Bucknell, Mississippi State, U of Toronto (both positions) have all scheduled job talks (I know these either first hand or because friends have reported back.)
Also, I've applied to about 30 jobs and only got 2 definitive "no" answers back (Stony Brook to say they cancelled the search and Oregon to say "fuck off"...but nicely.) Hello? Is it so hard to send out the reject form letter? I at least like to know where I stand with stuff.
Villanova's search is officially cancelled. I just got word from the search chair. She send letters are going out this week to everyone on the short list.
Someone posted that U of Wyoming scheduled in-person interviews, but there is no 'x'. Anyone have more info? I was expecting a call or email either way after the phone intervew, but have heard nothing... Thanks.
Eastern Michigan has started contacting people on its short list to see if they're still interested. They plan to invite candidates out within the next week or so.
Re: 5:18 I got a letter from U of Washington thanking me for my application and asking me to fill out the affirmative action forms online. I'm not sure if this means I'm still in the running, since it sounds like they are already inviting candidates out... Confusing.
You may still be in the running (and I hope so!), but the form letter and request to fill out EEOC documents goes out to everyone as long as the position is open.
Re: U of Wash- these comments were posted a few days ago in response to a similar inquiry:
Does anyone know how many candidates the University of Washington invited? There is only one X on the wiki.
November 14, 2008 9:08 AM Anonymous said... washington's candidates are listed on their website's departmental calendar. some familiar names if you've been checking other departments' sites
re U of Wyoming: They have scheduled 3 interviews. Maybe they aren't contacting the other people they had phone interviews with because they are thinking of dipping back into that pool of non of these 3 work out?
I just got a letter from the University of Maryland dated 11/14 saying they are in the process of reviewing applications for the demography position. I thought that search was canceled? anyone have any information? Thanks!
i won't let them get me down, i KNOW i am better then the people they called in for interviews and I can outperform them in teaching and research any day (self-motivating pep talk)
i won't let them get me down, i KNOW i am better then the people they called in for interviews and I can outperform them in teaching and research any day (self-motivating pep talk)
The ASA had (for 2008) a fee of $75 for conference pre-reg for "Unemployed Sociologist"...yeah like i will be able to fly across the coast during next year's obvious great depression
Does anyone have news on Case Western? Did they make a short list? I got asked for more materials last week but it appears they are already scheduling interviews. This is it, if this does not come through I'm toast.
well apparently Baruch finally posted their family demography position..and the deadline is today! Oops...guess they are going to get my application late. I'm surprised there's so many jobs being posted at this late date (at least in my subfield)
I called U of Washington and they said that they are not sending out any rejection letters until they make an offer and it is accepted. So there's still some hope. Good luck to all of you!
Search colleges usually don't send out rejection letters until the position has been filled. Some don't send out rejection letters at all.
The affirmative action inquiry is just a legal requirement for record-keeping about applicants; was the pool diverse enough to defend against complaints of bias?
It is not a sign that they are still considering you as a candidate.
Hey, any word on Delaware's non-tenure track position? I'm really interested in that one. Do those of you that were brought in for the tenure track position know anything?
11:57- the baruch job is up on the ASA employment website. I just did a search for jobs in the "family" subfield, and it was listed (it's also listed under demography I believe, as is the CUNY-Queens demography job)
Wisconsin has been requesting more materials off and on for at least a month (presumably staggered as applications arrive and are reviewed). So nobody has heard anything else from them?
I can be a great asset to your department in the areas of medical sociology, quantitative methods, social stratification, race and ethnicity, and political sociology.
I have several sole-authored peer review publications written and published while a graduate student. Various drafts of papers are in the pipeline now.
I have also prepped and taught nearly eight different courses at a large Research 1 in the Northeast where I am finishing my doctoral degree.
I have sent out many applications and only made a few long-lists. Most faculty said I would have an easy time on the market, but as we all know this is not the case for anyone.
I work very hard and would love the opportunity to work as a tenure-track assistant professor in your department.
I understand making sacrifices in hard times.
I will take a $5,000 pay cut for my first two years (depending if there is a loophole in your faculty contract that allows such). I can also teach an extra course each semester for the first two years.
I will defend my dissertation in early Spring of 2009.
While I recognize this is unorthodox, I really hope you might consider contacting me. I am a serious person.
If anyone else is interested in the University of Toronto Asian Modernities position (joint with sociology), the search committee is meeting on Thursday to try to narrow down a shortlist.
There's no need for me to find an academic job anymore. I'm going to register SocAuctionMill2008.com and charge other desperate job search losers $100 to engage in bidding wars to see who is willing to subject themselves to the most debasement in exchange for a TT job.
i highly doubt tufts, conn college, or umass-boston, or anyone else will want me, i'm pretty much done this year
anyone applying to another grad program to ride out the storm? I was thinking of doing the M.A. in Poli Sci or possibly an MPH
does such look funny next time i'm on the market? "...look this person has a PhD and then went and got a MA in poli sci (i am guessing the MPH looks good regardless)"
"As reported by one of our faculty, a man was just found inside her office taking books on the "pretense" of buying them.
