UNC-Charlotte has two openings -- an open area one that just opened last week, and whichever one they posted two months ago (I think it might have been strat and/or global). The "new positions" thread has more info on this, I think.
Unfortunately, I feel that we are unlikely to have much gossip on schools like CT College (undergraduate only institutions) because we are unlikely to have connections in those departments. It seems that a lot of our info comes from grad students in other departments. I am dying for word on CT College (as well as Bard), and I am concerned that the position may have been pulled singe the CT deadline was over a month ago. But I guess we'll find out when people start getting interviews...
We flying the first class Up in the sky Poppin' champagne Livin' the life In the fast lane And I wont change By the Glamorous, oh the flossy flossy
I'm talking Champagne wishes, caviar dreams You deserve nothing but all the finer things Now this whole world has no clue what to do with us I've got enough money in the bank for the two of us Plus I gotta keep enough lettuce To support your shoe fetish Lifestyles so rich and famous Robin Leach will get jealous Half a million for the stones Taking trips from here to Rome So If you ain't got no money take your broke ass home G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S
I agree with you. It is much harder to find out info on the SLACs than R1s.
I am also waiting to hear back about Conn College. I have a friend who works there already (not in sociology) and she told me that she has not heard of any searches on campus being frozen. She also said that she thinks their job searches often take forever.
This gives me hope that the search is still going on--although they could have already called people for interviews and we just don't know. I guess someone should give in and contact them to ask (and Bard too!)
i'm just setting myself up for disappointment anyway...and next year, there will be fewer positions and likely a much more competitive group on the sociology TT assistant prof market than this year
Well, I just got a rejection email from UC Santa Cruz, which reads: "Unfortunately, your name is not on the list of the serious candidates we have selected to interview."
"Serious candidates?" I'm sorry, did I maybe seem like I wasn't serious about wanting a job there? Because, um, I did.
What's the opposite of being a serious candidate? A "frivolous" candidate, maybe? Not only am I possibly unemployed next year, apparently I'm also Ron Paul.
I just got the same email from Santa Cruz. I'm assuming that means we didn't even make the long shortlist. Humbling!
My thoughts on next year....on the one hand, universities are in a fiscal crisis this winter, which is not good for hiring next fall. On the other hand, my guess is that there will also be some pent up demand, as many schools did not hire this year, or hired fewer people than they need. So, hiring might not be quite as badly affected next fall as we think.
my legal lover got the uc santa cruz email too...i was thinking that if i ever to write such letters, i am going to put words of encouragement in them so people don't feel like garbage when they get them
The UCSC rejection letters does use the word "serious" awkwardly where "final" would have been more appropriate for the intended meaning. Be aware that in many search communications the language may reflect judgments of staff members or casual statements from faculty misheard by staff. No university wants to insult a cohort of applicants.
There are hopeful things that a rejection letter could say, but some recipients might see that consolation as being more phoney or manipulative than a clear statement that you're no longer being considered. Even a "Good luck" statement implies that rejectees' futures depend on pure chance -- not true.
Any consensus on suggestions for the most appropriate way to say "You won't be hired here this year."? -- on SC (but not at UCSC)
I'm curious, how many of you on the market this year competing for Assistant Prof jobs are "fresh PhDs" and how many of you are coming off a post-doc or trying to move up from a current Asst Prof job?
I myself am a freshie--I suppose I don't feel so bad if I'm competing against more experienced people for the same pool of jobs.
I think rejection letters that emphasize the high quality of the applicant pool are always appreciated. The standard "We got a gazillion applications from talented and qualified people". I also think a simple "Thank you" is in order. Thank you for applying, thank you for taking this opening seriously, thank you for considering us in your job search.
I agree that the "best of luck" sign off rubs me the wrong way but that's just personal preference.
I received an e-mail from U. Mary Washington this afternoon. I was just looking at their website and they have a VAP who fits the job description, so I'm not going to get to excited about this one. Smells like an inside candidate to me. Urgh.
Does anyone have any info about the Hofstra searches? I noticed that they were back on the wiki, but without Xs. Have people started interviewing? For both positions?
Mary Washington too! They sent email messages to all ten? Do I still have a sliver of hope? Sadly, this position was at the top of my list and now it's the last to fall. Fitting I guess. Time for plan B, or C...
I think its strange that they have a top ten (at U of Mary Washington) and there is only one X on the wiki... maybe the person sending out emails is just moving slowly... one yesterday, nine today? We can only hope...
Please add wiki Xs if you have good news, it lets reality set in for the rest of us...
Also 8:24... its not over until its over. There are not many offers or confirmed hires on the wiki. Schools may get into a second round of interviewing if they don't like the top three, or if the top choices take other jobs. I think we all need to remind ourselves that the jobs we mark off our lists (because they pop up on the wiki) aren't necessarily out of the running yet. Just trying to stay positive.
I have a bunch of interviews coming up so I finally emailed the department to see what was going on. The chair told me that they do have a short list that they have decided on(& that I was not on it).
I don't know if everyone on the short list has been contacted or not.
I got an e-mail from CT College (today) letting me know that my file was incomplete and that they needed one more letter of reference. Maybe that's good news? Wouldn't they just move on if they weren't interested? Hanging by a thread here. I hope everyone is able to pause and enjoy Thanksgiving!
Does anyone know if the Boston College offer listed on the wiki refers to the aging position or the joint position between sociology and the international studies program?
when you get a response from a follow up thank you email after a campus interview, is there a correlation between the length of the response and the likelihood that you will get an offer
short response = unlikely to get offer
long response = likely to get offer
that is, would someone write a longer email if it is a future colleague vs. someone the dept. won't hire
I think you're reaching. I think it depends a lot more on the personality of the letter writer and how much time he/she has. Also, I imagine a lot of times thank you emails go out before the committee or department has decided on who to offer the job too.
Just to repeat 6:35AM - Does anyone if the U of Richmond offer was for 1) race/ethnicity or 2) deviance/law/social control, medical/health, or migration?
Can someone shed some light on the Siena campus interview? I was just told that they are still reviewing the candidates, so either they are full of shit and don't want to tell me that they have a candidate OR the information on the wiki is suspect. This was unsolicited 411 by the way. Search committees PLEASE be more transparent! And please don't deliberately mislead panic stricken job seekers.
