Villanova search slowed down because University wants to review all hires. The department is still going forward as planned just may take a bit longer.
Is that University of Toronto in Mississauga that has started inviting people for on-campus interviews? (I can't remember if UT had their own separate's all running together...) Thanks!
I'm also anxiously awaiting word from Villanova and would appreciate any info on their search status. And thanks so much to those who have already shared info.
Sorry to the person who got the rejection email from CU-Denver. Has anyone received a postive email from them? I've heard nothing. Also have heard nothing from Conn. College. Got a phone interview with Univ. of Wyoming...
also got that e-mail from FSU about hiring freeze. no word from Connecticut College either except the original e-mail confirming receipt of my materials and that review would begin on Oct. 15. I'm also curious where CT is in their process.
Ursinus held phone interviews already. I had one the first week of October, but I haven't heard back yet. I assume they narrowed their list and have started inviting people out to campus by now, but I don't know.
I wouldn't give up all hope on the phone interview until you hear otherwise. Some schools take a LONG time. I did a phone interview for a different school two and a half weeks ago and I know the finalists have not been contacted yet.
Has anyone heard anything about the City College of NY? I'm not even sure if they are still hiring this year... the job ad was only posted briefly in the ASA job bank. When I emailed the head of the SC to see if they were hiring (and if so, what the deadline was), I never got a response. I sent an application anyway, but haven't heard a thing.
I know from someone in the dept that City College is reviewing applications. It seems that the CUNY searches are on, as opposed to SUNY searches which are apparently frozen. For example, Brooklyn College is already interviewing and Hunter and City are still looking at apps. So that's good news for now (I hope).
Whatever happened with the UC Davis macro/political position? Didn't someone say last week that they had a shortlist and were about to run it by the dean? Any more info?
Hi all. Just to be clear, does anyone know for sure that there are two positions at U Delaware, one tenure track (for which they are now interviewing) and one non-tenure track? Thanks!
There are a bunch of schools that are listed on the wiki as having scheduled interviews, but no X's on them. How in the world can anyone know if these are accurate? I mean whose putting these on the wiki?
re: 7:26am. It's my understanding that people posting on the wiki about interviews but without an X are those who hear of them because they go to the school, are part of the SC, and/or have colleagues/friends who have been contacted by the schools.
I have added a name to the list (without an X) when a friend of mine has been contacted by a school. I think most of the time these are accurate, but sometimes it turns out to just be a rumor (because people post things when a friend of a friend of a friend gets contacted).
So the general lore on the job market is that the first "round" of searches gets slowed down b/c 5 or 6 "stars" get multiple offers from top/near-top places, and then a number of schools have to do a second round of interviews and offers. I'm curious if anyone is willing to own up to having multiple offers from top-30 or top-50 places or if they know of other people who have multiple offers.
I'm trying to figure out how much of a second "round" there might end up being this year - whether it's the same as normal, or if, for whatever reason, there are fewer multi-offer candidates. Any thoughts?
@9:43 - thanks for the response. I realize I should have written "interviews" rather than "offers," as it's still a bit early for most offers, I think.
Also, in the interests of self-disclosure, I do not have multiple interviews, although I do know one person who has two.
I know someone with 2 interviews, neither at a "top school". I know someone with multiple interviews at well-regarded liberal arts schools. I have 1 interview. Other than that, no one here has any yet.
I'm guessing that the people on the market with sole-authored ASR articles have multiple interviews. Thankfully there are only a handful of them (and my hat's off to them - good job!).
I am also interested in the Villanova position, but I'm not inclined to doubt the previous poster. I'm assuming its someone from their search committee. After reading this blog way too much over the last two years I've gotten the feeling that there are a decent number of search committees that provide bits of information to ease the process since they have few formal mechanisms for doing so. Thats just my opinion though. Good luck to everyone.
I see on the wiki that Wesleyan University (in CT) has scheduled interviews. I'm sad, but congratulations to you--it's a great campus. Can you say whether the interviews are for the Soc only position or the Soc/SiSP position or both? Thanks, I was really hoping for one of those.
Well, if you want to know who is giving job talks at various places, you can check the department colloquium series - the job talks are usually listed there. If you are curious about Cornell, more info here
Thank you notes after an interview at a school that I think I would take a job at if I send one to the chair? If yes, an email or a real letter? What should I say in it? Anyone have any advice?
Let me just say, you sociologists sure are nice compared to the folks in my discipline (political science). No one ever wishes me good luck or congratulations. How cordial you guys/gals are!
I got an email request from Richmond today (from the SC chair, I think), asking for AA/EO info, but no other feedback outside of "thanks for applying...."
anyone "look black" on paper but are actually of European ancestry? I nearly had an offer at a SLAC but it was killed by the admin because they didn't expect a "white" person (i heard from a faculty member at a conference)
if you are facing lean times, but want good software, download vuze and search for SPSS 17. I just DL'ed a copy and patched the license file. Everything seems to work. You can pretty much DL (illegally of course) any software you need.
umass boston sent an email containing the email addresses of all the other candidates so I see that five people I know are also applying. Its fun to compete with your friends.