When she told him that she did not want to sell these books, he continued to walk out with them under his arm before he was haled back
to return them. He did give them back but acted confused where he found them! Please beware.
Male, approx. 19-22 yrs, short brown hair, 5' 10", no glasses, no facial hair, wearing white jacket with some design on it. Please lock your door when stepping out."
I like 9:57's innovation! There was recently a realtor trying to find less-commission based work in NYC who offered the first person to hire him under a set of stipulations all of his end of life benefits which I think was a $1 million dollars!
Thank you 11:39am. I encourage all those who feel comfortable to write a letter like I did to a hypothetical search committee chair.
There is a very talented untapped pool of human capital that could have a long-run payoff in the quality of departments.
And I can easily sacrifice a portion of my salary to contribute to the collective good, given the mounting budget crises faced by many universities and colleges.
11:46: is driving down salaries for sociologists by undercutting offers really for the greater good? It's not like we get paid all that much to begin with
Well...it is not my intention to undercut my colleagues, but since I did not made the first cut, I figure that to sell my labor power, I can lower the price for an introductory period.
I am a PhD Candidate from a top RI in the upper Midwest. I have multiple sole and first authored pubs and am (mostly) on track to finish my dissertation by the early summer of 2009 (if I can stop looking at this damn blog every 8 seconds.)
How about this for a deal? If you hire me, I WON'T drive all the way to your house, ring the doorbell and then shoot myself in the face in front of your terrified wife and kids. You like that deal, big guy? Yeah.
To find out who you are, and also to make necessary arrangements for my job talk (I'll need Power-point) email: Shootselfinfacephd2009@gmail.com
I think all schools care about your teaching. I know the mentality of Research-oriented graduate education, but teaching can be "make or break" in this job market. There are people with great research credentials, pubs in the big three, but with little teaching experience, their apps are getting thrown out. People who can do both well are having good luck in this market.
Did they hire for demography or teacher of demography? I'm real upset...it's not that great of a place, at least I should have gotten an interview. It's not like I didn't excel at one of the top departments in the Midwest.
The SC chair of a place I applied to rejected me, but a free complimentary copy of his textbook came in the mail. Guess I will sell on Ebay now, ha ha! Obviously I would have rather had the job.
10:42am, good luck with getting to the Obama administration. DC has, and will remain, captured by the economists. Sociologists, and especially the ASA, have done a pathetic job of getting the ears of policy makers. Although it is admittedly hard to do when our discipline places a premium on esoteric topics (I won't go on a tangent ridiculing much of what constitutes sociology these days, it would take way too much space).
1:15- I know quite a few demographers who are upset about not getting the Rutgers interview. What makes you think you are 'entitled' to an interview at a specific place just because it is 'lower ranked' (and I'm not sure what Rutgers is 'ranked' but it is an R1 university with a phd program in sociology, which makes it higher ranked then a whole lot of other schools hiring sociologists this year). I know at least 6 or 7 people who applied to that job from my program alone, and I know someone who got an interview there- and that person had a lot of both teaching and research experience, but weren't even what I would call a demographer...so who really knows. Really, how many demographers are out on the job market? Probably at least 30-40...are you really one of the top 3 of them? And even if you are, does that mean you are automatically entitled to every single demography interview at a non-top-10 school?
Signed, someone else who really thought they had a shot at Rutgers and didn't get an interview.
Demography is a broad field and Rutgers (and many of the other schools hiring in the area) advertised for candidates with a specific substantive focus. I got a phone interview but was told I didn't make the short list because I didn't fit as well with the department as other candidates.
Keep in mind that "demography" is almost just as broad an area as "quantitative methodology" (or any other methodological approach). It's more likely your substantive focus didn't align as well as that of others in the applicant pool...
A plea...I read the vent section when I want to freak myself out and hate life...I read this section when I want to see which of my schools to cross off my list and then hate life. Please...vent in the vent section! :)
I applied to work for the Obama administration. You complete a short form and a few days later they will email you a link to a very long application to fill out.
Based on what I have been told by a professor who is involved with the transition team as a consultant, you stand a better chance of getting noticed if your work is applied in nature. no offense, but they're not interested in semiotic cultural codes among tattoo artists if you get my drift...
We are (I am) collectively upset about Rutgers because in their search they specifically emphasized the need to hire someone who could teach demographic methods and the only person who I know with an in-person interview is a highly qualified and can broadly be defined as a "demographer" but has never taken a demographic methods class! Jobs are so scarce that it's frustrating when search committees hire against their stated intentions.
Do people who do bullshit sociology really get rewarded?
I've overheard people bragging about how they made up part of their data (invented a couple of interviewees) and then seen the article published in a well-regarded ethnographic journal (I figured it was just an isolated case and not to say that I can't think of some quant-oriented people who 'bullshit' with p-value tails).
Regarding UC San Diego, I can confirm that they voted last week to make an offer to a senior person. I imagine it has been made by now. I heard this from a member of the faculty there.
Ohio University did some phone interviews last week and I believe their search committee will be meeting this week to decide on a shorter list. OU won't do campus interviews until January, because of the way their semesters are set up. (They have a six week break for the holidays.)