3:51 Thanks for sharing that with me. Congrats to your friend and wish them luck! Upon reflection I think it was a little harsh to say that the search committee is being "deliberately misleading"; however, I think it is less than forthcoming and honest to say "At the present time the Search Committee is considering all of the candidates" when you already have a campus interview scheduled. Obviously one could argue that I am still under consideration, but clearly there is a front runner.
What's going on with Furman University? There are six "X"s on the wiki! Did they really invite that many people to campus? Maybe they've done two rounds of interviewing already?
Has anyone heard anything about Bard College? I checked out their website and the sociology job is not listed any more. I'm not sure if this is because the deadline has passed or because the job has been frozen. They are still hiring in other positions, so who knows . . .
I am also very interested in Bard College. I wouldn't read much into their job as being pulled... their deadline was almost a month ago. I'm guessing that we'll hear from them (at least someone will) sometime this week...
Go James Madison! With two positions and after only 2 weeks since the deadline, I'd say that's pretty impressive. Some SC's have taken as long as 10 weeks.
Furman has two positions this year, but the Wiki page doesn't distinguish. I'm guessing all those X's represent both searches.
And, yes, that's great news about JMU moving so quickly after their deadline. I've heard that Guilford College is hoping to have their short list figured out by this coming week or the one after, too.
Also, how many of us got the email from Georgetown University saying that although they've already talked to some people, they are "still sorting through the candidates." I'm guessing this means that the search is on-going. Perhaps there's still hope for those of us who had not been contacted by them already!
The most candidates I've heard a school bringing out this year is the University of Washington, which had five on-campus interviews for one spot (they had over 400 applications!)
The University of Washington is bringing in five candidates because they want to make sure they get one. They understand that some of the candidates have multiple interviews in other places.
11:28: I also got the email for Georgetown. I simply interpret it as - in the event that the candidates already invited end up declining an offer or are not provided an offer, then the search is ongoing until the position is filled. In that sense, they are still 'sorting through the candidates'. So, there is a small bit of hope of being contacted if GT ends up dipping back into their short-list. I guess. That's what I'm clinging to anyway.
I got the Georgetown email also... I think they screwed up by not sending out the Affirmative Action stuff earlier, so they are sending a nice email now. Yeah, there is a chance they will dip back into the pool... but there is a chance with any school until they confirm a hire...
Does anyone else think that it is strange that the only thing Holy Cross wanted extra were transcripts? What do you think they are looking for on our undergrad and grad transcripts? How does that help them make a decision?
Hey does anyone know anything about University of Houston Clear Lake. I have a phone interview and am trying to prepare by doing research on who is in the department and I cant find a department website.
That West Virginia wiki post does it for my job list. I am officially out of job options from my first "round" of applying. Guess it's time to go for the few remaining TT jobs, postdocs, and adjuncts....
Just think, Wisconsin = bad marriage/divorce court/alienation from your kids
you spend so much time being "busy" and are not necessarily productive, in the end what is it worth? what Wisconsin sociologist changed the world? Mills? But can we really count him as a Wisconsin sociologist...if he were alive today he'd be thrown out of Wisconsin so fast, you'd think McCarthy was back in power
Just got an email from UNC telling me I didn't make the short list (Soc of Pop). At least (unlike Rutgers and Davis), UNC promptly notified unsuccessful candidates. On the other hand, maybe I didn't want to know so soon. That was the last of my applications, so I guess I won't be getting a job for next year.
I got an email from UNC (pop studies) a week and a half ago telling me that I was on the short list and requesting additional writing samples. Hopefully no new news (or rejection email today) is good news.
Re: UNC Pop - thanks, 2:29. Sometimes I wish they'd just say that upfront (I know there are legal issues, etc), but it would certainly save a lot of people a lot of time.
re: UNC...my understanding is that they would like to diversify their faculty but they certainly are not excluding anyone based on that. this is second-hand info from a friend who is a student there.
I thought the University of Cincinnati sent a great rejection letter. We have talked about the really awful ones, how do you like this one?
"Thank you for applying for the faculty opening in Sociology at the University of Cincinnati. Although your credentials are impressive, we are now in the process of interviewing a select few candidates whose skills are an extraordinary fit with the department's needs. Please accept my best wishes for your continued professional success, and good luck in finding a position suitable to your career goals."
I like that they made it about "fit" and not just about how "extraordinary" the finalists were.
I thought the UNC rejection e-mail was quite nice: "Thank you for your interest in a faculty position at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The pool of candidates who applied this year was unusually strong. There are many deserving junior scholars such as yourself whom we would have enjoyed learning from and getting to know. I regret that you were not one of the very small number whom we have selected for our short list."
December 1, 2008 1:51 PM - That's a great question - "did Georgetown make an offer or decide to dip back in?" I would love to know the answer to that myself.
Maybe someone here can give me some advice...I have a job offer but before I ask for a time frame to respond, I'd like to find out where some of the other departments are in terms of their search time frames. Is it appropriate to email them and ask where they are? If so, should I email the department chair, office manager, or someone else?
10:49: First - congratulations! It seems strange that you weren't given a deadline with the offer. Speaking from experience, and the experiences of others, these deadlines can vary from 3 days to 3 weeks. Three days is rough because it gives you no real time to negotiate some of the details. I was given 5 days to make a decision (during which time I got little sleep). My advice is to contact someone you know and trust who has recently gone through the negotiating process. Without such advice, I would have made very big mistakes.
Oh, and you should contact the chair/head, or the whomever contacted you, and ask what the deadline is. Say something like - you're very honored/excited, you're now talking it over with friends and family, and to be respectful and courteous to the dept you'd like to know the time frame within which you need to make the final decision. If it's two week, you should work on negotiating some the details (if necessary, of course) in writing as soon as possible. These are my thoughts - you should get as much advice as possible.
10:49, are these other departments ones where you interviewed or just applied? Why do you want to contact them, because the offer is not the school of first (or second or third, etc) choice or do you want to use the info in the negotiations?
I don't think they would ever renege on an offer if you ask for more money, but they will probably tell you that they can't offer that much money. If you refuse to compromise at that point, then they may eventually say "well, we can't pay you that much, take it or leave it"
I mean unless you ask for an insultingly high offer that shows you are not serious about negotiating (like if they offer you 50k and you ask for 100k instead)
I agree with 11:43. As long as you are sensible and reasonably, the offer won't be retracted. This phase of the process is just as crucial as the interview itself. Like the interview, it's sort of like theater - if you make a good impression in negotiating, it will serve you well in the dept and with the Dean. So, be cautious. And best of luck.
