as i predicted in late September, the job market is in terrible shape as very few new ads have gone out and an avalanche of canceled searches confirms that this year's 08-09 search is dismal and 09-10 does not, from current projections, look like it is going to even be as good
Has anyone heard about MIT's two positions: Institute for Work and Employment, and the Strategic Management Group? Both were posted in the ASA Job Bank.
8:49-- I would just e mail the chair. I interviewed for the deviance position there, and was not officially informed that I did not get the job until I inquired.
Can I just say...the same thing happened to me at another university: search was cancelled after the interviews and I was not told until I inquired after the holidays (I interviewed in mid-Oct). I find it a bit disrespectful that SCs don't give interviewees a courtesy call or email when this happens. I mean really!
I agree, all SCs should contact those they actually interviewed by phone or at least email. I was rejected over the phone and it was awkward but I respect them for doing it rather than going with snail mail. There is no need to make us wait even longer for this type of info. There should just be more contact and info sharing between both parties period.
What's going on with Providence College? Did they make two offers or just one? How many people did they bring in for campus interviews? Did one of the positions get cut?
Anyone have a true confirmation on the Mississippi State Crim position? It just showed up in the confirmed hire section and I was wondering how accurate the info is.
Both myself and a friend had fly-out interviews for (separate) jobs that confirmed a hire weeks ago (according the the wiki) but have not yet contacted us to say that we weren't hired.
If there are any SCs reading this, I have to say, that is REALLY tacky! Look, you only flew out three candidates. I did the polite thing and sent an email thanking the department for their hospitality after my visit, now you do the polite thing and email me and the other candidate and say 'hey, thanks for coming, but we decided to offer the position to someone else."
I should also point out that in both cases the departments seemed like total disasters.
Maybe a department's lack of basic courtesy in rejecting candidates is a good sign that they'd be a terrible place to work anyway? Rude treatment during or after a job interview (even if you weren't the top pick candidate or the job is cancelled) probably means you'll be better off in the long term for not having to spend the next few years working with those people.
I agree with you that the situation sucks and it is really tacky not to let the other candidates know anything. However, I have to say that search committees are often not allowed to tell the other candidates anything until a written offer/contract has been signed. It sometimes takes weeks (or even months!) for the written offer to get signed, which is one of the reason for the delays. This is similar to what a lot of candidates do. Most candidates don't pull out of other searches (or tell the SC at other schools anything) when they get the verbal offer, the wait for the written offer to be signed.
That being said, the situation still sucks, and I agree that search committees should make it a priority to tell the other candidates whatever they can.
In my case, I interviewed with two places and after about 5 weeks post-interview I contacted both SC chairs. In both cases, it was clear the offer had gone to someone else. One SC chair left a very nice voice mail that said so and for the other school the SC chair replied with a vague e-mail (not mentioning an offer to someone else but suggested as much). Sure enough, I got the formal rejection letter 2 weeks later. I am guessing both places were waiting until the details of offers were finalized and had I not e-mailed them about updates I might have found out through the wiki or much later in the process.
Unsuccessful applicants may not be told their fate until quite a while after the job was offered to another candidate. The delay is because of all the contingencies which might make that offer unsuccessful and bring the runners-up back into play. The top choice might accept a different offer, or dislike the startup package, or be found to have fraudulent credentials (don't laugh - it has happened!), or other reasons why the first offer isn't the last.
Runnerup candidates should be glad that an SC is so careful because usually we would love to hire the runners-up too, and want to be absolutely certain that there's no chance before we send the dreaded rejection letter.
In perhaps half my searches, we didn't appoint the person to whom we made the first offer, but instead took a runner-up who was still waiting, if impatiently.
A request for European info: Does anyone know anything about Central European University, the Juan March Institute, or Cornell's Department of Policy Analysis and Management? (I know the last one's not European, but I'm curious about it anyway).
Jan 17, 6:10 here. Just to clarify, I completely understand that SCs need to wait until the offer is accepted and perhaps until the paperwork is signed. In fact, I was waiting patiently, hoping to be one of those runners ups. In my situation, my frustration was that the search was cancelled and they did not call or email. When I inquired 2 months after interviewing, the reply was "oh yeah, I should have gotten back to you on that." Yeah, you should have. And if they were unable to give me info, then they wouldn't have given it to me when I inquired. But, truth be told, I have moved on from this by now. I mean job hunting sucks no matter what your profession and the worst part is always the not knowing. But anything SCs are able to do to alleviate that stress when they can, would be much appreciated.
Has the Michigan junior offer been accepted? What about the Cornell or Yale offer? It has been quite a while since the offers were made. I'm guessing someone is holding up the market with multiple offers from these schools. Or maybe the lucky folks simply forgot to update the wiki...
The original Yale offer was not accepted; the person had offers from multiple schools and accepted one of the other offers (although neither of their other offers were from Michigan or Cornell).
I think the Michigan offer went to someone with multiple offers who is still undecided.
City College CUNY--I doubt they are going to look at those applications. I think that repost of the position was an accident and because of budget cuts they aren't even able to make an offer for the position they already interviewed people for.
Be fair--it's really only Yale, Harvard and Princeton that don't have good records on tenure. Penn and Brown both have good soc departments (and great departments if you're a demographer) and almost all of the people who've gone up for tenure recently earned it.
And I think the Yale offer was turned down around two weeks ago. I don't know what's happened since then.
I, too, received the UMass e-mail and applied last year (but not this year). I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who was left wondering. However, the way it was written, I was thinking possibly it was an e-mail for the entire UMass system (i.e., incl. UMass, Boston?). Can anyone clarify?
Funny...I applied at U Mass (Amherst) this year but didn't receive any email. At least I think I didn't. This is all running together at this point. At any rate, I know I don't have a job there, which I guess is the main issue.
Yale is a dumpy department and the worst of the top 3 Ivies (Harvard, Princeton, Yale). They are of course trying to bring in talent (from overseas) but not too many want to be in a dingy 1970s building on the ugly side of campus without the prospect of tenure.
That sucks about CUNY-City College.
UMASS-Amherst--I applied both this and last and got two duplicate emails. UMASS-Boston already was far a long in their process so if you have not heard from them, I am guessing you did not get the job (nor did I for that matter).
I've been disposing of personal assets...does that mean we are in a depression? Too bad all my publications in good journals won't save me from eviction and the education industry loan sharks.
I'd love to be employed by you. But why is the only working paper listed on your faculty web page from 1975?