I was contacted by email about the Methods position at Holy Cross... and I don't think that your asking is pathetic at all... I have done the same for almost every position that has passed me by...
Out of curiousity, does anyone know how many people have been contacted about this position? Are some of the wiki X's about the other position?
I don't think it usually takes too long...that's definitely something you can ask the search committee chair during your interview- you can ask if there's a timeline for when a decision is going to be made.
I had an interview about 2 weeks ago..I was told that I was the first of 3 interviews, they would be doing one interview a week (so the last one was this week), then they would meet 2 weeks later (since next week is thanksgiving) and they would let me know either way the first or second week of December.
Generally I think that offers are made pretty quickly after the interviews are over, unless there is a holdup at the dean's office or something.
SUNY-New Paltz has called to let the people who are on their interview list know that they are interested in them and that they'll be setting up interviews for late January.
i received a job offer last year about 10 days after my interview. i recently did an interview this year and was told that the offer would be made within 1 week of the final interview.
What do you mean that Wisconsin "began to schedule interviews"? Have they already contacted the candidates, or are they still finalizing the decisions?
What I heard is that they have already contacted several candidates for both positions and are currently scheduling interviews. The source of this information is a friend of mine who is a PhD student at Wisconsin.
I find it kind of lame that they wouldn't call you. I know it's not an easy phone call, but e-mail? Really? Along those same lines I recently learned via this list that a school that I had a phone interview with had gone forward with another candidate. Have they bothered to tell me? Of course not. I understand why they do that, but I still think it sucks. I would appreciate their honesty and transparency a little more. Sorry if this should be in the venting section, but it related to the previous comment.
It's annoying when schools do that, but it makes some sense from their point of view not to contact candidates with whom they are not moving forward, in the event that they are unsatisfied with the people who came in to interview (I heard that this scenario already happened at one place) or that the person to whom they offer the job turns down the offer and they need to move back down the list. We probably shouldn't expect to receive rejection letters until the new hire has signed on the dotted line.
I understand what you are saying, but my point is that even without this list I would have figured out that they had gone "in another direction" by now. Now, should I should be so lucky as to get an interview with this school because their other choices didn't work out, it's not as if I won't know that I'm not their first choice, so why not just tell me?
8:32, I interviewed last year with an Ivy and had to contact them to find out they had chosen someone else. I found this to be very classless.
One interview I conducted this fall (at a business school) has been completely different, but still a little unsettling. I had several emails this past weekend from the search chair asking me to hold off from making any decisions. He said there was strong sentiment for my candidacy, blah blah. This is three weeks after my interview. I haven't heard from him all week. While positive, it is very nerve-wracking. Especially since I really want THIS job.
last year I heard from a department chair concerning a position for which I interviewed via HARD MAIL. Not the courtesy of an email, not a phone call... it was the most pathetic and disappointing thing I have encountered.
I received a letter from Dublin confirming that they received my materials and that they were proceeding with the hire (I think I got this in late oct/early nov).
Has anyone heard anything about U of Utah? West Virginia?
If you didn't get a job and you are, as of spring 09 going to have your diss. defended, what do you do to stay academically relevant if you can't find academic work?
By posting all these entirely too-long stories, are you intentionally trying to make this blog unreadable? If the answer is yes...all I can say is, THANK YOU!
I elected to remove the multiple long comments that were copies of various media articles. They made this thread very difficult to read when looking for information on search statuses. The author is welcome to re-post links to the articles in the "Misc. Discussion" thread.
To 5:21, your best bet is a postdoc that allows you to publish articles out of your dissertation, work on a book, or even start a new project. Most deadlines for official postdoc programs were back in October and November, but a few are sometimes advertised between January and March. Sometimes you can get your institution to give you a fake postdoc where you have access to library resources and a title, but no funding. You can do research work at a center or institute, if there's one in your field. And of course, there is always adjunct teaching. Many people cobble several of these options together. Just make sure you evaluate any possible opportunity by how much time it leaves you to work on articles or a book, as you will need those to be competitive at teaching-focused institutions as well. The advantage of doing these kinds of work, rather than something completely non-academic, is that they help you stay in the academic mix and might even help to expand your network.
To whomever got the on-campus interview with Siena College--when and how did they contact you? I had a phone interview with them, and I was hopeful, but alas, I guess not. Bummer. Congrats.
Another option is to go through your contact list and see if you can locate any professors who have grant money with whom you have a good working relationship. They can sometimes work out a post-doc position for you at their institution for a year. I have known a couple of people who did that in the past, and I am doing it now after a fruitless job search last year.
As someone else wrote, it is really important to make sure that you have sufficient time to pursue publications that will make you a stronger candidate for next year. I am doing a 50/50 split - half my time on the funding professor's work and half the time on mine.
8:14, no word on U Oregon ethnic studies. Just FYI- there is a pretty active (not as active as here though!) ethnic studies wiki that has information. http://scratchpad.wikia.com/wiki/Ethnic_Studies
re declining an offer--the advice I got was to blame it on "family considerations." I would think the best policy is to be fairly honest though--chances are you will see these people throughout your career.