Just received rejection letter from UC Davis. I had applied for the macro position, but the rejection was for the social demography position. The online application system at UC Davis still shows that I applied for the macro position. Collateral damage in job market?!
I've estimated 20 rejections, but only got a letter from Wesleyan. It doesn't matter...the letters are still coming. I'm a decent candidate and would go to the floor for your department, but I guess I will be desperately seeking some kind of academic employment in the interim (if there are any positions left).
12:20 - I received the same email even though I also only applied to the Macro position. I wrote them back and got this response:
"Please ignore the previous email regarding the application status of a position you have not applied for. This was a technical mistake on my part. I apologize for the confusion. "
I'm also wondering about the UNC East Asia position. I got the rejection email from them yesterday, which did not specify which position it was. But in my application I noted that I was applying to the East Asia position...so I assumed that I didn't make it.
Anyone know anything about criminology/ criminal justice jobs not mentioned on this blog, such as Temple, UMSL, Indiana-Bloomington, ASU, or Northeastern?
"Thank you for submitting your application to us and for giving us the opportunity to consider your candidacy for our social demography position. We are fortunate to have had a large number of very highly qualified applicants for the position and your file was carefully reviewed. I am sorry to inform you that you are not among those applicants selected for further consideration. Again, thank you for considering UC Davis and, on behalf of the Committee, let me wish you every success in your future endeavors.
(name deleted)"
Well, at least with each rejection that thought in the back of my mind that holds out secret hope for the slight possibility that I could get lucky is not running obsession in the background.
Anybody STILL waiting to hear back after a campus interview over 3 weeks ago? Should we assume the offer has been made to another candidate? And would we have heard if that is the case?
I'm still waiting to hear from an interview from 4 weeks ago. Nothing's up on the wiki, but this is one week past the timeline the department gave me. I assume the offer has been made to someone else but has not been accepted ...
Still waiting... I'm assuming the same thing: an offer was extended to someone else, and s/he is thinking about it. Each dept is different, however, and in your case, they might still be deliberating. If you are under consideration elsewhere, it does not hurt to make it known... I sent a note on Monday, to the effect of 'Hi, I'm still interested in the position, and didn't want to appear otherwise... But I understand if you are still in process.' I have no idea if that is the right thing to do. Sigh.
I was given the exact date that I would be contacted, if I happened to be "that one". It did make the waiting a little easier. Though, I still couldn't concentrate on my work.
I interviewed six weeks ago and still have not heard back. I don't think this is unreasonable -- I was the first of four candidates, and Thanksgiving and the annual crim meetings have occurred in the last month. Three weeks isn't bad at all, even if you were the last to interview. Thanksgiving week is probably a wash on most campuses.
I was told I would "probably be contacted the first or second week of December"..so every time my phone rings I freak out a little. No luck yet though :( Definitely not helping me do anything except check the wiki 1000 times a day hoping not to see the school on the "schools that have extended an offer" section. Not up there yet either, but I hold my breath every time I look.
well i didn't get a job (they made an offer) but i did get laid with a woman i picked up in the hotel bar (a few extras to entertain her on the school's tab)
I was told to expect a call from the SC on a given date and I ended up getting a call offering me the job 6 days later. I don't know if the 1st pick turned it down or if they moved slow. There was a 2-week delay between the interview and the offer, and I know I was the first of 2 interviews.
Assistant Professor of Sociology to teach sociology and sociology related general education courses. A successful candidate will teach a 7/8 load with responsibility for oversight of the Sociology program. Ph.D. preferred although Master's Degree or 18 graduate hours in Sociology will be considered. Teaching experience needed.
CRAZY!! I think that should be considered slave labor.
The institution in question teaches one course at a time, four a semester. My guess is that they worded the ad poorly, meaning 7-8 courses a year, so actually a 4/4 or 4/3 load.
So, basically Clark is making their decision based not on one's qualifications, but one's race. Hmmm, sounds oddly "racist" to me, but I'm a white male, and as an oppressor of all humankind, I obviously have no clue what I'm talking about. I love how the answer to racism is ... more racism. Woo hoo! I'm going to business school or law school where being a white male won't automatically count against me. Show of hands for all the white males with job offers/interviews this year. (Insert sound of crickets chirping here.) So much for fighting the good fight -- hasn't done a thing for me.
I have been waiting four weeks. I did see that an offer had been made on the wiki and I am happy for the first person it has been offered to. We'll see if she or he will accept--the position was great in a great city, so I would not at all be surprised if it is taken. Good luck to all!
This might not be the right list for this question but this list is the most active one and I hope to get some answers...Does anyone know what the standard is in terms of the end decision on a candidate? I am wondering whether it is typical for the entire faculty to have a vote or if just the search committee votes or if it varies greatly department to department.
It varies greatly by department. In some departments, often smaller ones, the whole faculty may vote on both the short list and the candidate(s) to whom an offer is made. In other departments, the search committee may decide the short list, but the entire faculty votes on the final offer. In some departments, esp. larger departments or those that do targeted area searches, the search committee recommends one candidate to the faculty, and the faculty just votes up or down. And, I suppose there are some departments in which the search committee is all-powerful, although I suspect this is relatively rare.
in my department (large R1), the SC sends a short list to the faculty and the full faculty vote on who to interview. after the interviews, the SC makes a recommendation and the full faculty vote yes or no.
at the department where i interviewed (SLAC), the SC picked candidates to interview and the full faculty voted after the interviews.
7:02 you should be ashamed of your self I know I am ashamed of you as a sociologist. Did it ever occur to you that they picked a highly qualified minority candidate, or do you think that those two don’t go together? I’m not sure if your comments were meant to be offensive be they were, so think before you write.
Signed highly QUALIFIED sociologist who happens to be a Black woman who doesn’t mind getting a job because people are looking to increase diversity.
You would think that sociologists of all people would recognize the importance of diversity in hiring. As a well qualified white woman, I recognize that the strikingly white departments that I have been associated with are in dire need of diversification. And I fully support the hiring of qualified racial and other minorities (qualified seems redundant here, as nobody hires unqualified candidates), even if it makes it a bit harder for me to get a job.
i don't like that i have not gotten a job yet this year, but that's because there are people out there of many colors who are more qualified or a better fit. NO ONE who is unqualified gets a job. there are just way too many qualified applicants!
A few posters mentioned contacting schools to check on the status of the searches (because he/she has other interviews and/or offers). I wanted to check on the status of Tufts but realize their deadline was very recent - Nov. 30th. Anyone else contacted schools with very recent deadlines?