(Hollingshead, A. B. (1975). “A Four-Factor Index of Social Status [pdf],” Unpublished working paper, Department of Sociology, Yale University, New Haven, CT. )
it doesn't change anything, but i got a rejection letter today that said the applicant pool was the most competitive and qualified that the chair had ever seen in his/her career. that was good to know!
well...if you go Yale as an assistant, just think of it as a five year temp position that pays $80-90k per year and you can commence your real job probably won't get tenure, even if you strictly publish in asr and ajs and write a book or two on cambridge or oxford up
i might sell you on the pizza (its better than ny and they have the original place where hamburgers got invented but they only serve it on toast and no catsup!)
can yall move the yale jokes out to the miscellaneous thread? the majority of us probably didn't apply there so we're not really in on the joke. thanks.
Dude, Yale Soc is like a really, really fat guy who walks around in a "no fat chicks" T-shirt--you know, isn't much to look at himself but acts like every gal he meets isn't quite good enough for him?
The department's in the shitter, but still seems to think every candidate out there is"beneath" them.
yeah, yale's dept. never recovered from the neoconservative backlash of 1992 when the administration threatened to get rid of the dept. (you can dig up the article in newsweek)
yale regularly shits on its sociology dept, here's some info from the YDN:
In sum, a top 3 ivy but a risky dept. to be in as it is despised by the conservatives that cluster around yale (e.g. bush family) and the administration makes sure they feel that animosity
The person who received an offer from Wisconsin turned it down. I don't know what happened next, but they were bringing another candidate out this month.
Re: Providence, two offers were made, and one has been accepted. The other is pending, but very likely to accept. Re: MIT's work and employment relations position, the offer has been made, and will likely be accepted shortly.
3.20 (and others), should we be making statements like 'and will likely be accepted shortly' when the person is still in negotiations ? (unless you are that person)
Both GA State positions were indeed theory -- one was conceived as more 'hard core' -- teaching grad theory-- and the other is undergrad oriented, or so I was told. So are they double dipping or did your friend interview a while ago?
Any word on the Grinnell post-doc or their timeline for the whole process? Also does anyone know if post-doc searches follow the same protocol as tenure-track searches (like bringing out 3 candidates, etc). I have my first post-doc interview coming up and was just wondering how it all works. Thanks!
Grinnell did phone interviews for their post-doc last week. They told me that they were planning to bring out a few people for campus visits in February.
Yale has made two hires this year. Not true that the offers were declined. And with the hires made over the past five years, the department has become a very lively place with multiple workshop series, conferences, good funding, and really good students. So there's nothing funny about Yale. And most of you out there would die for that job.
(No, I'm not a faculty member or a student at Yale. I am an advanced grad student at another ivy which is no where near as good as Yale these days.)
The junior hires that Yale has made over the past few years have been really impressive. For all the issues that people may be ascribing to the senior faculty, it seems like a department that is getting its shit together and will only move up the rankings.
Does anyone know what is going on with SUNY New Paltz? I got a letter saying I was on their short list but that was about it. I'm kind of tired of being on a lot of short lists but not enough interview lists.
yale still can't place its phds into good dept's and won't for a very long time b/c they don't train students very well (it is "common-knowledge" among many senior faculty)
Re: Grinnell College Post Doc - That was the info they told me, too. Do we know how many people they interviewed by phone?
To the person asking about postdoc protocol in general, it seems like many postdocs now are doing phone interviews (or conference interviews, if they can) and then flying out 3 people, just like a job.
I spoke to the Grinnell people and I think they are still going through applications and will be doing phone interviews over the next 2 weeks, so I think they are interviewing a fair amount of people.
I'm wondering about many of the schools that have been in the "made an offer" category on the wiki for a long time but haven't yet moved to the "confirmed a hire." Pomona, Clark, Syracuse, Wesleyan, Bard, and several others have been there for quite some time...
I had my interview with Western Carolina (phone) earlier today..they didn't tell me anything about how the rest of the process was going to go. All I know is that 7 people have phone interviews.
the job is not looking good when the headline from InsideHigherEd is "Brandeis to Sell All of Its Art" and below that is an article entitled, "Fortunes Falling" detailing the massive losses in endowment valuation (thought the next round of data will be even worse for FY 09-10)
I just checked my online application and the status has changed from "Under Review by Hiring Dept" to "Not Selected as Finalist." Finally, some closure.
interestingly enough, for the open position, which was submitted later, my status is "not selected as finalist," while the first position is still listed under review.
Not good new (nor bad, I supposed). The open position is listed as "not selected as finalist," while the strat is still "under review" for me and at least one other person above.
In all honesty the fact that the second position was open so late and finalized so fast leads me to think that it is an spouse hire or something like that for the other one.
I agree that there is something we don't know about the two positions. I also thought at least one of these was an inside hire. That second open position was posted quickly with a small window until review began. Frustrating.
Just checked on the status of my UNC-Charlotte apps and they are both listed as "under review" but I haven't been contacted by them at all. I don't have any inside connections. Not sure what this means. To be honest, I'm surprised that these jobs haven't been cancelled like so many other North Carolina searches.
Bummer about the Idaho job.
This might be slightly off topic, but I'm wondering if yall saw Obama's stimulus plan and it's emphasis on science and the funding of undergrad and graduate grants. I'm wondering if social science is included and whether we can dare to be hopeful about the possibility of more post doc opportunities in the future.
Not sure where exactly this belongs, but: The U of Chicago's society of fellows (Harper-Schmidt teaching postdoc fellowship) asked for more materials (by email), and said they're not deciding who to bring for interviews until March.
re: UNC - the Chapel Hill department was able to get a funding exemption and proceed with their searches. The demography position has been accepted and the Asian studies interviews are ongoing.
yes, one of the UNC-CH positions is externally funded. the state has an official hiring freeze with every state department being told to make 5%-8% cuts across the board. however, any job opening can get filled if the hiring office makes the case that it is an essential position. the process takes 2-3 weeks.
point being, any of the UNC campuses *could* proceed with a hire if they want to, but they are encouraged to put openings on hold when possible.
Ithaca college censors people with critical ideas on Israel. The global position there is replacement for an academic who was censored and let go off without tenure because of her views on Israel/Palestine.
I am preparing for an interview at a private university that focuses on undergraduate education (but has some grad programs). I had a (perhaps silly) question... what does the dean do? I know that they are often (almost always?) the person you negotiate an offer with, and the person that signs of on department decisions for hiring... what else? What other decisions do they make and what other things are in their job description... I just want to be about to ask informed questions...
Perhaps this should go on a different thread (sorry)... this is the one I'm most active on...