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 2083 Newer› Newest»xx
now its time to panic! oh god
Did I miss something? Why is it time to panic now?
nuthin' better to do, i suppose...
James Madison U. is reviewing files, I hear - no short list yet.
Any word on Michigan's Interdisciplinary Org Studies position?
2,20 -
THANK YOU! The info is very appreciated. Do you have any idea when they might have a list?
Or how many times I'd need to mow the SC Chair's lawn in order to get my name on that list?
Dunno how much of this is news, but...
Bucknell, Mississippi State, U of Toronto (both positions) have all scheduled job talks (I know these either first hand or because friends have reported back.)
Also, I've applied to about 30 jobs and only got 2 definitive "no" answers back (Stony Brook to say they cancelled the search and Oregon to say "fuck off"...but nicely.) Hello? Is it so hard to send out the reject form letter? I at least like to know where I stand with stuff.
4:48 pm - Miss State for which position? There are multiples there this year. Thanks!
re: 4:48
The race position.
Geez... if only it just took some lawn mowing...
Has anyone heard anything from Pittsburgh? They had three positions this year, dunno if they're interviewing for all three at the same time.
Miss. State is still reviewing apps for the gender position according to a letter i got today. they plan to interview before the winter break.
Re: Pitt
I know they're in the midst of interviewing 6 for the two jr. positions (politics & culture), not sure about the adv. asst./assoc.
Re: Pitt
Well, that's a mega-bummer.
What about Middlebury? Are they really already scheduling interviews? The deadline was Nov 7.
Any word on the University of Portland? Someone said the search committee met several weeks ago?
does anyone know anything about the search at Dalhousie?
Are there really only three schools that have made job offers? Does anyone else know of any other schools?
Any word on Wisconsin? So many people are waiting for it...
case western?
umass boston?
jesus, nothing this year...hmm...what do corporations pay for someone to crunch surveys?
has anyone gone this route?
has anyone tried doing another degree like an MPH or MA in stats?
Villanova's search is officially cancelled. I just got word from the search chair. She send letters are going out this week to everyone on the short list.
Ditto on 12:54...I just got an email from the SC at Villanova, as well. Their search just got cancelled.
Thanks George Bush! Thanks Wall Street! Thanks for fucking it all up for EVERYONE!!!!!!
I heard that UCSD has already made an offer. Anyone else have any info? (I'm really hoping it's not true - I want to live there).
Someone posted that U of Wyoming scheduled in-person interviews, but there is no 'x'. Anyone have more info? I was expecting a call or email either way after the phone intervew, but have heard nothing... Thanks.
Says Santa Cruz has made a shortlist (presumably for the inequality position). Did they notify candidates or this is just inside knowledge?
John Carroll University has started contacting candidates for phone interviews.
Mississippi State contacted at least one person to interview for the gender position.
Did anyone receive a rejection letter from U of Washington? Regular mail or email?
Eastern Michigan has started contacting people on its short list to see if they're still interested. They plan to invite candidates out within the next week or so.
Re: 5:18
I got a letter from U of Washington thanking me for my application and asking me to fill out the affirmative action forms online. I'm not sure if this means I'm still in the running, since it sounds like they are already inviting candidates out... Confusing.
You may still be in the running (and I hope so!), but the form letter and request to fill out EEOC documents goes out to everyone as long as the position is open.
Re: U of Wash- these comments were posted a few days ago in response to a similar inquiry:
Does anyone know how many candidates the University of Washington invited? There is only one X on the wiki.
November 14, 2008 9:08 AM
Anonymous said...
washington's candidates are listed on their website's departmental calendar. some familiar names if you've been checking other departments' sites
re U of Wyoming: They have scheduled 3 interviews. Maybe they aren't contacting the other people they had phone interviews with because they are thinking of dipping back into that pool of non of these 3 work out?
case western must be a done deal, FUCK!
I just got a letter from the University of Maryland dated 11/14 saying they are in the process of reviewing applications for the demography position. I thought that search was canceled? anyone have any information? Thanks!
sometimes i think these form letters go out without much thought. i got one monday dated 11/14 asking me to make sure my file was complete by 10/30.
Maryland is still proceeding with one of it's searches, which is a demography hire.
i won't let them get me down, i KNOW i am better then the people they called in for interviews and I can outperform them in teaching and research any day (self-motivating pep talk)
i won't let them get me down, i KNOW i am better then the people they called in for interviews and I can outperform them in teaching and research any day (self-motivating pep talk)
All right, I'm trying to see if any more October deadlines need to be scratched off my list... any news on Hofstra, City College of NY, or CT College?
The ASA had (for 2008) a fee of $75 for conference pre-reg for "Unemployed Sociologist"...yeah like i will be able to fly across the coast during next year's obvious great depression
conn college got my stuff, but they won't like me, i should not even bother getting any hopes up, everything is a goddamn disappt
Does anyone have news on Case Western? Did they make a short list? I got asked for more materials last week but it appears they are already scheduling interviews. This is it, if this does not come through I'm toast.
well apparently Baruch finally posted their family demography position..and the deadline is today! Oops...guess they are going to get my application late. I'm surprised there's so many jobs being posted at this late date (at least in my subfield)
Where is the Baruch job posted?