Re: 7:25's comment about U. Mass-Boston.... it was a nice blow to the side of my head to have definitive evidence that I am competing with other sociologists, of whom 70-80% come from higher ranked schools than myself (I can't tell about the folks with their addresses!). Regardless of how good a scholar I am, I felt a heavy weight land on me since I believe (and know) there is a caste system in American sociology (it is tough to intellectually reassure yourself that they are just "looking for the best person for the job"). Best of luck to everyone else, though! (And sorry for the melancholy...)
8:58, let me assure you that many many people from top-5 departments, including myself, still have no interview at all at this point. The caste system does exist, but let's not exaggerate its significance in the job search process. It is a hard and depressing process for everyone.
I'm waiting on Providence College too. They're taking a REALLY long time. Part of me wonders if the search is being frozen (I haven't dared call and ask). Anyone else know anything?
I'm from a regular state school and have been lucky enough to score a campus interview and several phone interviews at teaching-oriented schools. It's important to keep in mind that teaching schools are not going to hire someone without demonstrated commitment to and experience in teaching, even if the candidate is coming from a prestigious school. Candidates who have invested in research exclusively aren't really in the running for teaching jobs. There are at least two separate job markets for sociology ph.ds.
My point here is not to get too worked up over competing with folks from top schools based solely on prestige.
did they really send out an email with all of the applicants' email addresses listed? that is a MAJOR screw-up. it's not just abds on the market; there are probably junior faculty from other schools who could now be "outed" as applying to jobs in other departments. that should absolutely be private information
I got a call from Providence earlier today about the interview. And thanks for the well wishes..this process is brutal and I know I cried about it all this weekend, so some good news for me is great and I really do feel for everyone with so many job freezes etc, we all ended up on the market in a bad market. So good luck to everyone!
Thank you for your interest in teaching and research positions at the University of Virginia. We regret that we must inform you that the search for an Assistant Professor with open specialty in the Department of Sociology has been closed due to budgetary issues. We appreciate the time and effort that you have put into the application process and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. We wish you success in your job search and hope that you will consider the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for future career opportunities.
I really appreciate that they took the time to send this out. If anyone connected to their SC reads this, thanks for keeping applicants in the loop!
I got my rejection letter from Oregon yesterday, signed by Val Burris himself. But I shouldn't be surprised. Even though I went to a top ten department (as ranked by US News), it was not highly ranked in terms of centrality within networks of association and social exchange in the discipline (which, we all know, Val has written is what REALLY matters).
re: 6:39 Yeah, I can't wait to find out which departments the Burris-led Oregon SC picked their candidates from. I just haven't decided which I'd enjoy more: the irony of an all-Ivy list or a refreshingly status-blind group of candidates.
Does anyone know what is going on with the SUNY schools? I applied to SUNY-New Paltz but haven't heard from them. I'm wondering if they too have cancelled their search.
Has Haverford actually scheduled interviews? I thought they had, but then there was some confusion about what it meant if there was a school without an X by it on the wiki....
Do most interviews take place BEFORE the end of the semester? I am frantically trying to prepare the Job Talk (but haven't been invited anywhere yet...)
My adviser told me that this process is quite long and will last on into the spring semester. Some of the schools that have had their ads posted for months don't have due dates until December/January. Other schools are still posting ads now, so it would be pretty quick on their part to have interviews before the New Year. Obviously, many good schools are already holding interviews, but it isn't as though the job market is closed at the winter break.
What 7:47 said is true, but also: once a school decides to bring you in, they'll want you to come within a week or two. I would suggest having the talk ready so that you have that little bit of peace of mind when they call.
so has everyone who applied to Oregon and not gotten short listed received a rejection letter? I applied, didn't make it to the short list, but haven't gotten a rejection letter yet...maybe that means I made it to a long short list? :)
(or more likely I'll get the rejection letter sometime later this week).
re Oregon My letter of failure was dated Oct 31 but I just got it yesterday. With 250-plus (ohmygod!) applications, it is probably taking a while to get them all sent out, especially when you factor in Val Burris's carpal tunnel treatments from having to hand-sign them all.
To follow up on 6:34, is it humanly possible for schools with November deadlines to hold talks before the end of the semester? It seems that deciding on a short list, Thanksgiving, end of semester crunch and trying to schedule interviews would bring us to the holidays, right? I'm trying to buy myself some more dissertation time before having to deal with the possibility of a job talk...
I think it is possible that schools count bring people in before the end of the semester, but it is fairly unlikely. The two times I have gotten an interview their time frame was always 2-3 weeks after the phone call came. That would put you in the week after Thanksgiving at the very earliest.