Hi, Any news on the methodology position at the U of Michigan-Ann Arbor? I was told by the search committee three weeks ago that they were reviewing applications.
Re: Ithaca. Does anyone know if the cancellation of the search was due to budget cuts or because they didn't like their pool? Either way, that dept seems like it doesn't have it's sh*t together over the past few years...
After serious consideration and a careful evaluation of the current financial situation, the difficult decision has been made to cancel the search at this time.
Anyone know how serious the second phase of the Michigan postdoc search is? Is it really, "you're a finalist" or is it, "you are one of the 90% who has a complete application"? It was hard to interpret the email they sent.
Has anyone heard from Towson? I know their deadline was just Jan 15, but other Jan 15th schools have started responding and I am super excited about Towson.
Manhattanville College is marked as bringing in an in-person interviewee, even though their due date for applications is not until Feb 15. Anyone have any info on this? Is this an inside candidate?
Re: 3:56 / UMich NIH Postdoc - I agree - the finalist notification came a bit too quickly after the application deadline for me to feel like being a finalist meant very much. Then again I have no idea what the # of applicants was, and perhaps the selection committee is very small and efficient... On a separate note, I wish more schools were able to handle applications as efficiently as UMich, e.g. to email us *.pdfs with our application status and dates of submission. That should really be the norm rather than the exception.
Surprised nobody had posted on this yet, but got this email from Tufts on 1.28:
On behalf of the Search Committee, I want to inform you that you are no longer under active consideration for the open Assistant/Associate Professor position in Sociology at Tufts University. We had a very large and extremely impressive applicant pool.
re 2:25 - this is an old argument, but that is only realistic for schools that have received a small number of applications. Think about how overworked your own department secretary is, and then imagine a stack of 250+ applications that hu has to respond to. When I get an update like that, I appreciate the labor that went into sending it.
Re: 8:10 and the work involved in sending applicants information about their status - what was great about how UMich did this is that they entered the data and the .pdfs were automatically generated and emailed to candidates. Even if schools can't bother to do that small amount of data entry on 250+ applications, it seems reasonable to expect some type of email when a decision has been made. (which many, but not all schools provide) I mean, really.
the reality is that i will be waiting on my former students come this time next year, a minimum wage job and a Ph.D. (and many publications), what the hell went wrong???
8:58 - I assume you are being dramatic to make a point. But if not, consider applying for non-academic research jobs. You'll make more than most tt jobs.
Bonus - get a marketing job and you can still sell shit to your former students but get paid serious money for it!
UNC-Charlotte's online system states "Recruitment Canceled" for Strat position. What does this mean since they seem to have moved ahead with the later Open position search?
Got my official rejection letter from Georgetown University yesterday in the mail.
598,000 jobs lost in January! We're gonna need a bigger stimulus package. You think untenured assistants are going to be spared??? Think again, the dean (a friend) at my major R1 in the northeast said cutting (i.e., not renewing) non-tenured TT faculty is an idea that is "being considered" by him and colleagues at similar institutions.
I just heard that the U of Washington position was approved for funding and that they are ready to make an offer. Can anyone else confirm this, or does anyone have more info on it?
Yes, the University of Washington position is back alive now and they have already made an offer to one of the candidates. Congratulations to the person who got it!
A reminder to all the lucky folks who are holding multiple offers and remain undecided (for almost two months, in some cases):
PLEASE remember that there are people who are on the schools' waiting lists and have been anxiously waiting for YOU to make your decision. Even if you are able to ask the schools for extension over and again, would you please be more considerate and do not hold the market forever? It is already a tough year for everyone.
i can confirm that one of the UNC-C positions has been canceled. the second one is iffy but they are going ahead with the search and hoping the funding stays.
2.17 - true that it is harder to find a job now than it was a year ago. but it is not true that no one at all is hiring. two friends of mine recently got non-academic jobs that they found through monster and careerbuilder.
one is a market research job - selling out your integrity to figure out how to get people to buy more venti lattes might not be okay with some folks. but it is a job. the other is working for a university development office doing research. perhaps less offensive to some but still basically getting people to part with money.
my point is, there are a lot of things that a sociology PhD can do if you don't land a TT job. many of those things are not fun and likely won't even rate a mention on your CV if you return to academia in a couple years. but if you cast a very, very wide net and swallow your pride, you will probably find something.
hang in there, everyone. its a really rough time to be on the market.
I can confirm that there are jobs out there in the private sector since I have received offers for market research type jobs. The pay starts in the mid 60s and can go up to 100K or more depending on where you are located. The demands are much different than academic pressures -- obviously -- with more of an 8 to 5 cubicle work environment. I just feel guilty even considering these jobs and disappointed not to be employed within academe...and yet I gotta pay bills. What to do? Any one else struggle with fears of feeling like a sell out?
after all the rejections and armed with a stellar CV and looking my kids in the eyes, i will work for Bill Lumbergh at this point even if it is an unjust situation and I my CV is better than the people in my dept who a famous sociologist "does favors for" (one i even overheard talking in her office about making up interviews in her dissertation) has a job and I don' and I are not sellouts, we just weren't corrupt enough to get a job in academia. There are people who are not half the sociologist you are and they may have jobs but in the end I have faith that fraud will be stamped out in academia and the right people will get in.
You're an ass. I'm the individual who was offered a job two (and a half) months ago. I verbally accepted almost immediately after receiving the offer and have declined interviews since. I've been waiting because the institution that extended the offer is experiencing economic uncertainty and it wasn't clear if I had a job or not.
Do you want to know what these two and a half months have been like for me? Aside from the extreme strain on my family and emotional schizophrenia, I am not getting any writing done. I know it's difficult to be on the market but you shouldn't be so quick to blame job seekers; I doubt anyone wants to prolong an already miserable process.
And next time you should take your accusation to the "I Need to Vent" section.
7:49, I'm really sorry to hear your experience but, for God's sake, in that reminder I did NOT mean people like you who already accepted the offer (verbally or in written form). I was referring to the people who are holding MULTIPLE offers for a long time but still undecided. I know in some cases it has nothing to do with the schools' financial problems. They are the people who are holding up the market for the rest of us, not people like you. I wish you the best for your offer.
By the way, I don't think my original post belongs to the "I need to vent" section. It is definitely about the status of searches. After my interviews I was told by two schools that I'm on their waiting lists and I have been waiting for weeks since then...but the fist-choice candidates are still dragging the process. And I believe I'm not the only one in this situation.