I called U of Washington and they said that they are not sending out any rejection letters until they make an offer and it is accepted. So there's still some hope. Good luck to all of you!
Search colleges usually don't send out rejection letters until the position has been filled. Some don't send out rejection letters at all.
The affirmative action inquiry is just a legal requirement for record-keeping about applicants; was the pool diverse enough to defend against complaints of bias?
It is not a sign that they are still considering you as a candidate.
Re: Case Western has scheduled interviews using video conferencing technology.
Hey, any word on Delaware's non-tenure track position? I'm really interested in that one. Do those of you that were brought in for the tenure track position know anything?
Crazy! How does that even work? Is it a day of interviews or like a short phone interview? How many interviews like that did they schedule?
re: Case Western. I am not sure how it works. I heard about it the video conferencing approach from a colleague.
re delaware: i interviewed for the tt position and no one mentioned the non-tt one. good luck!!
Mary Washington?
Boston College?
Any word on Santa Cruz's shortlist?
What types of sociologists did Delaware end up focusing on? Demographers/quant/crim?
Thank you 1:14, and congrats on your interview!
Temple is currently interviewing junior candidates.
11:57- the baruch job is up on the ASA employment website. I just did a search for jobs in the "family" subfield, and it was listed (it's also listed under demography I believe, as is the CUNY-Queens demography job)
Ouch. I see Hofstra is on the wiki. Any more information? When did they contact the interviewees?
Wisconsin? What are they waiting for?
Hofstra is bringing candidates in for on-campus interviews. Not sure how many or if they have all been contacted...
I heard from a friend that Wisconsin requested more materials.
Wisconsin has been requesting more materials off and on for at least a month (presumably staggered as applications arrive and are reviewed). So nobody has heard anything else from them?
Has anyone heard from University of Texas - San Antonio? Thanks!
RE: University of Portland...they are bringing in three candidates--i think through next week.
Iowa interviewed three candidates.
anyone hear from Tufts (i know the deadline is 11/1)
how about conn college?
Has anyone heard from Robert Wood Johnson on post-docs?
Dear Search Committee chairs,
I can be a great asset to your department in the areas of medical sociology, quantitative methods, social stratification, race and ethnicity, and political sociology.
I have several sole-authored peer review publications written and published while a graduate student. Various drafts of papers are in the pipeline now.
I have also prepped and taught nearly eight different courses at a large Research 1 in the Northeast where I am finishing my doctoral degree.
I have sent out many applications and only made a few long-lists. Most faculty said I would have an easy time on the market, but as we all know this is not the case for anyone.
I work very hard and would love the opportunity to work as a tenure-track assistant professor in your department.
I understand making sacrifices in hard times.
I will take a $5,000 pay cut for my first two years (depending if there is a loophole in your faculty contract that allows such). I can also teach an extra course each semester for the first two years.
I will defend my dissertation in early Spring of 2009.
While I recognize this is unorthodox, I really hope you might consider contacting me. I am a serious person.
Interested Search Committee chairs please email at:
Thank you for your time.
To avoid professional embarassment, I prefer to remain anonymous.
The Tufts ad said they would begin reviewing applications November 30.
9:57am, interesting approach. I hope you keep us all informed on whether you receive any inquiries.
I'll teach two extra courses and take a $7,000 pay cut. And make sandwiches for faculty on Tuesdays.
If anyone else is interested in the University of Toronto Asian Modernities position (joint with sociology), the search committee is meeting on Thursday to try to narrow down a shortlist.
only if they are as good as Chef Ramsay's
That is priceless. But it gives me an idea. . .
There's no need for me to find an academic job anymore. I'm going to register SocAuctionMill2008.com and charge other desperate job search losers $100 to engage in bidding wars to see who is willing to subject themselves to the most debasement in exchange for a TT job.
I knew going on the market would pay off!
there's always EBAY
Has anyone applied to the Census Bureau or to the Obama admin?
Cool! How do you apply to the Obama admin? What soc positions would be available?
raise your hand if your under thirty
10:45am: don't know , but i submitted my email address at change.gov
i highly doubt tufts, conn college, or umass-boston, or anyone else will want me, i'm pretty much done this year
anyone applying to another grad program to ride out the storm? I was thinking of doing the M.A. in Poli Sci or possibly an MPH
does such look funny next time i'm on the market? "...look this person has a PhD and then went and got a MA in poli sci (i am guessing the MPH looks good regardless)"
Does anyone know if the Miami (FL) position offered was for the race or crime track? (or both). Thanks!
from the psych dept:
"As reported by one of our faculty, a man was just found inside her office taking books on the "pretense" of buying them.
When she told him that she did not want to sell these books, he continued to walk out with them under his arm before he was haled back
to return them. He did give them back but acted confused where he found them! Please beware.
Male, approx. 19-22 yrs, short brown hair, 5' 10", no glasses, no facial hair, wearing white jacket with some design on it.
Please lock your door when stepping out."
Has anyone heard anything about DePaul?
does case western do all of their interviewing over the video conference?
