...

Any word on the interdisciplinary immigration searches at UC Irvine and USC?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Has anyone been contacted by Robert Wood Johnson for the Post-doc?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Re: 11:44 (Second one)

The only way we can weed out the inaccuracies is to post things we find out are false. What inaccuracies are you referring to?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

the word on the street is that an offer has gone out for the macro/political position at UC Davis...

Anonymous said...

blog admin here -

I have deleted recent posts that were not on the topic of "status of searches" because this is the thread that people look to for specific info. and hence the one most cluttered by off-topic posts.

Please feel free to post off-topic in the other threads, particularly the "need to vent" and "misc. discussion" threads.

Thanks, and best of luck to all!

Anonymous said...

The Tulane pool is very competitive.

Anonymous said...


To which Tulane position are you referring: Latin Amer or the open position? Does anyone have word on when Tulane will be bringing in candidates for the second position?

Anonymous said...

Any word on the stage of the Georgia tech search?

Anonymous said...

3:17 please post what you know about the positions at Tulane. How many candidates are they bringing?

Anonymous said...

GIT is canceled--just got the email.

Anonymous said...

If Tulane is that competitive, what a difference a year makes. No disrespect at all, since I think it is a wonderful place with a wonderful faculty.
But as they've tried to hire so many people recently, often those who would land the job would be candidates with a lot of potential, but just one publication in a mid level journal.

Right now, I know of at least one person with a co-authorship on ASR and Social forces (social forces as 1st author) who is dispirited because they didnt get a call.

Meanwhile, anyone heard whether Furman offered a position to anyone?

And what about Ithaca College?

Anonymous said...

So, would emailing this be appropriate?

Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

Bowling Green has started asking for reference letters for its family soc position.

Anonymous said...

Did Grand Valley State make an offer yet for either position?

Anonymous said...

I apologize for going back to an older post (I don't check this often), but I have an additional question about the Holy Cross methods position. Has anyone here has an interview or had an interview scheduled for this position? It seems that much of the information posted here is third-hand. I am just trying to get a sense of whether or not I am still in the running (post asking for more materials). Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard anything about the Wisconsin regional schools? UW-Whitewater or UW-River Falls?

Also, how about Eastern Washington? There have been a lot of searches suspended in the state of Washington, it wouldn't surprise me if this one was too (although there's nothing on the Wiki).

Anonymous said...

I just remembered that I applied for the UTSA position, that was due a lifetime ago. Anybody hear anything about that? I heard they had an inside candidate. Anyone know if this is true, are they done?

Anonymous said...

Any word on the Minnesota open position? It has been listed as scheduling interviews forever, but no Xs.

Anonymous said...

News on University of Memphis, anyone??

Anonymous said...

I applied to UTSA last year and never did get a rejection letter from them so its possible they don't send them out.

Anonymous said...

Tulane has a very competitive pool this year given the market. The Latin American studies pool is especially fierce so ABD's are at a competitive disadvantage.

Anonymous said...

Grand Valley's faculty is meeting soon to vote on candidates.

Anonymous said...

didn't memphis interview a long time ago?

Anonymous said...

Any news on Conn College?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard from UMASS Boston?

Anonymous said...

Did Tufts contact people for interviews yet?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have an update on University of Texas-Arlington? I know that the requested materials deadline was last Friday.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I also applied to UTSA and have heard nothing. If they do have an inside candidate, I don't see why they would have bothered interviewing at ASA.

Anonymous said...

UTSA interviewed at ASA last year and they did have an inside candidate last year.

Anonymous said...

bowling green- how are they contacting people about letters of recommendation? Email? letters? phone? Do you know if they've contacted everyone yet?

If yes, damn, another school I thought I had a decent shot at, only one school left at this point. Are there tons of amazing family researchers on the market this year or what?

Anonymous said...

Re: Minnesota Open.

I know someone who had an interview set for this position, so I know they have people scheduled.

Anonymous said...

apparently the urban position at NIU is cancelled. I heard this second-hand through someone who just interviewed there.

Anonymous said...

Re: 9:31

Did that person say anything about the qualitative position at NIU?

Anonymous said...

I think it's still on...they had 4 original positions and 2 were cut..I just know that urban was one that was cut.

Anonymous said...

Re: Umass-Boston. They called someone I know to ask about coming out for an interview. Then they postponed, then they told that person they were not going to bring them out. I don't know if that's a reflection on the person or on UMB's ability to hire.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Re: Bowling Green

They emailed me early yesterday afternoon. I have no idea if they've contacted everyone or how many they're requesting info from.