If a school doesn't end their semester until late in December, its possible that they would bring someone in very early that month. But my non-expert opinion is that they would wait.
You probably already have some idea of what you'll do for your job talk, so transforming whatever existing paper or presentation you use in to a job talk should not be a huge task. The harder part (for me) is figuring out how to talk about where you fit in the field, what your broad contribution is as a sociologist, and where you plan to take your work next. These are things that you probably should spend some time thinking about now; just brainstorm and write some notes to come back to when you get the call.
10:27, you wrote, " transforming whatever existing paper or presentation you use in to a job talk should not be a huge task..."
It's my understanding that ABDs definitely should talk about their dissertations or it looks like they don't have enough done on it and won't finish. I was planning to scrap together as much as I can in the few weeks I have before an interview. Thoughts? I could connect the diss with a related article that was just published- but I read elsewhere (scatterplot I think) that presenting something that is already published is not good. More thoughts? Thanks!
To 6:53... I too am waiting (impatiently) on news from CT College. I noticed on the women's studies wiki that they have moved forward with their women's studies position. So the college doesn't seem to be on a hiring freeze, which is at least some good news for us!
To 8:47... get over yourself, almost all of us are in the same boat. Post your bitching and self-pity elsewhere.
in all seriousness, if you have dependent children and are facing a loss of medical insurance, I encourage you to look in to your state's health insurance program. This is the SCHIP program that Bushie vetoed expanding, and all states have one.
My kids have been on this program throughout my graduate school career; my department does not pay for dependent insurance and it was beyond what I could afford. It is really good insurance and the income guidelines are usually very liberal. Heck, if you are a single parent you could probably still qualify even if you did land a job!
I'm with you waiting on the Davis demography decision. My understanding is that they were supposed to vote last Friday, so I assume that either things are being held up as they seek approval from the dean, or that we are both out of luck.
Anyone know anything about the San Francisco State job in Human Sexuality? I can't find it on any of the wiki's and would love to know where they are in their process.
The James Madison search does not "officially" begin until November 15th. I'm hoping that means that they'll be contacting folks in the next couple of weeks ...
Re: Davis demography. I recommend contacting the chair. You may not hear back (especially if you are the lucky candidate and will be getting more official communication), but at least you can find out where you stand. Good luck.
Based on somewhat sketchy information: U of Miami has made an offer Purdue has made, or will soon make, an offer.
Can anyone confirm?
Also, best of luck to those who got interviews at U of Washington. I never even got a receipt that they received my application. I would have loved that job...
9.25--Yeah. My dept told everyone on the market they have no money for us next year, not even to adjunct. And we're not in a university-rich part of the country. So we're all sweating.
Not yet. I don't have a job lined up but plan to essentially freelance if I don't land a TT position. There are private and non-profit research companies that hire people like us to run their data analysis. I found mine through They email me jobs and I just run the stats. Not glamorous and I probably won't put it on my CV, but it will pay the bills.
Yeah, my funding is officially over, so I'm getting thrown out unless I figure out something (blackmail photos anyone?)
The situation sucks because there are lots of opportunities to adjunct around me but I need the health insurance of a full-time position and can't move (due to family/house issues) for just a one year or temporary position:(
ok, let me start by saying that I too have been extremely stressed by the job market this year (and my school is WELL down the list of ranked schools)... but it is a bit early to start checking into the homeless shelter... only two schools have actually given offers according to the wiki and tons of schools keep posting jobs. Yes the market sucks this year, but if we don't stay somewhat positive then this waiting period is going to be torture. Breath. So much of this is out of our hands at this point.
You're right that new jobs are still coming up. I just checked the Job Bank and saw that Cornell has a posting for Polson Professor of Development Sociology...although if you don't look very closely it appears to be a listing for "Poison Professor". Made me laugh anyway!
And Towson University posted their advertisement on the Chronicle website (I'm guessing it'll be up on ASA soon).
I've been through this job market adventure for three years, with two years doing part-time teaching. And, although I have sole-authored pubs and other things, my pickings now appear to be quite slim. But, keep at it, your (my) luck can change! Having said that, a plan B is not a bad idea (as someone already mentioned). This will certainly be my last year on the market, as I'll be searching for non-academic research work next year.
3:06, I got a UBC rejection letter today at my home address. It said they had 260 applicants, and they have made a short list and are currently scheduling interviews .
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 2083 Newer› Newest»I'm interested to hear about Albright also. Any news?
Yeah for the recent Villanova news!
I just received a letter from Washington State that says:
"We are sorry to report that the search has been canceled because of a college hiring freeze."
Villanova search slowed down because University wants to review all hires. The department is still going forward as planned just may take a bit longer.
Does anyone have any idea how many people are still in the running for the Villanova job? I haven't received a letter yet...
What's going on with Hofstra? It was on the wiki yesterday. Was that an error?
Albright has started scheduling interviews. They conducted phone interviews in mid-October.