Departments can easily set time limits on how long a candidate has to make a decision. Obviously the department has a vested interest in getting their top choice and if they think a clock might hurt their chances than they'll continue to grant extensions.
I'm not sure it's selfishness on the part of candidates but a reality of having a market with a highly unstandardized time frame (unlike econ or MLA disciplines where at least the annual conferences are used to sort through the long short list). Both candidates and departments want to find the best fit. Good luck with your search, but I think the frustration lies with departmental procedure - not the job seekers.
update: in case you thought we were of the bigwigs whose paper in ASR we've found holes received their phd from a leading sociology dept in palo alto...we are currently collaborating with a MIT faculty member to write-up the critique and submit it to ASR (this will be a nasty blow to a leading org researcher in the weak discipline of sociology)
-soon to no longer be clandestine group of unemployed sociology Ph.Ds
can we remove the feb 9 8:14 post. this has nothing to do with the status of searches and if it belongs anywhere it is the i need to vent section (which clearly this person does). and can i ask (as has been asked numerous times before) that the author of this comment post in the venting section. i don't read the i need to vent section because i don't care about this kind of posturing. i want to know about the status of searches.
As someone posted last week, the search at UW-Washington County was canceled. Candidates were informed by the Dean. Today I received a personal follow-up from the department chair saying that they recognize how much time and effort we applicants had put in to applying and they were really sorry.
It doesn't change anything, but I thought it was a very considerate thing for them to take the time to do. Thanks UW-Washington County for handling an unfortunate situation professionally and kindly. If this is any indication of what their department is like, I know I will apply next year if they get their funding back.
Hey folks, I am wondering if I can ask a question about reimbursement. The school that invited me for a campus interview asked me to buy my own plane ticket and reimburse me later. It's two months after the interview, and they still haven't sent me the check. The secretary does not reply my email either. Is it odd? Any suggestions what I should do? Appreciate your help!
10:21pm, stop dealing with the secretary. Correspond directly with the SC and department chair. Let them know that it has now been two months and, if you used a credit card, you should have them pay interest. Hopefully, you have an email or letter which states that you would get reimbursed. Use it. Shame on those deadbeats.
«Oldest ‹Older 1601 – 1800 of 2083 Newer› Newest»Anyone know if any offer was made at UTEP?
Anyone hear if U of No. Colo. at Greeley has scheduled in-person interviews???
as i predicted in late September, the job market is in terrible shape as very few new ads have gone out and an avalanche of canceled searches confirms that this year's 08-09 search is dismal and 09-10 does not, from current projections, look like it is going to even be as good
Has anyone heard about MIT's two positions: Institute for Work and Employment, and the Strategic Management Group? Both were posted in the ASA Job Bank.
What's up with Northwestern's Communication positions?
I see on the wiki that Guilford College has scheduled at least one in-person interview. Does anyone know when they contacted folks?
Do you mean the Northwestern job in the School of Communication? They've already invited candidates to campus.
Here's the postdocs wiki link again:
I hate to ask about this again, but does anyone know if the Holy Cross methods job has been accepted?
10:15--Yes they have. I know someone who has an interview at U No. Colo.
To the post a few days ago about Cincinnati race job: They have made an offer and are waiting on a decision.
I just noticed Central Washington was on the list of canceled searches. How do we know this? I applied here but was not notified of the change.
8:49-- I would just e mail the chair. I interviewed for the deviance position there, and was not officially informed that I did not get the job until I inquired.
Can I just say...the same thing happened to me at another university: search was cancelled after the interviews and I was not told until I inquired after the holidays (I interviewed in mid-Oct). I find it a bit disrespectful that SCs don't give interviewees a courtesy call or email when this happens. I mean really!
I agree, all SCs should contact those they actually interviewed by phone or at least email. I was rejected over the phone and it was awkward but I respect them for doing it rather than going with snail mail. There is no need to make us wait even longer for this type of info. There should just be more contact and info sharing between both parties period.
An offer was made by UTEP, they are waiting for a response.
Nuffield College began inviting people for interviews this past Saturday.
is there any sense that cincinnati will dip back into their long list for the (race) position if no one accepts?
What's going on with Providence College? Did they make two offers or just one? How many people did they bring in for campus interviews? Did one of the positions get cut?
Anyone have a true confirmation on the Mississippi State Crim position? It just showed up in the confirmed hire section and I was wondering how accurate the info is.
Both myself and a friend had fly-out interviews for (separate) jobs that confirmed a hire weeks ago (according the the wiki) but have not yet contacted us to say that we weren't hired.
If there are any SCs reading this, I have to say, that is REALLY tacky! Look, you only flew out three candidates. I did the polite thing and sent an email thanking the department for their hospitality after my visit, now you do the polite thing and email me and the other candidate and say 'hey, thanks for coming, but we decided to offer the position to someone else."
It ain't that hard, people.
10:06 here again.....
I should also point out that in both cases the departments seemed like total disasters.
Maybe a department's lack of basic courtesy in rejecting candidates is a good sign that they'd be a terrible place to work anyway? Rude treatment during or after a job interview (even if you weren't the top pick candidate or the job is cancelled) probably means you'll be better off in the long term for not having to spend the next few years working with those people.
Re: 10:06
I agree with you that the situation sucks and it is really tacky not to let the other candidates know anything. However, I have to say that search committees are often not allowed to tell the other candidates anything until a written offer/contract has been signed. It sometimes takes weeks (or even months!) for the written offer to get signed, which is one of the reason for the delays. This is similar to what a lot of candidates do. Most candidates don't pull out of other searches (or tell the SC at other schools anything) when they get the verbal offer, the wait for the written offer to be signed.
That being said, the situation still sucks, and I agree that search committees should make it a priority to tell the other candidates whatever they can.
MS State made an offer for the crim position, and I'm fairly sure it has been accepted.
In my case, I interviewed with two places and after about 5 weeks post-interview I contacted both SC chairs. In both cases, it was clear the offer had gone to someone else. One SC chair left a very nice voice mail that said so and for the other school the SC chair replied with a vague e-mail (not mentioning an offer to someone else but suggested as much). Sure enough, I got the formal rejection letter 2 weeks later. I am guessing both places were waiting until the details of offers were finalized and had I not e-mailed them about updates I might have found out through the wiki or much later in the process.
4:58 - Where are you getting your info? Do you know someone that got the offer or does it come from the SC or is it truly rumor?
Unsuccessful applicants may not be told their fate until quite a while after the job was offered to another candidate. The delay is because of all the contingencies which might make that offer unsuccessful and bring the runners-up back into play. The top choice might accept a different offer, or dislike the startup package, or be found to have fraudulent credentials (don't laugh - it has happened!), or other reasons why the first offer isn't the last.