7:02 -- "a Black woman who doesn’t mind getting a job because people are looking to increase diversity." You pretty much proved my point for me. Were the inequality on the other foot, I'm guessing you might have a small problem with it.
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"
This is in response to some posts from yesterday about how long one might expect to wait after an interview before hearing of a decision. I was made an offer about one month after I visited, and I was the first of three visits. However, this school had made it known that they were wanting to work quite quickly, so perhaps this timeline is a bit fast.
I've heard that Guilford College was hoping to have their short list finalized by last week or this week, but that they are not expecting to do phone interviews until January and likely won't do in-person interviews until February ...
I haven't heard anything about Salem State, though.
Weber State University seems to be having some budget problems--they may be suspending one of the two searches and turning the other position into a visiting position.
if a job posting gives a date for initial review but then says the position is "open until filled" and the job is still active in the ASA job bank, is it worth applying?
next year is gonna fucking suck for finding an TT assistant prof. job, the stock market has been taking a slow moving-average dive for two months, universities are strapped for cash, the quality of college education will be declining, Bush will be retiring to Dallas, war criminals will be running free around Amerika starting up Haliburton/Blackwater successors, ASA meeting attendance will drop sharply, journals will fold
if you see a hedge fund manager, punch him in the gut and take his rolex (they've already stepped up security on Wall St. because people are VERY pissed these days). I keep having neighbors evicted and people are starting to challenge the cops
JMU contacted at least one person I know by email yesterday (Friday) to let them know that they are a "finalist." They will be scheduling an on-campus interview, but I don't know how quickly that will happen.
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 2083 Newer› Newest»UNC-Charlotte has two openings -- an open area one that just opened last week, and whichever one they posted two months ago (I think it might have been strat and/or global). The "new positions" thread has more info on this, I think.
Unfortunately, I feel that we are unlikely to have much gossip on schools like CT College (undergraduate only institutions) because we are unlikely to have connections in those departments. It seems that a lot of our info comes from grad students in other departments. I am dying for word on CT College (as well as Bard), and I am concerned that the position may have been pulled singe the CT deadline was over a month ago. But I guess we'll find out when people start getting interviews...
Any word on Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia?
The sentiment of those who GOT jobs:
We flying the first class
Up in the sky
Poppin' champagne
Livin' the life
In the fast lane
And I wont change
By the Glamorous, oh the flossy flossy
I'm talking Champagne wishes, caviar dreams
You deserve nothing but all the finer things
Now this whole world has no clue what to do with us
I've got enough money in the bank for the two of us
Plus I gotta keep enough lettuce
To support your shoe fetish
Lifestyles so rich and famous
Robin Leach will get jealous
Half a million for the stones
Taking trips from here to Rome
So If you ain't got no money take your broke ass home
G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S
Re: 9:44
I agree with you. It is much harder to find out info on the SLACs than R1s.
I am also waiting to hear back about Conn College. I have a friend who works there already (not in sociology) and she told me that she has not heard of any searches on campus being frozen. She also said that she thinks their job searches often take forever.
This gives me hope that the search is still going on--although they could have already called people for interviews and we just don't know. I guess someone should give in and contact them to ask (and Bard too!)
11;46 i agree. conn's women's studies search is still going on, so i would assume the same is true for sociology.
as for tufts, i think the deadline is tomorrow or wednesday, so i'm assuming no one will hear until after that.
i'm just setting myself up for disappointment anyway...and next year, there will be fewer positions and likely a much more competitive group on the sociology TT assistant prof market than this year
Well, I just got a rejection email from UC Santa Cruz, which reads:
"Unfortunately, your name is not on the list of the serious candidates we have selected to interview."
"Serious candidates?" I'm sorry, did I maybe seem like I wasn't serious about wanting a job there? Because, um, I did.
What's the opposite of being a serious candidate? A "frivolous" candidate, maybe? Not only am I possibly unemployed next year, apparently I'm also Ron Paul.
I just got the same email from Santa Cruz. I'm assuming that means we didn't even make the long shortlist. Humbling!
My thoughts on next year....on the one hand, universities are in a fiscal crisis this winter, which is not good for hiring next fall. On the other hand, my guess is that there will also be some pent up demand, as many schools did not hire this year, or hired fewer people than they need. So, hiring might not be quite as badly affected next fall as we think.
my legal lover got the uc santa cruz email too...i was thinking that if i ever to write such letters, i am going to put words of encouragement in them so people don't feel like garbage when they get them
Rutgers: YOU SUCK!
an anonymous email was sent to a faculty member at UC Santa Cruz informing them of their tact
The UCSC rejection letters does use the word "serious" awkwardly where "final" would have been more appropriate for the intended meaning. Be aware that in many search communications the language may reflect judgments of staff members or casual statements from faculty misheard by staff. No university wants to insult a cohort of applicants.
There are hopeful things that a rejection letter could say, but some recipients might see that consolation as being more phoney or manipulative than a clear statement that you're no longer being considered. Even a "Good luck" statement implies that rejectees' futures depend on pure chance -- not true.
Any consensus on suggestions for the most appropriate way to say "You won't be hired here this year."?
-- on SC (but not at UCSC)
I think "final list" would be fine.
I'm curious, how many of you on the market this year competing for Assistant Prof jobs are "fresh PhDs" and how many of you are coming off a post-doc or trying to move up from a current Asst Prof job?
I myself am a freshie--I suppose I don't feel so bad if I'm competing against more experienced people for the same pool of jobs.
I think rejection letters that emphasize the high quality of the applicant pool are always appreciated. The standard "We got a gazillion applications from talented and qualified people". I also think a simple "Thank you" is in order. Thank you for applying, thank you for taking this opening seriously, thank you for considering us in your job search.
I agree that the "best of luck" sign off rubs me the wrong way but that's just personal preference.
I got the same rejection email from UCSC, and it was insulting on first read ... Just taking out the word "serious" would have been better:
"Unfortunately, your name is not on the list of candidates we have selected to interview."
I had the same response to the UCSC e-mail, but I ultimately concluded that it was an unfortunate word choice and not an intentional slight.
Also, U. Mary Washington has a short list of 10 people.
I also received a letter acknowledging my application from U Oregon (ethnic studies).
Re: U. of Mary Washington. How were people on the shortlist notified?
RE: 2:21pm I received an e-mail.
when did you receive the U of Mary Washington email?