Anonymous said...

Quick reminder: this thread is just for search status comments. I moved the previous OT (but very valid) comment to the Misc. thread.

Anonymous said...

Can we confirm that UMASS-Boston has hit a hiring freeze like UMASS-Amherst?

(At first the provost of the UMASS-Amherst campus initiated one for that campus, but the UMB dept. head said it did not impact them from my contact back in mid-November)

Anonymous said...

9:29, thanks for the info on Minnesota!

Anonymous said...

Princeton sent out rejection letters for its social demography position.

Anonymous said...

I'm in a hiring department - I wonder if I should be crushed that no one is asking about the status of our search. I think the pool of applicants was relatively small, ~50 people or so.

Anonymous said...

Any word on Appalachian State?

Anonymous said...

11:38: tell me and i'll apply (if i didn't already), i'm desperate for a job (i won't ask for a thing and i'll do whatever you say)

-i already have a computer and i can write a grant to fund my research

-i love teaching! i have extensive experience and plans for new courses

Anonymous said...

did anyone hear anything about southwestern university? did they ever make an offer?

Anonymous said...

yes, Southwestern made an offer.

Anonymous said...

What's the story with Illinois State University confirming a hire? The deadline wasn't until Nov 1st...did they work super fast or was there an inside candidate?

Anonymous said...

Did the Univ. of Virginia ever make an offer for the race and globalization position?

Anonymous said...

I think Northeastern was supposed to meet today. Does anyone know where things stand there?

Anonymous said...

RE: Wisconsin schools

I just had UW-River Falls contact me today about a phone interview, and I am flying out to UW-Stout next week for an in-person interview.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know anything about the two searches at the University of Miami? Has anyone accepted yet?

Anonymous said...

Davidson is planning to make an offer this week

Anonymous said...

Re: 2:07

That does seem strange that Illinois State confirmed a hire after no one reporting any activity at all on the Wiki. Either a search committee member posed it (& it is accurate) or someone is messing with us.

Anonymous said...

Or the people involved don't read the blog and/or weren't comfortable posting anything until it was inal.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that almost all the inquiries and news in here are East Coast and small college -- more on Ithaca, Georgetown, Tufts, James Madison, Coastal Carolina (!) than on any of the state universities west of the Mississippi that are hiring.

More chances for those of us who enjoy warmer weather and wide open spaces in the West!

Anonymous said...

RWJ HSS has started sending rejection emails

Anonymous said...

is there any news about the positions at New Mexico?

Anonymous said...

i bet my RWJ HSS rejection is here by Friday

their track record is 98% IVY LEAGUE, so if you weren't born under a lucky star, no fellowship for you, go eat ketchup!

Anonymous said...

re Miami. Offers are out; decisions are pending.

Anonymous said...

I had a phone interview with Illinois State two weeks after the application deadline, and the next week they called to say they had invited two of the six who had phone interviews (but not me) for a campus interview. So I don't think there was an inside candidate; I think they just interviewed/offered/hired/informed the "also rans" promptly.

Anonymous said...

CUNY Baruch (Demography position) just emailed me asking for letters of reference (which they did not require in the initial application)

Anonymous said...

CUNY Baruch just emailed me to set up a phone interview next week.

Anonymous said...

Any news on Rutgers' social demography position?

Anonymous said...

CUNY-Hunter? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

Appalachian State contacted me today to say I was on their short list. They are notifying everyone who is on the short list and then contacting their references.

Anonymous said...

The Wiki says that UNC-Greensboro has canceled its search... Does anyone know anything about that?

Anonymous said...

UNC-G sent out letters (I received one yesterday) saying that their search was cancelled due to budgetary reasons.

Did Baruch set up the phone interview after receiving your letters?

Anonymous said...

So I just got a call from the dean the school that I was offered a job at. We're talking formally offered. And formally accepted, all except the actual contract. They are pulling the position! No job for me in the fall.

Is this happening to anyone else or is it just my stupid luck? I told everyone about "my" job. This is so humiliating.

Anonymous said...

That really sucks! I've heard of that happening in past years, and you're probably not the only person that will happen to this year. I think we're all scared that this will happen.

Anonymous said...

I agree that is a terrible thing to experience! I think that everybody with offers is probably a little more anxious to sign a contract this year.

Anonymous said...