Runnerup candidates should be glad that an SC is so careful because usually we would love to hire the runners-up too, and want to be absolutely certain that there's no chance before we send the dreaded rejection letter.
In perhaps half my searches, we didn't appoint the person to whom we made the first offer, but instead took a runner-up who was still waiting, if impatiently.
A request for European info: Does anyone know anything about Central European University, the Juan March Institute, or Cornell's Department of Policy Analysis and Management? (I know the last one's not European, but I'm curious about it anyway).
I also applied at CEU and have heard nothing...I am just assuming they have moved on.
Jan 17, 6:10 here. Just to clarify, I completely understand that SCs need to wait until the offer is accepted and perhaps until the paperwork is signed. In fact, I was waiting patiently, hoping to be one of those runners ups. In my situation, my frustration was that the search was cancelled and they did not call or email. When I inquired 2 months after interviewing, the reply was "oh yeah, I should have gotten back to you on that." Yeah, you should have. And if they were unable to give me info, then they wouldn't have given it to me when I inquired.
But, truth be told, I have moved on from this by now. I mean job hunting sucks no matter what your profession and the worst part is always the not knowing. But anything SCs are able to do to alleviate that stress when they can, would be much appreciated.
Does anyone know anything about the Tulane soc position? They had a Dec. 1 deadline, and I haven't seen anything on it.
Has the Michigan junior offer been accepted? What about the Cornell or Yale offer? It has been quite a while since the offers were made. I'm guessing someone is holding up the market with multiple offers from these schools. Or maybe the lucky folks simply forgot to update the wiki...
has cuny city college done moved on those apps from the 12/26 deadline?
re: 7:58am
Tulane is still interviewing for both of their positions. They invited three candidates for each and expect to make decisions by the end of the month.
anyone have any info on Eastern Washington University?
The University of Wisconsin Colleges (multiple campuses) have a short list and are contacting people on the list.
anyone have info on Towson?
The original Yale offer was not accepted; the person had offers from multiple schools and accepted one of the other offers (although neither of their other offers were from Michigan or Cornell).
I think the Michigan offer went to someone with multiple offers who is still undecided.
City College CUNY--I doubt they are going to look at those applications. I think that repost of the position was an accident and because of budget cuts they aren't even able to make an offer for the position they already interviewed people for.
11:04: Do you happen to know how long ago it was that the first Yale offer was officially declined?
Yale...ha ha! Not quite the desired department that they like to think they are, eh?
Yale, definitely not.... New Haven is a depressed, lackluster town in a boring state, and like other Ivies, Yale doesn't hire to tenure.
Be fair--it's really only Yale, Harvard and Princeton that don't have good records on tenure. Penn and Brown both have good soc departments (and great departments if you're a demographer) and almost all of the people who've gone up for tenure recently earned it.
And I think the Yale offer was turned down around two weeks ago. I don't know what's happened since then.
Just received a nicely worded email that U Mass has completed its search (only able to hire one candidate because of job cuts).
They must have my email on file from last year, because I didn't apply for the job this year...
Has anyone heard anything from St. Cloud? If not I'll go ahead and email the SC and ask whats going on.
I, too, received the UMass e-mail and applied last year (but not this year). I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who was left wondering. However, the way it was written, I was thinking possibly it was an e-mail for the entire UMass system (i.e., incl. UMass, Boston?). Can anyone clarify?
Funny...I applied at U Mass (Amherst) this year but didn't receive any email. At least I think I didn't. This is all running together at this point. At any rate, I know I don't have a job there, which I guess is the main issue.
Yale is a dumpy department and the worst of the top 3 Ivies (Harvard, Princeton, Yale). They are of course trying to bring in talent (from overseas) but not too many want to be in a dingy 1970s building on the ugly side of campus without the prospect of tenure.
That sucks about CUNY-City College.
UMASS-Amherst--I applied both this and last and got two duplicate emails. UMASS-Boston already was far a long in their process so if you have not heard from them, I am guessing you did not get the job (nor did I for that matter).
I've been disposing of personal assets...does that mean we are in a depression? Too bad all my publications in good journals won't save me from eviction and the education industry loan sharks.
Anyone have insight into Georgia State's searches?
Dear Yale:
I'd love to be employed by you. But why is the only working paper listed on your faculty web page from 1975?
(Hollingshead, A. B. (1975). “A Four-Factor Index of Social Status [pdf],” Unpublished working paper, Department of Sociology, Yale University, New Haven, CT. )
five years before i was born
it doesn't change anything, but i got a rejection letter today that said the applicant pool was the most competitive and qualified that the chair had ever seen in his/her career. that was good to know!
well...if you go Yale as an assistant, just think of it as a five year temp position that pays $80-90k per year and you can commence your real job probably won't get tenure, even if you strictly publish in asr and ajs and write a book or two on cambridge or oxford up
i might sell you on the pizza (its better than ny and they have the original place where hamburgers got invented but they only serve it on toast and no catsup!)
the Yale Journal of Sociology, LOL!
can yall move the yale jokes out to the miscellaneous thread? the majority of us probably didn't apply there so we're not really in on the joke. thanks.
Dude, Yale Soc is like a really, really fat guy who walks around in a "no fat chicks" T-shirt--you know, isn't much to look at himself but acts like every gal he meets isn't quite good enough for him?
The department's in the shitter, but still seems to think every candidate out there is"beneath" them.
Has the Wisconsin-Madison offer been accepted?
yeah, yale's dept. never recovered from the neoconservative backlash of 1992 when the administration threatened to get rid of the dept. (you can dig up the article in newsweek)
yale regularly shits on its sociology dept, here's some info from the YDN:
In sum, a top 3 ivy but a risky dept. to be in as it is despised by the conservatives that cluster around yale (e.g. bush family) and the administration makes sure they feel that animosity
The person who received an offer from Wisconsin turned it down. I don't know what happened next, but they were bringing another candidate out this month.
Re: Providence, two offers were made, and one has been accepted. The other is pending, but very likely to accept. Re: MIT's work and employment relations position, the offer has been made, and will likely be accepted shortly.
Georgia State made an offer to someone for the theory position, and they accepted...
3.20 (and others), should we be making statements like 'and will likely be accepted shortly' when the person is still in negotiations ? (unless you are that person)
That is odd about Georgia State Univ. I know someone who was just asked to interview there for the theory position. Were there 2 searches for theory?