Thanks for the Albright info!
Georgia State began scheduling in-person interviews.
I see that someone finally put up that Western Illinois is scheduling in-person interviews--they took forever!
Can anyone confirm the info?
If it has not been posted yet, all of FSU's job searches have been suspended due to budget issues.
Is that University of Toronto in Mississauga that has started inviting people for on-campus interviews? (I can't remember if UT had their own separate's all running together...) Thanks!
I can confirm that Western Illinois has scheduled in-person interviews.
It is Toronto-Mississauga. I can confirm they are inviting candidates for the theory position.
Does anyone have any news about Temple?
Thanks for the confirmations everyone!
P.S. I just got my rejection letter from Villanova today, so apparently they are still sending them out to candidates.
I can confirm that Vanderbilt is scheduling interviews for the junior med soc position.
I'm also anxiously awaiting word from Villanova and would appreciate any info on their search status. And thanks so much to those who have already shared info.
Willamette sent out rejections. They've invited 3 for interviews.
Any word on Southern Methodist? Stony Brook?
Has anyone heard from Ursinus College? Their deadline was Sept 15 and I haven't heard a peep. Thanks!
Got a rejection email from Colorado -- Denver for the health position
What's going on with the schools in California (e.g., Santa Cruz, USD, etc.) Are there freezes all over the state?
There is a hiring freeze at Stony Brook.
Stony Brook has a hiring freeze.
Anybody heard anything from either Connecticut College or Wesleyan University?
What about Stanford?
Sorry to the person who got the rejection email from CU-Denver. Has anyone received a postive email from them? I've heard nothing. Also have heard nothing from Conn. College. Got a phone interview with Univ. of Wyoming...
Grand Valley is listed on the wiki as having scheduled interviews. Is this for the gender position or the methods position? Thanks!
I have heard through the grapevine that Grand Valley is interviewing for gender. I don't know if they are interviewing or methods also.
Just got an email from Florida State saying the university instituted a "hiring freeze" this year, so I guess it's official. Bummer.
also got that e-mail from FSU about hiring freeze. no word from Connecticut College either except the original e-mail confirming receipt of my materials and that review would begin on Oct. 15. I'm also curious where CT is in their process.
Has anyone applied for one of the lecturer positions at Tufts this year??? Any news??
Ursinus held phone interviews already. I had one the first week of October, but I haven't heard back yet. I assume they narrowed their list and have started inviting people out to campus by now, but I don't know.
Thanks for the Ursinus info!
Re 8:29 AM
I wouldn't give up all hope on the phone interview until you hear otherwise. Some schools take a LONG time. I did a phone interview for a different school two and a half weeks ago and I know the finalists have not been contacted yet.
does anyone have info on BU? i notice it's listed under 'conducting in-person interviews' on the wiki. when were folks contacted about this?thanks!
Has anyone heard anything about the City College of NY? I'm not even sure if they are still hiring this year... the job ad was only posted briefly in the ASA job bank. When I emailed the head of the SC to see if they were hiring (and if so, what the deadline was), I never got a response. I sent an application anyway, but haven't heard a thing.
I know from someone in the dept that City College is reviewing applications. It seems that the CUNY searches are on, as opposed to SUNY searches which are apparently frozen. For example, Brooklyn College is already interviewing and Hunter and City are still looking at apps. So that's good news for now (I hope).
Any idea what the timeline is for City College of NY... or even when they started reviewing applications (the due date)?
Whatever happened with the UC Davis macro/political position? Didn't someone say last week that they had a shortlist and were about to run it by the dean? Any more info?
I got a nice rejection email from Univ of Toronto. Bummer.
Re: 12:34pm
Theory position at UT Mississauga? Same here...
Anybody have any information on the open position at Minnesota? Thanks.
Hi all. Just to be clear, does anyone know for sure that there are two positions at U Delaware, one tenure track (for which they are now interviewing) and one non-tenure track? Thanks!
Davis has scheduled interviews for the macro position.
Any word on Georgetown University?
GVSU is interviewing for Methods as well
Minnesota has decided on a list of candidates for the open position, though I don't know if they've contacted anyone.
Any word on Stanford or Wisconsin? Why don't they hurry up when all the other top schools are interviewing people?
Re: 1:38
There ARE two positions at Delaware. I haven't heard anything about where they are in the hiring process for the non-tenure track position.
anyone heard from U-Toronto race position?
I am curious about Georgetown U. also, though I am a bit afraid to ask (I love that job).
Any information on Michigan? Open, China or methodology?
any word from Northern Illinois?
There are a bunch of schools that are listed on the wiki as having scheduled interviews, but no X's on them. How in the world can anyone know if these are accurate? I mean whose putting these on the wiki?
No word from Georgetown University on my end.
re: 7:26am. It's my understanding that people posting on the wiki about interviews but without an X are those who hear of them because they go to the school, are part of the SC, and/or have colleagues/friends who have been contacted by the schools.