John Carroll University has started scheduling campus interviews.
When did Siena College contact people for on-campus interviews?
I received an e-mail from U. Mary Washington this afternoon. I was just looking at their website and they have a VAP who fits the job description, so I'm not going to get to excited about this one. Smells like an inside candidate to me. Urgh.
Does anyone have any info about the Hofstra searches? I noticed that they were back on the wiki, but without Xs. Have people started interviewing? For both positions?
Princeton was requesting another round of information via email today.
john carroll picked an interviewee in my dept. who is a known idiot
I had an on-campus interview at Hofstra. To my knowledge, offers have not yet been made...
Hendrix College has begun scheduling phone interviews.
Pitzer is scheduling campus interviews.
Out of curiousity, was the Hofstra interview for the quant position?
Mary Washington too! They sent email messages to all ten? Do I still have a sliver of hope? Sadly, this position was at the top of my list and now it's the last to fall. Fitting I guess. Time for plan B, or C...
I think its strange that they have a top ten (at U of Mary Washington) and there is only one X on the wiki... maybe the person sending out emails is just moving slowly... one yesterday, nine today? We can only hope...
Please add wiki Xs if you have good news, it lets reality set in for the rest of us...
Also 8:24... its not over until its over. There are not many offers or confirmed hires on the wiki. Schools may get into a second round of interviewing if they don't like the top three, or if the top choices take other jobs. I think we all need to remind ourselves that the jobs we mark off our lists (because they pop up on the wiki) aren't necessarily out of the running yet. Just trying to stay positive.
Have a good Thanksgiving everyone!
I am also wondering about Wisconsin-Madison. There is no X next to it. Have they really scheduled interviews?
Any Wisconsin student who might want to say something about this?
9:25 re: Hofstra
I interviewed for the open position
Re: Connecticut College
I have a bunch of interviews coming up so I finally emailed the department to see what was going on. The chair told me that they do have a short list that they have decided on(& that I was not on it).
I don't know if everyone on the short list has been contacted or not.
re: CT College
When did you receive the email back about the short list? Did he imply that anyone had been contacted yet?
Re: Connecticut College
This was the whole email from the chair:
"We are still in the search process. But I can tell you that you are not on our short list. I wish you well in your search."
I had asked them "where are you in the search process," so I assume the first sentence just means that they have not hired anyone yet.
Thanks for the extra info on CT College!
Kind words 8:13AM, kind indeed. Happy Holidays.
Anyone know who got the UC-Davis job? At least that's one superstar who isn't competing with the rest of us for jobs anymore..
Anyone know the status of UCLA?
I got an e-mail from CT College (today) letting me know that my file was incomplete and that they needed one more letter of reference. Maybe that's good news? Wouldn't they just move on if they weren't interested? Hanging by a thread here. I hope everyone is able to pause and enjoy Thanksgiving!
Anyone know the status of Illinois State?
University of Texas-Arlington is requesting more materials.
Any word on
U. of Richmond?
St. Joseph's U.?
UBC (I didn't receive the letter someone else said they received. Any other word on this one?)
Richmond has made an offer, but the person has not accepted yet.
U of San Diego? Any word?
For those of you wondering about Wisconsin, I called the department and was told that no interviews has been scheduled yet.
Does anyone know if the Boston College offer listed on the wiki refers to the aging position or the joint position between sociology and the international studies program?
Re Richmond: Weren't there 2 jobs? Which one is the offer for?
when you get a response from a follow up thank you email after a campus interview, is there a correlation between the length of the response and the likelihood that you will get an offer
short response = unlikely to get offer
long response = likely to get offer
that is, would someone write a longer email if it is a future colleague vs. someone the dept. won't hire
Re: 6:35
I think you're reaching. I think it depends a lot more on the personality of the letter writer and how much time he/she has. Also, I imagine a lot of times thank you emails go out before the committee or department has decided on who to offer the job too.
Good luck though!
Has anyone heard further from Holy Cross?
UNC Chapel Hill is planning to hold interviews in mid- to late-January. Candidates have not yet been notified.
Re: 6:51
Holy Cross requested transcripts by December 1, so I am guessing nobody will hear anything else from them until after that.
I think that UNC info is for the Asia position...
Re: NCC Chapel Hill East Asian position. Have they contacted candidates on their shortlist?
I meant UNC not NCC.
Last I heard they had not contacted candidates for the UNC job. I believe the plan is to do that before the winter break though.
Anyone heard from Northern Illinois re: the urban position?
nothing yet on NIU urban but I am really hoping I do.
Just to repeat 6:35AM - Does anyone if the U of Richmond offer was for 1) race/ethnicity or 2) deviance/law/social control, medical/health, or migration?
Hofstra has extended an offer for one of its positions.
Can someone shed some light on the Siena campus interview? I was just told that they are still reviewing the candidates, so either they are full of shit and don't want to tell me that they have a candidate OR the information on the wiki is suspect. This was unsolicited 411 by the way. Search committees PLEASE be more transparent! And please don't deliberately mislead panic stricken job seekers.
My friend has an on-campus interview scheduled at Siena.
3:51 Thanks for sharing that with me. Congrats to your friend and wish them luck! Upon reflection I think it was a little harsh to say that the search committee is being "deliberately misleading"; however, I think it is less than forthcoming and honest to say "At the present time the Search Committee is considering all of the candidates" when you already have a campus interview scheduled. Obviously one could argue that I am still under consideration, but clearly there is a front runner.
Any details on Case? See they're marked as sending out campus invites. Any details on how many, what areas, etc.?
case asked for my letters and two days later they were scheduling interviews, but i heard nothing
Any word on the Cal State Los Angeles position?
Any word on the Sociology and Ethnic Studies position at the Univ. of Utah?
The richmond offer I know about was for the race/ethnicity position.
Thanks 4:49. I guess Richmond went under the wiki radar.
Any news on the UT Austin sociology of religion search?
This doesn't directly influence me, but . . .
What's going on with Furman University? There are six "X"s on the wiki! Did they really invite that many people to campus? Maybe they've done two rounds of interviewing already?
6! I know of one dept. that invited 5 for one position last year. Wow, 6!
How about James Madison? Can anyone shed light on where they might be in their search??
Has anyone heard anything about Bard College? I checked out their website and the sociology job is not listed any more. I'm not sure if this is because the deadline has passed or because the job has been frozen. They are still hiring in other positions, so who knows . . .
Anyone want to contact them?