Re: 9:57
Am I the only one finding this highly inappropriate. Admin: can you delete this???
DePaul is interviewing candidates.
11:17am: SC's have a enough to do, so i doubt any will contact me, but please send my message along the way if you think they need someone like me.
I like 9:57's innovation! There was recently a realtor trying to find less-commission based work in NYC who offered the first person to hire him under a set of stipulations all of his end of life benefits which I think was a $1 million dollars!
Thank you 11:39am. I encourage all those who feel comfortable to write a letter like I did to a hypothetical search committee chair.
There is a very talented untapped pool of human capital that could have a long-run payoff in the quality of departments.
And I can easily sacrifice a portion of my salary to contribute to the collective good, given the mounting budget crises faced by many universities and colleges.
10:45: I'm under 30 (actually, 26- I went straight from undergrad to grad school). Whyfor?
11:46: is driving down salaries for sociologists by undercutting offers really for the greater good? It's not like we get paid all that much to begin with
JAB, stop checking the blog and get back to work.
Augusta State has a long-short list and will vote Friday on who to invite for campus interviews.
10:16, I'll take a pastrami on rye ;) Nice to see a little levity.
Well...it is not my intention to undercut my colleagues, but since I did not made the first cut, I figure that to sell my labor power, I can lower the price for an introductory period.
1045: i am 28, but i almost had an offer last year when i was 27
Re: 11:56
EPS you douchebag, if you got something to say to me come down here and say it to my face.
Now get back to work on your dissertation.
Dear SC Member of my university of choice,
I am a PhD Candidate from a top RI in the upper Midwest. I have multiple sole and first authored pubs and am (mostly) on track to finish my dissertation by the early summer of 2009 (if I can stop looking at this damn blog every 8 seconds.)
How about this for a deal? If you hire me, I WON'T drive all the way to your house, ring the doorbell and then shoot myself in the face in front of your terrified wife and kids. You like that deal, big guy? Yeah.
To find out who you are, and also to make necessary arrangements for my job talk (I'll need Power-point) email:
yikes, sounds like a white guy
have we devolved into the level of dumb beasts?
was there no communication on this blog?
can you hear me?
"The possibility of physical and mental collapse is now very real."
-Hunter S. Thompson
any word on Clark?
Has anyone heard anything from New Mexico?
the RWJF foundation health/society scholars thing...they said they will know in December
Where is Ohio University at in their process? Have they scheduled interviews?
The Untapped Talened Pool of Human Capital in Sociology PhDs!
Next year, I'm at U.of U.S.
(the University of Unemployed Sociologists)
What was the verdict on Rutgers? Did they care about teaching?
I think all schools care about your teaching. I know the mentality of Research-oriented graduate education, but teaching can be "make or break" in this job market. There are people with great research credentials, pubs in the big three, but with little teaching experience, their apps are getting thrown out. People who can do both well are having good luck in this market.
Did they hire for demography or teacher of demography? I'm real upset...it's not that great of a place, at least I should have gotten an interview. It's not like I didn't excel at one of the top departments in the Midwest.
Dow crashed below 8,000 today. There go a few more lines.....
The SC chair of a place I applied to rejected me, but a free complimentary copy of his textbook came in the mail. Guess I will sell on Ebay now, ha ha! Obviously I would have rather had the job.
Any word on the California state schools? That is, UC Santa Cruz, Irvine, UCLA, Cal State LA, San Jose?
I haven't heard of any searches there being cancelled due to budget or any searches completed.
Someone just needs to call Clark and ask what's up. They have been on the wiki for *months* without Xs.
10:42am, good luck with getting to the Obama administration. DC has, and will remain, captured by the economists. Sociologists, and especially the ASA, have done a pathetic job of getting the ears of policy makers. Although it is admittedly hard to do when our discipline places a premium on esoteric topics (I won't go on a tangent ridiculing much of what constitutes sociology these days, it would take way too much space).
1:15- I know quite a few demographers who are upset about not getting the Rutgers interview. What makes you think you are 'entitled' to an interview at a specific place just because it is 'lower ranked' (and I'm not sure what Rutgers is 'ranked' but it is an R1 university with a phd program in sociology, which makes it higher ranked then a whole lot of other schools hiring sociologists this year). I know at least 6 or 7 people who applied to that job from my program alone, and I know someone who got an interview there- and that person had a lot of both teaching and research experience, but weren't even what I would call a demographer...so who really knows. Really, how many demographers are out on the job market? Probably at least 30-40...are you really one of the top 3 of them? And even if you are, does that mean you are automatically entitled to every single demography interview at a non-top-10 school?
someone else who really thought they had a shot at Rutgers and didn't get an interview.
Demography is a broad field and Rutgers (and many of the other schools hiring in the area) advertised for candidates with a specific substantive focus. I got a phone interview but was told I didn't make the short list because I didn't fit as well with the department as other candidates.
Keep in mind that "demography" is almost just as broad an area as "quantitative methodology" (or any other methodological approach). It's more likely your substantive focus didn't align as well as that of others in the applicant pool...
my job prospects = 0
don't worry my friends, things can only get better (can't get any worse right?)