Davis has scheduled interviews for the macro position.
Re: 7:26
What the above poster said.
I have added a name to the list (without an X) when a friend of mine has been contacted by a school. I think most of the time these are accurate, but sometimes it turns out to just be a rumor (because people post things when a friend of a friend of a friend gets contacted).
I hope the Bucknell listing is false...
So the general lore on the job market is that the first "round" of searches gets slowed down b/c 5 or 6 "stars" get multiple offers from top/near-top places, and then a number of schools have to do a second round of interviews and offers. I'm curious if anyone is willing to own up to having multiple offers from top-30 or top-50 places or if they know of other people who have multiple offers.
I'm trying to figure out how much of a second "round" there might end up being this year - whether it's the same as normal, or if, for whatever reason, there are fewer multi-offer candidates. Any thoughts?
No one at my department has multiple offers. Only 2 people have any at all.
@9:43 - thanks for the response. I realize I should have written "interviews" rather than "offers," as it's still a bit early for most offers, I think.
Also, in the interests of self-disclosure, I do not have multiple interviews, although I do know one person who has two.
I know someone with 2 interviews, neither at a "top school". I know someone with multiple interviews at well-regarded liberal arts schools. I have 1 interview. Other than that, no one here has any yet.
I'm guessing that the people on the market with sole-authored ASR articles have multiple interviews. Thankfully there are only a handful of them (and my hat's off to them - good job!).
Villanova has a long-short list of about 30 people. Search has slowed because of university review of all new hires.
How do you know that information about Villanova? Just curious... I'm starting to doubt a lot that are on here...
I hear that Georgetown has a "longish short list" - something in the neighborhood of 95 applicants
I am also interested in the Villanova position, but I'm not inclined to doubt the previous poster. I'm assuming its someone from their search committee. After reading this blog way too much over the last two years I've gotten the feeling that there are a decent number of search committees that provide bits of information to ease the process since they have few formal mechanisms for doing so. Thats just my opinion though. Good luck to everyone.
I see on the wiki that Wesleyan University (in CT) has scheduled interviews. I'm sad, but congratulations to you--it's a great campus. Can you say whether the interviews are for the Soc only position or the Soc/SiSP position or both? Thanks, I was really hoping for one of those.
re: Wesleyan. Interviews are being scheduled for both positions.
Re: Nov. 6 at 10:21am poster...
When asking about "BU," where you referring to Baylor U, Boston U, or Bucknell U?
Well, if you want to know who is giving job talks at various places, you can check the department colloquium series - the job talks are usually listed there. If you are curious about Cornell, more info here
Thank you notes after an interview at a school that I think I would take a job at if I send one to the chair? If yes, an email or a real letter? What should I say in it? Anyone have any advice?
BU- i meant boston university. would appreciate any updates/news.
Stanford has invited four candidates.
Hey 9:02, did they pick four candidates, or did they invite them? No Xes on the wiki yet.
Does anyone know if Pitzer has notified who they are flying out?
Any word on Santa Cruz of UCLA?
to 9:20...
i'm not the original poster of stanford info, but i can tell you that they have issued the invitations and scheduled the interviews...
Wow . . . we have our first offer officially entered into the wiki.
Good luck to everyone:)
What ever happened to Hofstra? Has anyone actually heard from them (other than the "thank you for applying" letter)?
I just noticed Georgetown University has scheduled interviews! I was desperate for that interview! Oh, well. Best of luck to you all!
Colby-Sawyer's deadline was November 1... And they already scheduled phone interviews???
Let me just say, you sociologists sure are nice compared to the folks in my discipline (political science). No one ever wishes me good luck or congratulations. How cordial you guys/gals are!
Good luck, 2:56pm!
Has anyone heard from Univ. of Richmond, Providence College, or Buckell?
I got an email request from Richmond today (from the SC chair, I think), asking for AA/EO info, but no other feedback outside of "thanks for applying...."
anyone "look black" on paper but are actually of European ancestry? I nearly had an offer at a SLAC but it was killed by the admin because they didn't expect a "white" person (i heard from a faculty member at a conference)
if you are facing lean times, but want good software, download vuze and search for SPSS 17. I just DL'ed a copy and patched the license file. Everything seems to work. You can pretty much DL (illegally of course) any software you need.
I'm white but "look Latino" on paper... haven't seen any consequences of this yet.
9:46 - there was a story about this in the Chronicle a few weeks ago- might be interesting to search for it.
sorry if this is a dumb question, but how exactly would someone look non-white on paper?
if you study 'race' and are a member of ABS
umass boston sent an email containing the email addresses of all the other candidates so I see that five people I know are also applying. Its fun to compete with your friends.
"don't try to leave the working class, they'll never accept you" (unfortunately since I cannot find a job in sociology, they will all laugh now)
9:45. I'm a man, but apparently I look somewhat female on paper. I doubt it's a problem, though.