James Madison's SC is meeting this week and may have a short list by the end of the week.
I am also very interested in Bard College. I wouldn't read much into their job as being pulled... their deadline was almost a month ago. I'm guessing that we'll hear from them (at least someone will) sometime this week...
Go James Madison! With two positions and after only 2 weeks since the deadline, I'd say that's pretty impressive. Some SC's have taken as long as 10 weeks.
It looks like UT Austin has invited candidates for each of their positions by looking at their website.
Furman has two positions this year, but the Wiki page doesn't distinguish. I'm guessing all those X's represent both searches.
And, yes, that's great news about JMU moving so quickly after their deadline. I've heard that Guilford College is hoping to have their short list figured out by this coming week or the one after, too.
Also, how many of us got the email from Georgetown University saying that although they've already talked to some people, they are "still sorting through the candidates." I'm guessing this means that the search is on-going. Perhaps there's still hope for those of us who had not been contacted by them already!
The most candidates I've heard a school bringing out this year is the University of Washington, which had five on-campus interviews for one spot (they had over 400 applications!)
11:28- also got that email from georgetown ...
The University of Washington is bringing in five candidates because they want to make sure they get one. They understand that some of the candidates have multiple interviews in other places.
11:28: I also got the email for Georgetown. I simply interpret it as - in the event that the candidates already invited end up declining an offer or are not provided an offer, then the search is ongoing until the position is filled. In that sense, they are still 'sorting through the candidates'. So, there is a small bit of hope of being contacted if GT ends up dipping back into their short-list. I guess. That's what I'm clinging to anyway.
I got the Georgetown email also... I think they screwed up by not sending out the Affirmative Action stuff earlier, so they are sending a nice email now. Yeah, there is a chance they will dip back into the pool... but there is a chance with any school until they confirm a hire...
Does anyone else think that it is strange that the only thing Holy Cross wanted extra were transcripts? What do you think they are looking for on our undergrad and grad transcripts? How does that help them make a decision?
Hey does anyone know anything about University of Houston Clear Lake. I have a phone interview and am trying to prepare by doing research on who is in the department and I cant find a department website.
Re: Holy Cross. My understanding is that the Dean requires it. I don't know why.
That West Virginia wiki post does it for my job list. I am officially out of job options from my first "round" of applying. Guess it's time to go for the few remaining TT jobs, postdocs, and adjuncts....
(good spirits to whoever won the job)
any further word on Conn College?
So Wisconsin finally scheduled in-person interviews? Congratulations to those who got called! I really liked that job.
i got a rejection letter from wesleyan sci/soc position (not that i didn't already figure it out thanks to the wiki :-)
fuck them, i'm better than them and they can kiss my ass, i'm going places (it may not be this year, but it will be someday)
(the vent feels good)
Just think, Wisconsin = bad marriage/divorce court/alienation from your kids
you spend so much time being "busy" and are not necessarily productive, in the end what is it worth? what Wisconsin sociologist changed the world? Mills? But can we really count him as a Wisconsin sociologist...if he were alive today he'd be thrown out of Wisconsin so fast, you'd think McCarthy was back in power
did Georgetown make an offer or decide to dip back in?
Just got an email from UNC telling me I didn't make the short list (Soc of Pop). At least (unlike Rutgers and Davis), UNC promptly notified unsuccessful candidates. On the other hand, maybe I didn't want to know so soon. That was the last of my applications, so I guess I won't be getting a job for next year.
Anybody heard anything about Bard College, Guilford, or Franklin and Marshall?
I got an email from UNC (pop studies) a week and a half ago telling me that I was on the short list and requesting additional writing samples. Hopefully no new news (or rejection email today) is good news.
UNC is looking for a diversity candidate
University of Houston - Clear Lake
Re: UNC Pop - thanks, 2:29. Sometimes I wish they'd just say that upfront (I know there are legal issues, etc), but it would certainly save a lot of people a lot of time.
Any news on Wisconsin political economy position?
re: UNC...my understanding is that they would like to diversify their faculty but they certainly are not excluding anyone based on that. this is second-hand info from a friend who is a student there.
Does anybody know anything about St. Cloud U., Loyola Chicago, or Greensboro College?
So this is a little off topic but . . .
I thought the University of Cincinnati sent a great rejection letter. We have talked about the really awful ones, how do you like this one?
"Thank you for applying for the faculty opening in Sociology at the University of Cincinnati. Although your credentials are impressive, we are now in the process of interviewing a select few candidates whose skills are an extraordinary fit with the department's needs. Please accept my best wishes for your continued professional success, and good luck in finding a position suitable to your career goals."
I like that they made it about "fit" and not just about how "extraordinary" the finalists were.
Any word from UNCG? Last year they were requesting additional materials before the deadline.
Cincinnati faculty are very nice people (based on friend who interviewed there)
6:59 - re Loyola Chicago, I had a phone interview for the soc of ed position two weeks ago. No word since, though. . .
I thought the UNC rejection e-mail was quite nice:
"Thank you for your interest in a faculty position at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The pool of candidates who applied this year was unusually strong. There are many deserving junior scholars such as yourself whom we would have enjoyed learning from and getting to know. I regret that you were not one of the very small number whom we have selected for our short list."
December 1, 2008 1:51 PM - That's a great question - "did Georgetown make an offer or decide to dip back in?" I would love to know the answer to that myself.
some social psychologist dipshit in my dept; 'you just have to change your perceptions, you'll get a job' (what a fucking moron)
Maybe someone here can give me some advice...I have a job offer but before I ask for a time frame to respond, I'd like to find out where some of the other departments are in terms of their search time frames. Is it appropriate to email them and ask where they are? If so, should I email the department chair, office manager, or someone else?
10:49: First - congratulations! It seems strange that you weren't given a deadline with the offer. Speaking from experience, and the experiences of others, these deadlines can vary from 3 days to 3 weeks. Three days is rough because it gives you no real time to negotiate some of the details. I was given 5 days to make a decision (during which time I got little sleep). My advice is to contact someone you know and trust who has recently gone through the negotiating process. Without such advice, I would have made very big mistakes.
Oh, and you should contact the chair/head, or the whomever contacted you, and ask what the deadline is. Say something like - you're very honored/excited, you're now talking it over with friends and family, and to be respectful and courteous to the dept you'd like to know the time frame within which you need to make the final decision. If it's two week, you should work on negotiating some the details (if necessary, of course) in writing as soon as possible. These are my thoughts - you should get as much advice as possible.