Both GA State positions were indeed theory -- one was conceived as more 'hard core' -- teaching grad theory-- and the other is undergrad oriented, or so I was told. So are they double dipping or did your friend interview a while ago?
Any word on the Grinnell post-doc or their timeline for the whole process? Also does anyone know if post-doc searches follow the same protocol as tenure-track searches (like bringing out 3 candidates, etc). I have my first post-doc interview coming up and was just wondering how it all works. Thanks!
Grinnell did phone interviews for their post-doc last week. They told me that they were planning to bring out a few people for campus visits in February.
Yale has made two hires this year. Not true that the offers were declined. And with the hires made over the past five years, the department has become a very lively place with multiple workshop series, conferences, good funding, and really good students. So there's nothing funny about Yale. And most of you out there would die for that job.
(No, I'm not a faculty member or a student at Yale. I am an advanced grad student at another ivy which is no where near as good as Yale these days.)
There was (at least) one offer from Yale declined this year; just because multiple offers were accepted doesn't mean that ALL offers were accepted.
yale sociology still sucks, sorry "ivy league" poster
The junior hires that Yale has made over the past few years have been really impressive. For all the issues that people may be ascribing to the senior faculty, it seems like a department that is getting its shit together and will only move up the rankings.
Does anyone know what is going on with SUNY New Paltz? I got a letter saying I was on their short list but that was about it. I'm kind of tired of being on a lot of short lists but not enough interview lists.
Any news on the UNC-Charlotte searches?
yale still can't place its phds into good dept's and won't for a very long time b/c they don't train students very well (it is "common-knowledge" among many senior faculty)
SUNY-New Paltz has interviews happening over the next few weeks.
Re: Grinnell College Post Doc - That was the info they told me, too. Do we know how many people they interviewed by phone?
To the person asking about postdoc protocol in general, it seems like many postdocs now are doing phone interviews (or conference interviews, if they can) and then flying out 3 people, just like a job.
SUNY new paltz has invited 3 people in for interviews, which will happen in february.
I spoke to the Grinnell people and I think they are still going through applications and will be doing phone interviews over the next 2 weeks, so I think they are interviewing a fair amount of people.
I'm wondering about many of the schools that have been in the "made an offer" category on the wiki for a long time but haven't yet moved to the "confirmed a hire." Pomona, Clark, Syracuse, Wesleyan, Bard, and several others have been there for quite some time...
Did anyone who went through a phone interview with Western Carolina hear when they were calling the final candidates?
I had my interview with Western Carolina (phone) earlier today..they didn't tell me anything about how the rest of the process was going to go. All I know is that 7 people have phone interviews.
Portland State is still working on their short list.
When is Portland State expected to have their shortlist?
i have a better CV than the one person in my dept who got a job and i can't get an interview...WTF!
the job is not looking good when the headline from InsideHigherEd is "Brandeis to Sell All of Its Art" and below that is an article entitled, "Fortunes Falling" detailing the massive losses in endowment valuation (thought the next round of data will be even worse for FY 09-10)
re: UNC-Charlotte Open Position
I just checked my online application and the status has changed from "Under Review by Hiring Dept" to "Not Selected as Finalist." Finally, some closure.
interestingly enough, for the open position, which was submitted later, my status is "not selected as finalist," while the first position is still listed under review.
3:48, I'm in the same boat re:UNC-Charlotte
The University of Mississippi is scheduling phone interviews.
Has anybody heard anything from St. Cloud State?
The 1st Clark offer was turned down. I wonder if they made anotehr offer.
Angelo State is under made an offer but they are still contacting people. So maybe their first offer was turned down.
the first offer from Angelo State was turned down in November.
I don't know what they have done since then, but it is a really wonderful department and whomever gets the next offer is a very lucky person.
someone posted a while back that they personally knew the person who accepted the Clark offer.
my app. with UNC-C is listed as "Under Review by Hiring Department". this is the strat position. could that be good news for me???
I know that a second offer from Angelo State was turned down in January.
I agree with the previous poster - it's a great school and a great position.
Not good new (nor bad, I supposed). The open position is listed as "not selected as finalist," while the strat is still "under review" for me and at least one other person above.
In all honesty the fact that the second position was open so late and finalized so fast leads me to think that it is an spouse hire or something like that for the other one.
I just checked my application status on U of Idaho's HR page and the announcement for a tt in soc/anthro is now listed as canceled.
re: UNC-Charlotte
I agree that there is something we don't know about the two positions. I also thought at least one of these was an inside hire. That second open position was posted quickly with a small window until review began. Frustrating.
Anyone hear about the Cornell Policy opening?
Just checked on the status of my UNC-Charlotte apps and they are both listed as "under review" but I haven't been contacted by them at all. I don't have any inside connections. Not sure what this means. To be honest, I'm surprised that these jobs haven't been cancelled like so many other North Carolina searches.
Bummer about the Idaho job.
This might be slightly off topic, but I'm wondering if yall saw Obama's stimulus plan and it's emphasis on science and the funding of undergrad and graduate grants. I'm wondering if social science is included and whether we can dare to be hopeful about the possibility of more post doc opportunities in the future.
Does anyone have info on Westfield State?
Not sure where exactly this belongs, but:
The U of Chicago's society of fellows (Harper-Schmidt teaching postdoc fellowship) asked for more materials (by email), and said they're not deciding who to bring for interviews until March.
re: UNC - the Chapel Hill department was able to get a funding exemption and proceed with their searches. The demography position has been accepted and the Asian studies interviews are ongoing.
Yes, but I hear that at least one of those UNC Chapel Hill jobs is externally funded. The state of NC is preparing for 5% budget cuts.
yes, one of the UNC-CH positions is externally funded. the state has an official hiring freeze with every state department being told to make 5%-8% cuts across the board. however, any job opening can get filled if the hiring office makes the case that it is an essential position. the process takes 2-3 weeks.
point being, any of the UNC campuses *could* proceed with a hire if they want to, but they are encouraged to put openings on hold when possible.
Has anyone heard from Manhattanville University? They had a December 1 deadline. Thanks!
What's the word on UTEP? Did the offer get accepted?
anyone heard from CUNY CITY COLLEGE on the quant-focused position?
any information on CUNY Staten Island?
wiki says CUNY City College made an offer....
The UTEP offer was declined. It was then offered to a second candidate who also declined it.
Anyone know what ever happened to the University of Richmond?
Did App State reopen the search? Has anyone been contacted after the new deadline?
Oh, c'mon.
CUNY state island's deadline was 5 days ago.
wait a bit before you ask about it.