A plea...I read the vent section when I want to freak myself out and hate life...I read this section when I want to see which of my schools to cross off my list and then hate life. Please...vent in the vent section! :)
I applied to work for the Obama administration. You complete a short form and a few days later they will email you a link to a very long application to fill out.
Based on what I have been told by a professor who is involved with the transition team as a consultant, you stand a better chance of getting noticed if your work is applied in nature. no offense, but they're not interested in semiotic cultural codes among tattoo artists if you get my drift...
We are (I am) collectively upset about Rutgers because in their search they specifically emphasized the need to hire someone who could teach demographic methods and the only person who I know with an in-person interview is a highly qualified and can broadly be defined as a "demographer" but has never taken a demographic methods class! Jobs are so scarce that it's frustrating when search committees hire against their stated intentions.
Do people who do bullshit sociology really get rewarded?
I've overheard people bragging about how they made up part of their data (invented a couple of interviewees) and then seen the article published in a well-regarded ethnographic journal (I figured it was just an isolated case and not to say that I can't think of some quant-oriented people who 'bullshit' with p-value tails).
Sorry, I provided some venting here, won't happen again!
How do you apply to work in the Obama administration? Could someone please provide a link?
someone did (for me) yesterday. change.gov
For those who didn't get a job in academia, I'm sorry, but here's a photo of your new boss:
Did you get the memo on using the new cover sheets for the TPS reports?
Regarding UC San Diego, I can confirm that they voted last week to make an offer to a senior person. I imagine it has been made by now. I heard this from a member of the faculty there.
gallows humor on the 'office space' references... appreciated.
Can anyone tell me anything about Pitzer or U. of San Diego (not UCSD)?
Holy Cross has started requesting transcripts - I assume this means they've got some sort of long list.
Franklin and Marshall has started requesting additional information from candidates.
St. Ambrose has started interviewing for the second position also.
Ohio University did some phone interviews last week and I believe their search committee will be meeting this week to decide on a shorter list. OU won't do campus interviews until January, because of the way their semesters are set up. (They have a six week break for the holidays.)
Which position at Holy Cross are people being contacted for? Deviance, Methods, or both?
How were you contacted, by email or phone?
(Yes, I am really hoping I was forgotten somehow. Yes, I do not deserve the job. Yes, I am pathetic.)
I was contacted by email about the Methods position at Holy Cross... and I don't think that your asking is pathetic at all... I have done the same for almost every position that has passed me by...
Out of curiousity, does anyone know how many people have been contacted about this position? Are some of the wiki X's about the other position?
Has anyone heard anything more about the Princeton demog./public policy position?
anyone know what effect the Minnesota "hiring pause" is having on their positions?
Has anybody heard anything about the following positions:
Loyola University Chicago
Siena College
U. Mary Washington
Yes! University of Mary Washington! When?!
on middlebury:
they are scheduling interviews, at least as of yesterday (11/20), and planning to interview candidates in mid-december.
I was contacted about the deviance position.
Anyone know/hear anything about Pacific Lutheran University?
I just got a rejection letter from Pacific Lutheran, saying they had a large pool of applicants and "exceptionally talented" finalists.
How long does it usually take to hear back from a school after doing a campus interview (after the last candidate interviews that is)? Thanks.
I don't think it usually takes too long...that's definitely something you can ask the search committee chair during your interview- you can ask if there's a timeline for when a decision is going to be made.
I had an interview about 2 weeks ago..I was told that I was the first of 3 interviews, they would be doing one interview a week (so the last one was this week), then they would meet 2 weeks later (since next week is thanksgiving) and they would let me know either way the first or second week of December.
Generally I think that offers are made pretty quickly after the interviews are over, unless there is a holdup at the dean's office or something.
SUNY-New Paltz has called to let the people who are on their interview list know that they are interested in them and that they'll be setting up interviews for late January.
Does anyone know anything about U of San Diego?
i received a job offer last year about 10 days after my interview. i recently did an interview this year and was told that the offer would be made within 1 week of the final interview.
does anyone know which UNC has a short list: Wilmington, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, or Greensboro?
I thought UNC Wilmington wasn't reviewing applications until Jan. 20...
I heard that Wisconsin began to schedule interviews for both positions(open and political economy).
What do you mean that Wisconsin "began to schedule interviews"? Have they already contacted the candidates, or are they still finalizing the decisions?
What I heard is that they have already contacted several candidates for both positions and are currently scheduling interviews. The source of this information is a friend of mine who is a PhD student at Wisconsin.
Thanks, 6:27! The info is appreciated!
Thanks for the info about turn-around time after interviews!
The UNC with a shortlist is Chapel Hill
For those who have had in-person interviews in the past...
If you were offered the job, how did you receive the offer?
If you were not offered the job, how did you receive the rejection?
In the past, I received my rejection via email. The department chair emailed me to tell me the results of the faculty vote, which was not in my favor.
I find it kind of lame that they wouldn't call you. I know it's not an easy phone call, but e-mail? Really? Along those same lines I recently learned via this list that a school that I had a phone interview with had gone forward with another candidate. Have they bothered to tell me? Of course not. I understand why they do that, but I still think it sucks. I would appreciate their honesty and transparency a little more. Sorry if this should be in the venting section, but it related to the previous comment.