7:25- that's the worst!!!
Re: 7:25's comment about U. Mass-Boston.... it was a nice blow to the side of my head to have definitive evidence that I am competing with other sociologists, of whom 70-80% come from higher ranked schools than myself (I can't tell about the folks with their addresses!). Regardless of how good a scholar I am, I felt a heavy weight land on me since I believe (and know) there is a caste system in American sociology (it is tough to intellectually reassure yourself that they are just "looking for the best person for the job"). Best of luck to everyone else, though! (And sorry for the melancholy...)
I hear you 8:58... I was just starting to have a better attitude about the job market... then I got the email. Aren't hierarchies fun!?
8:58, let me assure you that many many people from top-5 departments, including myself, still have no interview at all at this point. The caste system does exist, but let's not exaggerate its significance in the job search process. It is a hard and depressing process for everyone.
Re: November 9, 2008 8:30 PM
I'm waiting on Providence College too. They're taking a REALLY long time. Part of me wonders if the search is being frozen (I haven't dared call and ask). Anyone else know anything?
I'm from a regular state school and have been lucky enough to score a campus interview and several phone interviews at teaching-oriented schools. It's important to keep in mind that teaching schools are not going to hire someone without demonstrated commitment to and experience in teaching, even if the candidate is coming from a prestigious school. Candidates who have invested in research exclusively aren't really in the running for teaching jobs. There are at least two separate job markets for sociology ph.ds.
My point here is not to get too worked up over competing with folks from top schools based solely on prestige.
Good luck to all!
did they really send out an email with all of the applicants' email addresses listed? that is a MAJOR screw-up. it's not just abds on the market; there are probably junior faculty from other schools who could now be "outed" as applying to jobs in other departments. that should absolutely be private information
don't worry dude, i come from one of the lowest ranked r1 depts of that umass-boston crowd , i haven't gotten a thing!
I just received an email confirming that the UVA open search has been cancelled.
anyone heard anything from Guilford College?
2:54--- Yes they did.
Providence College has begun scheduling in person interviews.
RE: 3:12pm
That sucks . . . but thanks.
Re: 3:12
When/how did Providence College contact candidates for the fly-outs?
RE: 3:12pm
Ouch. That one stings, but congrats to you. Did they call you to let you know?
Thanks for the info.
I got a call from Providence earlier today about the interview. And thanks for the well wishes..this process is brutal and I know I cried about it all this weekend, so some good news for me is great and I really do feel for everyone with so many job freezes etc, we all ended up on the market in a bad market. So good luck to everyone!
Any update from Kalamazoo or Bucknell?
Thanks 1:05 for the confirmation about Colby-Sawyer. That's a bummer for me :(
Michigan has invited 3 candidates for the China position.
I heard from a source at Villanova (but not the sociology department) that it is true that there is a hiring freeze there.
From Virginia:
Thank you for your interest in teaching and research positions at the University of Virginia. We regret that we must inform you that the search for an Assistant Professor with open specialty in the Department of Sociology has been closed due to budgetary issues. We appreciate the time and effort that you have put into the application process and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. We wish you success in your job search and hope that you will consider the College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences for future career opportunities.
I really appreciate that they took the time to send this out. If anyone connected to their SC reads this, thanks for keeping applicants in the loop!
UMASS- Boston sent out a little apology about the email snafu
Kalamazoo has scheduled in person interviews. Any word on Franklin and Marshall?
I got my rejection letter from Oregon yesterday, signed by Val Burris himself. But I shouldn't be surprised. Even though I went to a top ten department (as ranked by US News), it was not highly ranked in terms of centrality within networks of association and social exchange in the discipline (which, we all know, Val has written is what REALLY matters).
re: 6:39
Yeah, I can't wait to find out which departments the Burris-led Oregon SC picked their candidates from. I just haven't decided which I'd enjoy more: the irony of an all-Ivy list or a refreshingly status-blind group of candidates.
For those of you who have been contacted for interviews, were you contacted via email or by phone?
Does anyone know what is going on with the SUNY schools? I applied to SUNY-New Paltz but haven't heard from them. I'm wondering if they too have cancelled their search.
re: 6:52
I was contacted for one interview by email and another by phone.
Anyone hear from CU-Denver, the health one??
I was contacted for an interview by email. We had a follow-up phone call to work out details after I indicated I was still interested in the position.
I was contacted by phone for my one interview...
Does anyone have any news at all about Case Western?
re: 6:52
notified by phone for two interviews
re: cu-denver health
I was sent a rejection email a couple days ago.
good luck!
case western asked for letters
Since SUNY Stony Brook canceled their search, I'm assuming SUNY New Paltz will too...
Of course, I applied to both! Grrr.
Has Haverford actually scheduled interviews? I thought they had, but then there was some confusion about what it meant if there was a school without an X by it on the wiki....