University of Richmond has made two hires, it was just added to the wiki.
Appalachian State a has a new deadline?
Appalachian State doesn't have a new deadline -- they're in the middle of bringing three candidates in for in-person interviews right now ...
Anyone know what is going on with central CT state or southern CT state?
does that mean that UTEP is going to reach back into the candidate pool?
just wanted to know if CUNY staten island was not funded as that may have happened to other schools in teh system
UTEP contacted me the morning of Jan. 27 to find out whether I was still available. They are dipping back into the pool.
I suppose that Georgia State is trying to fill a different theory position.
Anyone know anything at all about Portland State? Any official short list notices?
any info on wayne state?
Is there a deadline for the Wayne State position? I didn't see one. It seems like the ad has only been posted for a couple weeks (since 1/16).
UW-Washington County just canceled their search due to the economic crisis.
Damn, and my phone interview with them actually went well!!
any info on tulane's latin american studies position?
Tulane (Latin America/Soc):
They've made an offer, which is about to be accepted.
news on ithaca?
Ithaca college censors people with critical ideas on Israel. The global position there is replacement for an academic who was censored and let go off without tenure because of her views on Israel/Palestine.
I am preparing for an interview at a private university that focuses on undergraduate education (but has some grad programs). I had a (perhaps silly) question... what does the dean do? I know that they are often (almost always?) the person you negotiate an offer with, and the person that signs of on department decisions for hiring... what else? What other decisions do they make and what other things are in their job description... I just want to be about to ask informed questions...
Perhaps this should go on a different thread (sorry)... this is the one I'm most active on...
Any news on the methodology position at the U of Michigan-Ann Arbor? I was told by the search committee three weeks ago that they were reviewing applications.
Any word on RWJ programs?
Just received an email from Ithaca. They, too, have canceled their search.
I got an email from Ithaca as well, canceling the search
Darn, you beat me to the Ithaca news.
Postdoc news: Michigan's pop center has selected finalists for their NIH-funded postdocs.
And re: RWJ, finalists have until Feb 6th to rank the places they've interviewed. Final decisions should be made by the end of Feb.
Re: Ithaca. Does anyone know if the cancellation of the search was due to budget cuts or because they didn't like their pool? Either way, that dept seems like it doesn't have it's sh*t together over the past few years...
Ithaca wrote:
After serious consideration and a careful evaluation of the current financial situation, the difficult decision has been made to cancel the search at this time.
i heard two schools in the southeast may cancel offers across disciplines
Westfield State College scheduled phone interviews. They took place last week.
Anyone know how serious the second phase of the Michigan postdoc search is? Is it really, "you're a finalist" or is it, "you are one of the 90% who has a complete application"? It was hard to interpret the email they sent.
2:14 -- any news on which two schools in the southeast?
Anyone know if the University of North Texas or Arkansas State offers were accepted?
Has anyone heard from Towson? I know their deadline was just Jan 15, but other Jan 15th schools have started responding and I am super excited about Towson.
re: 8:01
North Texas's first offer was rejected. Don't know if second offer was made and whether it was accepted.
Does anybody know what is happening with the U. of Mary Washington?
How about St. Cloud?
The Arkansas State offer was accepted.
St. Cloud State has started bringing people in for interviews
Manhattanville College is marked as bringing in an in-person interviewee, even though their due date for applications is not until Feb 15. Anyone have any info on this? Is this an inside candidate?
Any news on:
Salem State College
Greensboro College
Coastal Carolina University
Jacksonville University
WTF, Manhattanville! That posting has been up for a while!
The original ad I had for Manhattanville was a December 1 maybe they just re-posted recently?
Towson is still reviewing the applications but hope to have a short list soon.
Re: 3:56 / UMich NIH Postdoc - I agree - the finalist notification came a bit too quickly after the application deadline for me to feel like being a finalist meant very much. Then again I have no idea what the # of applicants was, and perhaps the selection committee is very small and efficient...
On a separate note, I wish more schools were able to handle applications as efficiently as UMich, e.g. to email us *.pdfs with our application status and dates of submission. That should really be the norm rather than the exception.
Surprised nobody had posted on this yet, but got this email from Tufts on 1.28:
On behalf of the Search Committee, I want to inform you that you are no longer under active consideration for the open Assistant/Associate Professor position in Sociology at Tufts University. We had a very large and extremely impressive applicant pool.
Any news on the U of New Mexico joint position with sociology and CASAA? Have any sociologists made it to their short list?
re 2:25 - this is an old argument, but that is only realistic for schools that have received a small number of applications. Think about how overworked your own department secretary is, and then imagine a stack of 250+ applications that hu has to respond to. When I get an update like that, I appreciate the labor that went into sending it.
Has anyone heard a positive word on Tufts? Where are they in their process?
Re: Tufts
Tufts has already started interviewing candidates.
you will be hearing from my lawyer if you swine are preparing not to hire me (you know who you are)
Re: 8:10 and the work involved in sending applicants information about their status - what was great about how UMich did this is that they entered the data and the .pdfs were automatically generated and emailed to candidates. Even if schools can't bother to do that small amount of data entry on 250+ applications, it seems reasonable to expect some type of email when a decision has been made. (which many, but not all schools provide) I mean, really.
the reality is that i will be waiting on my former students come this time next year, a minimum wage job and a Ph.D. (and many publications), what the hell went wrong???
8:58 - I assume you are being dramatic to make a point. But if not, consider applying for non-academic research jobs. You'll make more than most tt jobs.
Bonus - get a marketing job and you can still sell shit to your former students but get paid serious money for it!
Just talked to the SC at Central CT State and was told it would be a couple of weeks before they contact anyone. Still working on the shortlist.
Rice is scheduling phone interviews for their postdoc position.
UNC-Charlotte's online system states "Recruitment Canceled" for Strat position. What does this mean since they seem to have moved ahead with the later Open position search?
Got my official rejection letter from Georgetown University yesterday in the mail.
Does anyone know what is going on with Syracuse? They've been in the "made an offer" category for a long time. Was the offer accepted?
i'm ready to kill myself
Does anyone know if UT-Arlington made an offer?
does Rice scheduling interviews mean they contacted interviewees?
I would hope so. It would suck if they scheduled an interview and didnt tell the interviewee about it.
11:24: why don't you have a few drinks and then drive home, OK pal?
Did Tulane rescind their offer?