It's annoying when schools do that, but it makes some sense from their point of view not to contact candidates with whom they are not moving forward, in the event that they are unsatisfied with the people who came in to interview (I heard that this scenario already happened at one place) or that the person to whom they offer the job turns down the offer and they need to move back down the list. We probably shouldn't expect to receive rejection letters until the new hire has signed on the dotted line.
Has anyone heard from the Boston College (joint with International Studies) position?
Just to add to the stock of knowledge, I received notice that I did not get a job through an e-mail.
re: 11:55am
I understand what you are saying, but my point is that even without this list I would have figured out that they had gone "in another direction" by now. Now, should I should be so lucky as to get an interview with this school because their other choices didn't work out, it's not as if I won't know that I'm not their first choice, so why not just tell me?
RE: UNC-Chapel Hill short list, which position? Aging or Asian studies, or both?
UNC-Chapel Hill, Pop studies
8:32, I interviewed last year with an Ivy and had to contact them to find out they had chosen someone else. I found this to be very classless.
One interview I conducted this fall (at a business school) has been completely different, but still a little unsettling. I had several emails this past weekend from the search chair asking me to hold off from making any decisions. He said there was strong sentiment for my candidacy, blah blah. This is three weeks after my interview. I haven't heard from him all week. While positive, it is very nerve-wracking. Especially since I really want THIS job.
I was told that Boston College has invited candidates for the joint soc/international studies position.
Anyone heard anything about the job at Dublin (Ireland?) It was posted in ASA, so I imagine some other Americans probably applied to it.
Let's hope that those who applied for the position in Dublin did not put a question mark next to the country.
last year I heard from a department chair concerning a position for which I interviewed via HARD MAIL. Not the courtesy of an email, not a phone call... it was the most pathetic and disappointing thing I have encountered.
The question mark next to Ireland was meant to be the punctuation at the end of the entire sentence, wiseass.
Seriously, though, anyone heard anything from Dublin?
along these lines, is there a good way for a candidate to decline an offer without creating hard feelings?
Re: 8:29pm
I received a letter from Dublin confirming that they received my materials and that they were proceeding with the hire (I think I got this in late oct/early nov).
Has anyone heard anything about U of Utah? West Virginia?
U of Utah made an offer for the comparative soc position that was accepted.
If you didn't get a job and you are, as of spring 09 going to have your diss. defended, what do you do to stay academically relevant if you can't find academic work?
By posting all these entirely too-long stories, are you intentionally trying to make this blog unreadable? If the answer is yes...all I can say is, THANK YOU!
a link to the chronicle careers page would have been equally effective, and not nearly as annoying
Has anyone heard anything about the following searches:
University of Mississippi
Georgia Gwinnett College
St. Cloud University
U. Oregon (Ethnic Studies)
Bard College
Greensboro College
I elected to remove the multiple long comments that were copies of various media articles. They made this thread very difficult to read when looking for information on search statuses. The author is welcome to re-post links to the articles in the "Misc. Discussion" thread.
Thank you!!
Has anyone heard from the criminal justice departments at UMSL or Temple?
To 5:21, your best bet is a postdoc that allows you to publish articles out of your dissertation, work on a book, or even start a new project. Most deadlines for official postdoc programs were back in October and November, but a few are sometimes advertised between January and March. Sometimes you can get your institution to give you a fake postdoc where you have access to library resources and a title, but no funding. You can do research work at a center or institute, if there's one in your field. And of course, there is always adjunct teaching. Many people cobble several of these options together. Just make sure you evaluate any possible opportunity by how much time it leaves you to work on articles or a book, as you will need those to be competitive at teaching-focused institutions as well. The advantage of doing these kinds of work, rather than something completely non-academic, is that they help you stay in the academic mix and might even help to expand your network.
Thanks to 11:09 from 5:21
To whomever got the on-campus interview with Siena College--when and how did they contact you? I had a phone interview with them, and I was hopeful, but alas, I guess not. Bummer. Congrats.
Another option is to go through your contact list and see if you can locate any professors who have grant money with whom you have a good working relationship. They can sometimes work out a post-doc position for you at their institution for a year. I have known a couple of people who did that in the past, and I am doing it now after a fruitless job search last year.
As someone else wrote, it is really important to make sure that you have sufficient time to pursue publications that will make you a stronger candidate for next year. I am doing a 50/50 split - half my time on the funding professor's work and half the time on mine.
8:14, no word on U Oregon ethnic studies. Just FYI- there is a pretty active (not as active as here though!) ethnic studies wiki that has information.
re declining an offer--the advice I got was to blame it on "family considerations." I would think the best policy is to be fairly honest though--chances are you will see these people throughout your career.
Hey any word on Princton (policy) position? They requested extra materials and still nothing????
Can someone confirm Wisconsin rumors(open and political economy)?
There is no entry in the wiki.
can anyone confirm that unc-charlotte has scheduled interviews? its on the wiki but without an X.
The UNC Charlotte ad is still active in the ASA job bank.
any word on Conn college? Tufts?
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