I am so, so sorry... that is really horrible. I would be devastated. But hey, the fact that you were offered a job already means that you are a good candidate... so you will probably have more offers coming your way! :-)

Anonymous said...

7:27, I am so sorry to hear that, but now you have me officially freaked out. The SC voted to extend me an offer last week, but I'm still waiting to hear the arrangements (let alone getting to the contract stage). But keep plugging away for that second offer!

Anonymous said...

I wrote the first comment on baruch but not the second- so I was asked for letters the same day they set up a phone interview with somebody else apparently. Maybe the phone interview person had already sent in letters?

Anonymous said...

8:03 did you note that you were offered a position on the other wiki site? I know a few people who are waiting to hear from SCs and your info might alleviate (or increase) their worries!

I'm sorry to hear about the pulled position. That is absolutely terrible news...

Anonymous said...

When did Delaware make an offer?

Anonymous said...

I got my rejection letter from Hunter yesterday.

Anonymous said...

8:26, the school I mentioned is a b-school, so it probably doesn't affect anybody.

Anonymous said...

Any RWJ news?!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard anything more about U Mass--Boston?

Anonymous said...

Tufts or UCLA?

Anonymous said...

7:27: That's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard, I'm not getting any interviews and I cannot imagine how that must make you feel. You were so close.

At the same time, it's bullshit. If it were me, I'd sue. If it was done through e-mail, then you have paper records and their e-mail can be subpoenaed too. That is so unprofessional (and the recession is no excuse). Seek out some pro bono legal counsel. Deans need to be held accountable--they can't have their departments conducting searches, making decisions, and telling them to rescind offers.

Anonymous said...

9:50: I haven't received a rejection yet from RWJF, so that's good news. However, if they are doing it alphabetically, then it should be hear shortly as I am closer to the end of the alphabet.

Anonymous said...

Though I realize this comment may get removed, I just have to say WOW to 11:14.

It's horrible that the position got pulled. But suing? On what possible grounds? And what would be the point? Doesn't it make more sense to sigh (or cry/yell/whatever) and then get back to work? Unless they did something that indicates discrimination or some other sort of foul play, it doesn't seem like there would be any point to suing.

Anonymous said...

11:21: Hey buddy, the candidate did not do anything wrong. You don't make and accept offers and then RESCIND THEM! What kind of stupid Dean is this? You don't sue the department, you sue the university and their lawyers will probably want to settle out of court. If you really need money, I would do it. To all aspiring to be in administration: RESCINDING OFFERS IS A BIG NO NO

I'm at a school that settled to the tune of a $250,000 for rescinding an offer to a GRADUATE STUDENT in a different dept. for rescinding an a funding offer.

If it was verbally made and agreed to, then the case is harder to pursue, but if you have e-mail or a signed offer letter of intent, then press on. You have to stand up for yourself, even in academia.

Anonymous said...

i've heard nothing about conn college, tufts, umass-b

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure RWJ has notified folks if they have interviews. I'm not sure if it's the Health in Society or Health Policy program, but I think it's Health in Society.

Anonymous said...

It might be prudent to at least consult a lawyer. On the other hand, if you might want a job at the institution in question in the future, that would not be the route to pursue. Who knows what will happen in the next 12 months - maybe the funding will open back up and they'll be able to re-issue the offer? And of course having a history of suing a school attached to your name may not bring future academic job offers pouring in more generally.

Anonymous said...

11:54 :

Can you tell us how you know that about RWJF?

Anonymous said...

RWJF is going to give me a big fat no no! Their track record is IVY LEAGUE (fuckin classist/racist bastards!)

Anonymous said...

I agree with 11:14. The school has entered into an oral or implied contract for employment, which in some cases are just as valid as a written contract. I would definitely have a conversation with a lawyer.

Anonymous said...

7:27, I'm so sorry. I am currently in between the verbal/electronic acceptance of the offer and the official signing of the contract. I have since turned down an on-campus interview and have notified the schools that asked for additional information that I was no longer on the market. My gut and my entire committee told me not to accept these in good faith but I have been nervously wondering what sort of action I would take if things fall through with my offer.

You should have grounds to sue for lost wages. Nor do I think any department would think poorly of you for taking legal action - you were promised a job by a high-level administrator in a tight market during an economic clusterfuck. Any department that does think negatively of you for protecting yourself (I would be out of funding and lose insurance) is probably not the kind of environment you want to work in, anyway.