Do places ever renege on the offer if you ask for too much?
10:49, are these other departments ones where you interviewed or just applied? Why do you want to contact them, because the offer is not the school of first (or second or third, etc) choice or do you want to use the info in the negotiations?
To the person who just put the Holy Cross X on the wiki... when are you interviewing? After X-mas? When were you contacted? (and congrats to you!)
I don't think they would ever renege on an offer if you ask for more money, but they will probably tell you that they can't offer that much money. If you refuse to compromise at that point, then they may eventually say "well, we can't pay you that much, take it or leave it"
I mean unless you ask for an insultingly high offer that shows you are not serious about negotiating (like if they offer you 50k and you ask for 100k instead)
I agree with 11:43. As long as you are sensible and reasonably, the offer won't be retracted. This phase of the process is just as crucial as the interview itself. Like the interview, it's sort of like theater - if you make a good impression in negotiating, it will serve you well in the dept and with the Dean. So, be cautious. And best of luck.
Just received rejection letter from UC Davis. I had applied for the macro position, but the rejection was for the social demography position. The online application system at UC Davis still shows that I applied for the macro position. Collateral damage in job market?!
I've estimated 20 rejections, but only got a letter from Wesleyan. It doesn't matter...the letters are still coming. I'm a decent candidate and would go to the floor for your department, but I guess I will be desperately seeking some kind of academic employment in the interim (if there are any positions left).
Sadly yours,
Good Guys Sociologist
has Ohio University (Athens) invited any candidates for in-persons?
12:20 - I received the same email even though I also only applied to the Macro position. I wrote them back and got this response:
"Please ignore the previous email regarding the application status of a position you have not applied for. This was a technical mistake on my part. I apologize for the confusion. "
"Good Guys Sociologist?" That's awesome!
any words on UNC-Chapel Hill East Asia position? Have they sent out rejection email to East Asia position applicants as well?
I'm also wondering about the UNC East Asia position. I got the rejection email from them yesterday, which did not specify which position it was. But in my application I noted that I was applying to the East Asia position...so I assumed that I didn't make it.
I just received a rejection letter from University College Dublin.
Anyone know anything about criminology/ criminal justice jobs not mentioned on this blog, such as Temple, UMSL, Indiana-Bloomington, ASU, or Northeastern?
Can the person who posted that Baylor made an offer say how they know. Were you directly contacted?
Congrats to whomever got the offer.
the person to whom an offer was made by Baylor is in my department. she was contacted by phone.
I am also interested about Holy Cross. When was the person contacted about the interview and when is the interview (Dec. or Jan.)?
Has anyone heard from Indiana University South Bend, or Illinois State University? Thanks!
Holy Cross is scheduling interviews for both of its positions in December.
"Thank you for submitting your application to us and for giving us the opportunity to consider your candidacy for our social demography position. We are fortunate to have had a large number of very highly qualified applicants for the position and your file was carefully reviewed. I am sorry to inform you that you are not among those applicants selected for further consideration. Again, thank you for considering UC Davis and, on behalf of the Committee, let me wish you every success in your future endeavors.
(name deleted)"
Well, at least with each rejection that thought in the back of my mind that holds out secret hope for the slight possibility that I could get lucky is not running obsession in the background.
Anybody STILL waiting to hear back after a campus interview over 3 weeks ago? Should we assume the offer has been made to another candidate? And would we have heard if that is the case?
RE: 8:36
I'm still waiting to hear from an interview from 4 weeks ago. Nothing's up on the wiki, but this is one week past the timeline the department gave me. I assume the offer has been made to someone else but has not been accepted ...
Still waiting... I'm assuming the same thing: an offer was extended to someone else, and s/he is thinking about it. Each dept is different, however, and in your case, they might still be deliberating. If you are under consideration elsewhere, it does not hurt to make it known... I sent a note on Monday, to the effect of 'Hi, I'm still interested in the position, and didn't want to appear otherwise... But I understand if you are still in process.'
I have no idea if that is the right thing to do. Sigh.
I had a phone interview and sent thank you emails. Is a lack of response indicative of lack of interest?
Sorry that this should be on the misc discussion thread but it seems to have died.
I was given the exact date that I would be contacted, if I happened to be "that one". It did make the waiting a little easier. Though, I still couldn't concentrate on my work.
I interviewed six weeks ago and still have not heard back. I don't think this is unreasonable -- I was the first of four candidates, and Thanksgiving and the annual crim meetings have occurred in the last month. Three weeks isn't bad at all, even if you were the last to interview. Thanksgiving week is probably a wash on most campuses.
8:36 here
Thanks for sharing your experiences. I'm glad I'm not the only one waiting (and having trouble getting work done).
I was told I would "probably be contacted the first or second week of December"..so every time my phone rings I freak out a little. No luck yet though :( Definitely not helping me do anything except check the wiki 1000 times a day hoping not to see the school on the "schools that have extended an offer" section. Not up there yet either, but I hold my breath every time I look.
Michigan Organizational Studies: I heard they are scheduling interviews.
well i didn't get a job (they made an offer) but i did get laid with a woman i picked up in the hotel bar (a few extras to entertain her on the school's tab)
I was told to expect a call from the SC on a given date and I ended up getting a call offering me the job 6 days later. I don't know if the 1st pick turned it down or if they moved slow. There was a 2-week delay between the interview and the offer, and I know I was the first of 2 interviews.
UNC-CH has scheduled 2 interviews for pop studies, both of which are next week.
12:42 do you mind saying what school it was? It not I understand.
Hey anyone know anything about University of Cincinnati? How many people they are interviewing for the Race position? Where they are?
I just got a rather terse letter from Clark saying their search is "closed." Anyone have more info?
Anyone hear anything from the Oxford Post-Doc Prize Research Fellowship?
Any info greatly appreciated. Thanks...
You could always apply for this job:
Assistant Professor of Sociology to teach sociology and sociology related general education courses. A successful candidate will teach a 7/8 load with responsibility for oversight of the Sociology program. Ph.D. preferred although Master's Degree or 18 graduate hours in Sociology will be considered. Teaching experience needed.
CRAZY!! I think that should be considered slave labor.
No way that's a real job posting.
It appears to be legit:
Oxford Nuffield College Postdoc (Prize Fellowship) contacted me before Thanksgiving to send my writing sample by the end of this week.