Stanford has scheduled 4 job talks for the open jr position, the first one this week.
guys, don't worry and get anxious. This is kind of early,I went to the market on 2006 and did not get any calls until Thanksgiving week.
I know (from friends) that BU, Northeastern, Georgia State, Marymount Manhattan and Alberta have invited people.
Good luck!
Do most interviews take place BEFORE the end of the semester? I am frantically trying to prepare the Job Talk (but haven't been invited anywhere yet...)
To 6:34pm...
My adviser told me that this process is quite long and will last on into the spring semester. Some of the schools that have had their ads posted for months don't have due dates until December/January. Other schools are still posting ads now, so it would be pretty quick on their part to have interviews before the New Year. Obviously, many good schools are already holding interviews, but it isn't as though the job market is closed at the winter break.
What 7:47 said is true, but also: once a school decides to bring you in, they'll want you to come within a week or two. I would suggest having the talk ready so that you have that little bit of peace of mind when they call.
so has everyone who applied to Oregon and not gotten short listed received a rejection letter? I applied, didn't make it to the short list, but haven't gotten a rejection letter yet...maybe that means I made it to a long short list? :)
(or more likely I'll get the rejection letter sometime later this week).
re Oregon
My letter of failure was dated Oct 31 but I just got it yesterday. With 250-plus (ohmygod!) applications, it is probably taking a while to get them all sent out, especially when you factor in Val Burris's carpal tunnel treatments from having to hand-sign them all.
Does anyone have more information on the Med soc jobs at Memphis or Louisville? They've been up on the wiki, but never with Xs
To follow up on 6:34, is it humanly possible for schools with November deadlines to hold talks before the end of the semester? It seems that deciding on a short list, Thanksgiving, end of semester crunch and trying to schedule interviews would bring us to the holidays, right? I'm trying to buy myself some more dissertation time before having to deal with the possibility of a job talk...
I know that our department (many times in the past five years) has brought in job candidates in early and mid December.
How do people find out that they are on the short list? Is this something that schools call candidates to tell them?
I think it is possible that schools count bring people in before the end of the semester, but it is fairly unlikely. The two times I have gotten an interview their time frame was always 2-3 weeks after the phone call came. That would put you in the week after Thanksgiving at the very earliest.
If a school doesn't end their semester until late in December, its possible that they would bring someone in very early that month. But my non-expert opinion is that they would wait.
You probably already have some idea of what you'll do for your job talk, so transforming whatever existing paper or presentation you use in to a job talk should not be a huge task. The harder part (for me) is figuring out how to talk about where you fit in the field, what your broad contribution is as a sociologist, and where you plan to take your work next. These are things that you probably should spend some time thinking about now; just brainstorm and write some notes to come back to when you get the call.
Best of luck to you!
Memphis has 3 candidates scheduled to interview before Thanksgiving.
Univ of Wyoming is planning on having 3 candidates out before winter break (as yet undetermined after phone interviews last week)...
the wiki says case western made a short is this known? i was just asked for letters early this week
thanks, 10:45!
Thanks, 10:27! Very helpful.
10:27, you wrote, " transforming whatever existing paper or presentation you use in to a job talk should not be a huge task..."
It's my understanding that ABDs definitely should talk about their dissertations or it looks like they don't have enough done on it and won't finish. I was planning to scrap together as much as I can in the few weeks I have before an interview. Thoughts? I could connect the diss with a related article that was just published- but I read elsewhere (scatterplot I think) that presenting something that is already published is not good. More thoughts? Thanks!
Any word on Wisconsin? Who said they would act quickly after the deadline?
Case Western has begun scheduling interviews.
Has anyone heard from Bradley University? Their deadline was October 1. Thanks!
Does anyone know if there is a wiki for Ed school and business school jobs? If you could post the link(s) that would be great. Thanks.
Anyone have any info on Connecticut College? Thanks!
Is there any info on Calvin College?
Anybody know anything about the Irvine immigration search?
here's the news on all teh schools: I AM UNEMPLOYED NEXT YEAR, no health insurance, no income, thanks a lot
To 6:53... I too am waiting (impatiently) on news from CT College. I noticed on the women's studies wiki that they have moved forward with their women's studies position. So the college doesn't seem to be on a hiring freeze, which is at least some good news for us!
To 8:47... get over yourself, almost all of us are in the same boat. Post your bitching and self-pity elsewhere.
Does anyone know when Davis is going to make their offer for the demography position?
some of us have children, so when we lose our insurance, that little statistic you like to crunch goes up, piece of shit sociologist assshole!
Any news on the James Madison positions?
in all seriousness, if you have dependent children and are facing a loss of medical insurance, I encourage you to look in to your state's health insurance program. This is the SCHIP program that Bushie vetoed expanding, and all states have one.
My kids have been on this program throughout my graduate school career; my department does not pay for dependent insurance and it was beyond what I could afford. It is really good insurance and the income guidelines are usually very liberal. Heck, if you are a single parent you could probably still qualify even if you did land a job!