Why would Tulane have rescinded their offer?
re: Tulane -- they are having budget issues and there is a memo circulating around about cuts to their "non-essential" programs
I've heard that the Latin Amer. Studies job hire at Tulane is going forward anyway.
uh, there are no marketing jobs left, NO ONE IS HIRING
598,000 jobs lost in January! We're gonna need a bigger stimulus package. You think untenured assistants are going to be spared??? Think again, the dean (a friend) at my major R1 in the northeast said cutting (i.e., not renewing) non-tenured TT faculty is an idea that is "being considered" by him and colleagues at similar institutions.
I just heard that the U of Washington position was approved for funding and that they are ready to make an offer. Can anyone else confirm this, or does anyone have more info on it?
Yes, the University of Washington position is back alive now and they have already made an offer to one of the candidates. Congratulations to the person who got it!
A reminder to all the lucky folks who are holding multiple offers and remain undecided (for almost two months, in some cases):
PLEASE remember that there are people who are on the schools' waiting lists and have been anxiously waiting for YOU to make your decision. Even if you are able to ask the schools for extension over and again, would you please be more considerate and do not hold the market forever? It is already a tough year for everyone.
i can confirm that one of the UNC-C positions has been canceled. the second one is iffy but they are going ahead with the search and hoping the funding stays.
2.17 - true that it is harder to find a job now than it was a year ago. but it is not true that no one at all is hiring. two friends of mine recently got non-academic jobs that they found through monster and careerbuilder.
one is a market research job - selling out your integrity to figure out how to get people to buy more venti lattes might not be okay with some folks. but it is a job. the other is working for a university development office doing research. perhaps less offensive to some but still basically getting people to part with money.
my point is, there are a lot of things that a sociology PhD can do if you don't land a TT job. many of those things are not fun and likely won't even rate a mention on your CV if you return to academia in a couple years. but if you cast a very, very wide net and swallow your pride, you will probably find something.
hang in there, everyone. its a really rough time to be on the market.
I can confirm that there are jobs out there in the private sector since I have received offers for market research type jobs. The pay starts in the mid 60s and can go up to 100K or more depending on where you are located. The demands are much different than academic pressures -- obviously -- with more of an 8 to 5 cubicle work environment. I just feel guilty even considering these jobs and disappointed not to be employed within academe...and yet I gotta pay bills. What to do? Any one else struggle with fears of feeling like a sell out?
after all the rejections and armed with a stellar CV and looking my kids in the eyes, i will work for Bill Lumbergh at this point even if it is an unjust situation and I my CV is better than the people in my dept who a famous sociologist "does favors for" (one i even overheard talking in her office about making up interviews in her dissertation) has a job and I don' and I are not sellouts, we just weren't corrupt enough to get a job in academia. There are people who are not half the sociologist you are and they may have jobs but in the end I have faith that fraud will be stamped out in academia and the right people will get in.
I just got a rejection letter from University of Texas San Antonio saying they have filled the position.
It was a nice letter, but I just thought it was funny since their deadline was August 31. I had already figured out I didn't get the job. :)
To February 7, 2009 8:02 AM
You're an ass. I'm the individual who was offered a job two (and a half) months ago. I verbally accepted almost immediately after receiving the offer and have declined interviews since. I've been waiting because the institution that extended the offer is experiencing economic uncertainty and it wasn't clear if I had a job or not.
Do you want to know what these two and a half months have been like for me? Aside from the extreme strain on my family and emotional schizophrenia, I am not getting any writing done. I know it's difficult to be on the market but you shouldn't be so quick to blame job seekers; I doubt anyone wants to prolong an already miserable process.
And next time you should take your accusation to the "I Need to Vent" section.
8:02 here.
7:49, I'm really sorry to hear your experience but, for God's sake, in that reminder I did NOT mean people like you who already accepted the offer (verbally or in written form). I was referring to the people who are holding MULTIPLE offers for a long time but still undecided. I know in some cases it has nothing to do with the schools' financial problems. They are the people who are holding up the market for the rest of us, not people like you. I wish you the best for your offer.
By the way, I don't think my original post belongs to the "I need to vent" section. It is definitely about the status of searches. After my interviews I was told by two schools that I'm on their waiting lists and I have been waiting for weeks since then...but the fist-choice candidates are still dragging the process. And I believe I'm not the only one in this situation.
Departments can easily set time limits on how long a candidate has to make a decision. Obviously the department has a vested interest in getting their top choice and if they think a clock might hurt their chances than they'll continue to grant extensions.
I'm not sure it's selfishness on the part of candidates but a reality of having a market with a highly unstandardized time frame (unlike econ or MLA disciplines where at least the annual conferences are used to sort through the long short list). Both candidates and departments want to find the best fit. Good luck with your search, but I think the frustration lies with departmental procedure - not the job seekers.
Does anyone know anything about the status of the search for a VAP at UC Irvine?
update: in case you thought we were of the bigwigs whose paper in ASR we've found holes received their phd from a leading sociology dept in palo alto...we are currently collaborating with a MIT faculty member to write-up the critique and submit it to ASR (this will be a nasty blow to a leading org researcher in the weak discipline of sociology)
-soon to no longer be clandestine group of unemployed sociology Ph.Ds
re: 4:57
The review of apps is going to be starting shortly.
Re: 11:01. Any idea how many apps there are for the UC Irvine position?
can we remove the feb 9 8:14 post. this has nothing to do with the status of searches and if it belongs anywhere it is the i need to vent section (which clearly this person does). and can i ask (as has been asked numerous times before) that the author of this comment post in the venting section. i don't read the i need to vent section because i don't care about this kind of posturing. i want to know about the status of searches.
Re: 11:58
As someone posted last week, the search at UW-Washington County was canceled. Candidates were informed by the Dean. Today I received a personal follow-up from the department chair saying that they recognize how much time and effort we applicants had put in to applying and they were really sorry.
It doesn't change anything, but I thought it was a very considerate thing for them to take the time to do. Thanks UW-Washington County for handling an unfortunate situation professionally and kindly. If this is any indication of what their department is like, I know I will apply next year if they get their funding back.
St. Cloud sent out rejections.
Hey folks, I am wondering if I can ask a question about reimbursement. The school that invited me for a campus interview asked me to buy my own plane ticket and reimburse me later. It's two months after the interview, and they still haven't sent me the check. The secretary does not reply my email either. Is it odd? Any suggestions what I should do? Appreciate your help!
10:21pm, stop dealing with the secretary. Correspond directly with the SC and department chair. Let them know that it has now been two months and, if you used a credit card, you should have them pay interest. Hopefully, you have an email or letter which states that you would get reimbursed. Use it. Shame on those deadbeats.
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