Good luck. I hope you either get an even better offer or a cushy payout.

Anonymous said...

I am likewise sorry to hear what happened to the person whose offer was rescinded, but I also have say I don't think there is anything illegal about it since a contract was not signed. Is it sucky and unfair? For sure! But illegal? Not so much.

I do know of one other case where something similar happened and a candidate was offered a position only to have the offer pulled by a Dean a week later. In the case I know of, the Dean actually offered the position to another candidate. I think it was a department politics situation.

Anonymous said...

is there a post-docs wiki?

Anonymous said...

here's a website with advice from a lawyer on rescinded job offers:

Anonymous said...

"7. To protect yourself in the event your job offer is retracted, negotiate stipulations into your employment offer letter."

the system and the courts are both very employer-biased

Anonymous said...

Humanities and Social Science Postdoc Wiki:

Anonymous said...

I hate to engage in a flame war on this again, but RWJ HSS has selected multiple people from UCLA, UT-Austin, UCSF, UW Madison, and UC Boulder. Top programs to be sure, but not ivy league. I am from the earlier cohorts of scholars, so it's possible it's trending more toward the ivies, but I'm not so sure. It would not be difficult to pull all the data on the sociologists in the program and see.

Anonymous said...

i was just looking at recent cohorts, sorry for the false accusation of anti-meritocratic practices among the oh-so-justice oriented sociologists :-)

Anonymous said...

and someone from a non-top department couldn't possibly be good enough for anything but unemployment this year (even if you vita blows away those from top programs), but brand-names > great scholarship and teaching

any word on Tufts?

Anonymous said...


Schools that have confirmed a hire

Denison University
DePaul University
Illinois State University
Illinois Wesleyan University
Missouri State University
Purdue University
St. Edward's University
St. Norbert College
Stonehill College
UC Davis (Demography)
University of Oregon
University of Toronto (theory)

Anonymous said...

how long does it take to accept a fucking offer!!!!!!!!!!1

Schools that have made an offer

Albright College (Family and Methods)
Bard College
Boston University
Boston College (aging)
Brooklyn College (Urban)
Denison University
DePaul University
Drury University
Furman University (both positions)
Georgetown University
Georgia State University (1 position)
Hofstra University
Illinois Wesleyan University
Louisiana State University - Shreveport (theory)
Missouri State University
Pomona College
Purdue University
Smith College
St. Edward's University
Southwestern University
UC Davis (Demography)
UC San Diego
University of Delaware
University of Miami
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (Junior Open: 2 positions)
University of Richmond
University of Utah (comparitive international sociology)
University of Toronto (theory)
Vanderbilt University (Sociology position)

Anonymous said...

sociologists say, "I don't think..." way too often and in empirically irresponsible ways

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with saying either "I think..." or "I don't think..." So what DO YOU mean about "irresponsible ways"?

Anonymous said...

This is a bit late, for those of you who were asking about Holy Cross -
But, here you go:
Crime, Law, and Deviance - they did their last interview on Tuesday and voted on Thursday (12/11/08)
Methods - they are bringing people in next week

Anonymous said...

Grand Valley State - really? they are just voting now? They did their last interviews before Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Why do schools bring out candidates for inside hires? I just came back from an interview where there was a clear inside hire going on -- it was the most demeaning, insulting day of my life!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Holy Cross information. I was among the group that they asked for transcripts from for the methods position.... but I haven't heard from them since. Since the position hadn't been posted on the wiki, I had been holding out hope that they had just contacted people about interviewing for the crim position.

Anonymous said...

RE: Wiki list of offers and confirmed hires.

Once folks get an offer, there is no incentive for them to update the wiki (the same goes for confirming a hire).

As for the delay, things take time (weeks, months). We made one offer and it was accepted. For our other position, however, we had our first offer was rejected. We've offered it to someone else, they've got two weeks, and we may have to do it all over again.

-from an SC perspective

Anonymous said...

I didn't post on the wiki when i got an offer because i declined it and didn't want anyone else in the running to feel like they were the second pick if they got the next call after me.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone honestly care if they are the second choice? I sure as hell wouldn't.

Anonymous said...

i just need to get picked, even if i'm miserable so i can buy my kid health insurance, i don't care anymore

Anonymous said...

Seriously, enough with the health insurance. Many of us have kids and many of us are on state health plans for people with low incomes. Information about these plans has been posted. If you want to vent about this, move it to the venting page.

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