The institution in question teaches one course at a time, four a semester. My guess is that they worded the ad poorly, meaning 7-8 courses a year, so actually a 4/4 or 4/3 load.
clark is trying to attract an african american so they probably didn't like last year and then the admin canceled the search
"clark is trying to attract an african american"
So, basically Clark is making their decision based not on one's qualifications, but one's race. Hmmm, sounds oddly "racist" to me, but I'm a white male, and as an oppressor of all humankind, I obviously have no clue what I'm talking about. I love how the answer to racism is ... more racism. Woo hoo! I'm going to business school or law school where being a white male won't automatically count against me. Show of hands for all the white males with job offers/interviews this year. (Insert sound of crickets chirping here.) So much for fighting the good fight -- hasn't done a thing for me.
Thanks for the info 5:38.
I think that qualifies as a fucking bummer. *sigh*
ohio univ (athens) killed their inequality search
St. Joseph's?
Northern Illinois?
I have been waiting four weeks. I did see that an offer had been made on the wiki and I am happy for the first person it has been offered to. We'll see if she or he will accept--the position was great in a great city, so I would not at all be surprised if it is taken. Good luck to all!
This might not be the right list for this question but this list is the most active one and I hope to get some answers...Does anyone know what the standard is in terms of the end decision on a candidate? I am wondering whether it is typical for the entire faculty to have a vote or if just the search committee votes or if it varies greatly department to department.
@4:41 AM.
It varies greatly by department. In some departments, often smaller ones, the whole faculty may vote on both the short list and the candidate(s) to whom an offer is made. In other departments, the search committee may decide the short list, but the entire faculty votes on the final offer. In some departments, esp. larger departments or those that do targeted area searches, the search committee recommends one candidate to the faculty, and the faculty just votes up or down. And, I suppose there are some departments in which the search committee is all-powerful, although I suspect this is relatively rare.
in my department (large R1), the SC sends a short list to the faculty and the full faculty vote on who to interview. after the interviews, the SC makes a recommendation and the full faculty vote yes or no.
at the department where i interviewed (SLAC), the SC picked candidates to interview and the full faculty voted after the interviews.
7:02 you should be ashamed of your self I know I am ashamed of you as a sociologist. Did it ever occur to you that they picked a highly qualified minority candidate, or do you think that those two don’t go together? I’m not sure if your comments were meant to be offensive be they were, so think before you write.
Signed highly QUALIFIED sociologist who happens to be a Black woman who doesn’t mind getting a job because people are looking to increase diversity.
You would think that sociologists of all people would recognize the importance of diversity in hiring. As a well qualified white woman, I recognize that the strikingly white departments that I have been associated with are in dire need of diversification. And I fully support the hiring of qualified racial and other minorities (qualified seems redundant here, as nobody hires unqualified candidates), even if it makes it a bit harder for me to get a job.
7:43 - me too!
i don't like that i have not gotten a job yet this year, but that's because there are people out there of many colors who are more qualified or a better fit. NO ONE who is unqualified gets a job. there are just way too many qualified applicants!
A few posters mentioned contacting schools to check on the status of the searches (because he/she has other interviews and/or offers). I wanted to check on the status of Tufts but realize their deadline was very recent - Nov. 30th. Anyone else contacted schools with very recent deadlines?
7:02 -- "a Black woman who doesn’t mind getting a job because people are looking to increase diversity." You pretty much proved my point for me. Were the inequality on the other foot, I'm guessing you might have a small problem with it.
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"
8.22, You just proved the point that "Four legs good, two legs bad." I'm going to go hug my dog now.
Another plea to all...please move the venting to the venting page!
Any word on UNC-Greensboro or a recent deadline, Tulane?
This is in response to some posts from yesterday about how long one might expect to wait after an interview before hearing of a decision. I was made an offer about one month after I visited, and I was the first of three visits. However, this school had made it known that they were wanting to work quite quickly, so perhaps this timeline is a bit fast.
a lot of schools should move quickly this year b/c of fear of line getting cut by admin
Has anyone heard anything from/about either Guilford College or Salem State College? Thanks!
I've heard that Guilford College was hoping to have their short list finalized by last week or this week, but that they are not expecting to do phone interviews until January and likely won't do in-person interviews until February ...
I haven't heard anything about Salem State, though.
so no word on Connecticut College, did they do an inside hire?
No word on James Madison's short list?
re: CT College
I e-mailed the admin person there asking about the status of the search and she said "The search is still ongoing."
Thanks for the update on CT - that's one happy ray of hope in my day!
I emailed the admin at Bard but did not get a response yet...
Please keep us updated about Bard! Thanks for emailing them!
Is the job offer for the Louisiana State University, Shreveport job for the theory position or the open position?
Weber State University seems to be having some budget problems--they may be suspending one of the two searches and turning the other position into a visiting position.
if a job posting gives a date for initial review but then says the position is "open until filled" and the job is still active in the ASA job bank, is it worth applying?
Any word on Northern Illinois's qualitative position?
next year is gonna fucking suck for finding an TT assistant prof. job, the stock market has been taking a slow moving-average dive for two months, universities are strapped for cash, the quality of college education will be declining, Bush will be retiring to Dallas, war criminals will be running free around Amerika starting up Haliburton/Blackwater successors, ASA meeting attendance will drop sharply, journals will fold
if you see a hedge fund manager, punch him in the gut and take his rolex (they've already stepped up security on Wall St. because people are VERY pissed these days). I keep having neighbors evicted and people are starting to challenge the cops
Clarke sent out letters saying that they had concluded their search.
does that mean they hired someone or that they are not hiring?
Clark University's letter says only that the search is "closed."
I heard from someone at Clark (but not in the soc dept.) that they did not hire anyone.
Short on cash, some put a price on themselves
Lean times spurs interest in payment for sperm, eggs, plasma — even hair
(a byline from MSNBC)
I see Georgetown has made an offer. Well done to that lucky person!
Opps! Is that Georgetown College or University?
college or university? someone's life hangs in the balance
wisconsin has some "pigs" in that dept. (word has it)
Fordham sent out a university wide notice that almost all searches were being cancelled, so that means that their seach is probably off.
USD and Bucknell already held interviews.
Davidson just did their interviews. They have a very strong inside candidate.
Colby-Sawyer has completed phone interviews. In-person interviews are supposed to be scheduled during December to take place sometime in January.
JMU contacted at least one person I know by email yesterday (Friday) to let them know that they are a "finalist." They will be scheduling an on-campus interview, but I don't know how quickly that will happen.
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