Best of luck to you all!
I applied at James Madison and have not heard anything either.
I'm with you waiting on the Davis demography decision. My understanding is that they were supposed to vote last Friday, so I assume that either things are being held up as they seek approval from the dean, or that we are both out of luck.
Anyone know anything about the San Francisco State job in Human Sexuality? I can't find it on any of the wiki's and would love to know where they are in their process.
The James Madison search does not "officially" begin until November 15th. I'm hoping that means that they'll be contacting folks in the next couple of weeks ...
Best of luck to all of us!
I really hope I get a call from James Madison in the next couple of weeks...
Best of luck!
San Francisco State Dept. of Sexuality Studies did phone interviews but I don't know if they have notified candidates for flyouts yet.
1:00 - me too! please post if you hear something. James Madison is very high on my list of dream jobs.
Anyone know what's going on at Northern Illinois?
The announcement on the university's HR site didn't give a deadline, so I don't know if they're even started yet.
Re: SFSU. That makes me sad (for me) but I'm glad to know the status so thanks for posting that. Congrats to those who got an interview.
any news on sienna or st. josephs
Re: Davis demography. I recommend contacting the chair. You may not hear back (especially if you are the lucky candidate and will be getting more official communication), but at least you can find out where you stand. Good luck.
An offer has been made on the UC Davis Demography job.
That makes it sound like it's a house...think I could make a counter offer? Call them up and say I'll take it for $1000/year less?
Congrats to whoever got the offer. They seem like a great bunch of colleagues to have.
The University of Washington is already scheduling interviews? Bummer, yet another to cross off the list.
Does anyone know how many candidates the University of Washington invited? There is only one X on the wiki.
washington's candidates are listed on their website's departmental calendar. some familiar names if you've been checking other departments' sites
I am similarly interested in any news on Bradley. Also- anyone heard anything about Salem State?
Based on somewhat sketchy information:
U of Miami has made an offer
Purdue has made, or will soon make, an offer.
Can anyone confirm?
Also, best of luck to those who got interviews at U of Washington. I never even got a receipt that they received my application. I would have loved that job...
I'm very curious... has College of Charleston made an offer yet?
raise your hand if are getting thrown out onto the street next year
I heard on NPR that College of Charleston has a hiring freeze, but I can't confirm that applies to this position.
9.25--Yeah. My dept told everyone on the market they have no money for us next year, not even to adjunct. And we're not in a university-rich part of the country. So we're all sweating.
9.25 -
Not yet. I don't have a job lined up but plan to essentially freelance if I don't land a TT position. There are private and non-profit research companies that hire people like us to run their data analysis. I found mine through They email me jobs and I just run the stats. Not glamorous and I probably won't put it on my CV, but it will pay the bills.
Yeah, my funding is officially over, so I'm getting thrown out unless I figure out something (blackmail photos anyone?)
The situation sucks because there are lots of opportunities to adjunct around me but I need the health insurance of a full-time position and can't move (due to family/house issues) for just a one year or temporary position:(
ok, let me start by saying that I too have been extremely stressed by the job market this year (and my school is WELL down the list of ranked schools)... but it is a bit early to start checking into the homeless shelter... only two schools have actually given offers according to the wiki and tons of schools keep posting jobs. Yes the market sucks this year, but if we don't stay somewhat positive then this waiting period is going to be torture. Breath. So much of this is out of our hands at this point.
You're right that new jobs are still coming up. I just checked the Job Bank and saw that Cornell has a posting for Polson Professor of Development Sociology...although if you don't look very closely it appears to be a listing for "Poison Professor". Made me laugh anyway!
And Towson University posted their advertisement on the Chronicle website (I'm guessing it'll be up on ASA soon).
I've been through this job market adventure for three years, with two years doing part-time teaching. And, although I have sole-authored pubs and other things, my pickings now appear to be quite slim. But, keep at it, your (my) luck can change! Having said that, a plan B is not a bad idea (as someone already mentioned). This will certainly be my last year on the market, as I'll be searching for non-academic research work next year.
Has anyone heard from any Canadian universities? I'm particularly interested in Univ. of British Columbia and Univ. of Alberta. Thanks!
Northwestern had an open position in sociology and Middle East. Any news on that one?
Their deadline was way back in September.
Re: Canadian searches
I got a rejection letter from University of British Columbia today, stating they had a short list and were currently interviewing.
I got a UBC rejection letter today at my home address. It said they had 260 applicants, and they have made a short list and are currently scheduling interviews .
way to steal my thunder, 5:43! =)
3.06 here. Thanks for the info on UBC. Now I just have to wait to see if my rejection letter was sent to my departmental address...
Any word on Michigan State? (Chicano/Latino Studies & Soc)
Any word on any of the following:
Guilford College
University of Richmond
Bard College
University of Mary Washington
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